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Old 05-08-2008, 01:04 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by cartman414 View Post
They could've just let Herriman know what happened. I mean, even though Bloo screwed around, he didn't antagonize the others on purpose, so what you're suggesting is uber-Hammurabian.

Basically speaking, Bloo getting punished for his shenanigans was one thing, but him also getting punished for the prank that was played against him was uncalled for. Then again, I've practically never been a fan of things that end up in the victim getting blamed for the crime.
Which unfortunately does happen often. Some of the situations are beyond appalling, but no need to cover those things here. Either way, Bloo got the short end of the stick and it wasn't fun to watch.

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Old 05-08-2008, 07:08 PM   #62
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Consider it delayed punishment for Squeakerboxxx.
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Old 05-08-2008, 08:03 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Ridureyu View Post
Consider it delayed punishment for Squeakerboxxx.
He already got his in the end of that episode though.
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Old 05-13-2008, 08:53 PM   #64
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Yay, finally got to see this episode.

It was another solid outing which did it's job entertainment wise (as in it kept me entertained for the whole twenty two minuets), but to be honest it kind of lacked that extra bit of pizazz that would have turned this episode from good to great.

I dunno maybe things could have better if the central story (IE the prank war) got to the point where more and more characters get caught in the crossfire and things really start to escalate to the point where the entire house gets involved and the pranks get super elaborate, And we get to see things like double and triple crosses amongst the characters to really build the suspense.

I can't say if that would have been better then what we got (IE Bloo tries a prank, beaten to the punch, rinse lather repeat.) but it could have had more oomph.

That is to say this episode didn't have it's great moments, which it did, the biggest laughs I got was from Eduardo's drawing (Ed = Sad, Bloo = Loco) and Wilt's criminal mastermind level smile at the end.

So all in all, it was enjoyable but could have been much more then what it was.
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Last edited by taranchula; 05-13-2008 at 08:56 PM.
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Old 05-16-2008, 08:21 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
That is to say this episode didn't have it's great moments, which it did, the biggest laughs I got was from Eduardo's drawing (Ed = Sad, Bloo = Loco) and Wilt's criminal mastermind level smile at the end.
Ditto on both. Ed's drawing was definitely my favorite moment in the episode.

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Old 05-18-2008, 11:31 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
Wilt's criminal mastermind level smile at the end.
That was my most favorite part.
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Old 05-19-2008, 04:40 PM   #67
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Hey, guys, turns out I'm not dead after all!

So, this episode. A bit of a dissappointment, really. It seemed to be an idea that looked good in theory but was a little stretched in practice. It's like an episode you'd expect from a show's first season, you know, before the writers have fully gotten it together. A C rating for me, or C-.

Well, on to the good parts!

Firstly, they gave Coco a good spot in this episode, which was nice. The two new IFs Fritt and Fratt or whatever (noone seems quite sure on their names) were a bit like the episode itself; fine, funny, but not particularly great. Their best lines in fact being their first. And, uh.....Wilt at the end, really. Those are the only real bits that stood out for me. Ah well, there's still plenty more episodes where that one came from before Fosters is over!
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Old 07-15-2008, 11:01 AM   #68
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I just downloaded it, because apparently, Cartoon Network over here doesn't like Season Six.

It was, to put it lightly, rubbish. I thought Mondo Coco could have been better (I saw it yesterday), so I was hoping for something really good, or at least good for a few laughs.

The beginning was great. I didn't actually notice the absence of Mac and Madame Foster until I read this.. now, Mac would have been a bit awkward to fit in, so that's okay. But no Madame Foster? o_O

The new friends were annoying. They kind of reminded me of those twins from Camp Lazlo (seen one or two episodes of it a while ago). I laughed at the gift shop comment, and the pancake thing was funny, but then it just got annoying. I can only stand so much.

Oh, and finally, Deodorant appears, and it's not Deo! ..Though, admittedly, Deo-brand Deodorant was in this episode.

I got really angry when Coco, Ed and Wilt didn't tell Herriman that they pulled the first prank. Sure, Bloo ordered Room Service (etc), but then again, he /was/ caffeine-high (which was classic).

Eduardo's drawing was hilarious.

hmm.. I saw the cutout thing coming, too. I was surprised by the costume thing, though.

I can't say much that hasn't already been said, so I'll end it here. It was a good episode, but it could have been a lot better.
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Old 09-06-2008, 10:28 PM   #69
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Like I think everyone else here, I'm going through some serious major withdrawal. So I'm going back to my trusty DVR and watching what's aired of S6 again.

I think I can officially say now that it's "old news" and has had its chance to sink it, that this one isn't one of my favorites. Mac being absent is only one reason. It could have been written better I suppose, and could have been a lot funnier. The pranks are still fun though, so was Bloo's caffeine high, and that ending is still full of win.

The Mr. Herriman costume was not only predictable within a few seconds, but I found it out of character. I mean, they may be stupid, but Fritt and Fratt were really innocent during the whole thing. Bloo's the one who took advantage of them and set them up. I just can't picture Wilt, Coco and Ed tying them up, gagging them, and forcing them to wear that costume and stand there stiff as a board for however long it took for Bloo to clean the entire hotel. The two laughed about it in the end I guess, but I just can't picture Wilt, Coco and Ed doing that to innocent friends.
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Old 09-07-2008, 09:34 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
Like I think everyone else here, I'm going through some serious major withdrawal. So I'm going back to my trusty DVR and watching what's aired of S6 again.

I think I can officially say now that it's "old news" and has had its chance to sink it, that this one isn't one of my favorites. Mac being absent is only one reason. It could have been written better I suppose, and could have been a lot funnier. The pranks are still fun though, so was Bloo's caffeine high, and that ending is still full of win.

The Mr. Herriman costume was not only predictable within a few seconds, but I found it out of character. I mean, they may be stupid, but Fritt and Fratt were really innocent during the whole thing. Bloo's the one who took advantage of them and set them up. I just can't picture Wilt, Coco and Ed tying them up, gagging them, and forcing them to wear that costume and stand there stiff as a board for however long it took for Bloo to clean the entire hotel. The two laughed about it in the end I guess, but I just can't picture Wilt, Coco and Ed doing that to innocent friends.
Coco, yes. She'd totally do that. After all, she has suggested both killing Peanut Butter in "Room With a Feud" and beating Mr. Herriman with a baseball bat in "Let Your Hare Down", so it's been established that Coco has a "dark side". I think we can safely say that WILT has a dark side, too, and he's shown that he can be very unpredictable. Wilt does not always stick to a "formula" of certain behaviors, and I believe that his taking the lead in getting even with Bloo in "PFN" shows that he's shedding his self-imposed repression and inhibitions that resulted from 30 years of guilt, and returning the Wilt that Jordan and the rest of his family would have known, before the ill-fated game against Foul Larry and his little pudgy creator. Wilt's gradually getting out of the "taking-mess-from-everyone-else" business. He's got such a personality that he can easily persuade others to follow his lead, so getting Coco and Eduardo to go along with the plan to out-do Bloo, even if it meant tying up Frit and Frat, would have been easy.

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