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Old 10-16-2008, 12:43 PM   #61
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You actully handle a spider? I'm dead afraid of those, I'll NEVER touch one.

Peace and Love: J.M Manucy aka iluvBlooQKazoo
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Old 10-16-2008, 01:25 PM   #62
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Tarantula's really aren't that bad. I'll tell the truth, I was dead afraid to even touch her. But after holding her, she didnt even feel like a spider. More like a fuzzy little...something, I don't know.
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Old 10-16-2008, 02:05 PM   #63
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Oh man - I was going through my kitchen cupboard today and I discovered that a couple of spiders had taken up residence in this packet of curly straws for god knows how long. I think one of them may have been dead - it was kind of hard to decipher whether it was actually moving or just being knocked around my movement of the straws when I picked up the packet. After I'd emptied the spiders outside, I kind of had to get rid of the straws, though this had less to do with the spiders than it did the fact that they appeared to be going mouldy anyway. Something tells me that they hadn't been properly washed in a long time.

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Old 10-16-2008, 04:09 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by iluvBlooQKazoo View Post
You actully handle a spider? I'm dead afraid of those, I'll NEVER touch one.

Peace and Love: J.M Manucy aka iluvBlooQKazoo
I handle both tarantulas and "true" spiders on a regular basis. I've got a greater risk of being mauled by one of my house cats than being seriously injured by one of my spiders. Even Black Widows are not aggressive, and yes, I've got several of those, too. It's when people put the spider in a situation, often unknowingly, where the animal has to bite to avoid being squashed, that people wind up being envenomated, but few spiders are capable of really causing a serious reaction, anyway.

Tarantulas are very soft and furry. They don't feel like any other furry, aka mammalian, animal, though, but more like a stuffed plush toy. Other spiders can feel pretty neat, too; Golden Argiopes feel like velvet.

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Old 10-16-2008, 05:14 PM   #65
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I'll still never touch a spider of any kind even if you try to pay me, I still won't, but you know thats just me, I'm actully afraid of more then one thing. Like, for instants, the dark, I've no clue what's in it and I don't EVER want to know.

Peace and Love: J.M Manucy aka iluvBlooQKazoo

Last edited by iluvBlooQKazoo; 10-16-2008 at 05:27 PM.
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Old 10-17-2008, 04:52 PM   #66
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Tarantulas are really cute. I loved holding the one I posted a few pages ago; it was like velvet, but it had some weight, too - I'm still afraid of Black Widows and those long-legged thingies, though I have no idea why about the latter.

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Old 10-17-2008, 05:12 PM   #67
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But thats you, you can handle spiders, well tarantulas. I can't I'm scared it'll bite me or something, I won't even handle a snake I'll pet them though but it creeps me out. My older brother has one in a fish tank (a snake).

Peace and Love: J.M Manucy aka iluvBlooQKazoo
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Old 10-18-2008, 02:14 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by iluvBlooQKazoo View Post
But thats you, you can handle spiders, well tarantulas. I can't I'm scared it'll bite me or something, I won't even handle a snake I'll pet them though but it creeps me out. My older brother has one in a fish tank (a snake).

Peace and Love: J.M Manucy aka iluvBlooQKazoo
Spider USED to creep me out, too, but I was determined not to let a fear get the better of me. I could not justify defending snakes against the many wives' tales and myths and outright stupid reasons people were afraid of THEM, when I myself was falling victim to the same sort of idiocy when it came to spiders, nor could I mentally justify trying to convince people that all Pit Bull-type dogs weren't the demonic, savage unpredictable killers so many had been taught they were, if I believed that about a little spider. I met my fears head-on, by accepting a free Rose-haired tarantula that a fellow teacher offered me, several years ago, after her son got married and moved out, leaving his former pet behind. I also got myself a digital camera, and I started taking pictures, not just of that spider, but of spiders outside and inside the house. I started observing them closely, and trying to find out more about them. I got more tarantulas...and more tarantulas...and more. Fear turned into fascination, which turned into some sort of affection, as I realized that 99% of what I'd thought I "knew" about spiders was bull-droppings! I realized that even the ones which WERE capable of seriously injuring or even killing me, which are very, very few and far between, had no desire at all to do so, since they could not EAT me. I knew that having a great fear of something that for the most part cannot harm me at all was pointless and waste of time and emotional energy, and as someone who is getting "up there" in years, I certainly did not want to waste what time I had left being all stressed out and scared of something that could not harm me, not when there are sure plenty of really scary things out there which CAN. I'd strongly recommend anyone do the same, before a fear becomes a true phobia-a mental illness which can severely cripple a person, emotionally and even physically, putting themselves and others around them in far greater danger than the actual subject of the phobia itself ever could.

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Old 10-19-2008, 04:15 PM   #69
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Yeah, I get what your going at but I can't get over it that easyly though, I don't mind fake ones or ones that are dead its just the way they move that freaks me out. I did kill four of them last night while cleaning my room, but it kinda scared me, I had a bad exsperince when I was younger.

Peace and Love: J.M Manucy aka iluvBlooQKazoo
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