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Old 08-26-2008, 02:22 PM   #1581
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Originally Posted by Nyo View Post
I looked at many "cartoon crushes" threads on many forums over the years, and I hate that if any person has a crush on a toon animal they almost always end up being insulted as a furry.

That's just messed up. D:<

I'm very interested in this term 'furry'. So that now describes a type of person or group of people does it? There were some people in a documentary a few years ago who called themselves furrys but all they really did that was abnormal was dress up in big furry animal costumes and hug each other a lot and at one point some of them went to a zoo and were oo-ing and aah-ing over a big stripey Tiger. None of which seemed anything other than the behaviour of pleasant, harmless people and the worst you could say about them was that they'd probably be of no use in a scrap.

Am I barking up the wrong tree? Have the 'furry' become more extreme in their behaviour? Or is society just full of hostility and finger-pointing?


Last edited by koosie; 08-26-2008 at 02:24 PM. Reason: inconsistant spelling of an unfamiliar word. What is the correct plural for a Furry?
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Old 08-26-2008, 03:59 PM   #1582
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Originally Posted by koosie View Post
I'm very interested in this term 'furry'. So that now describes a type of person or group of people does it? There were some people in a documentary a few years ago who called themselves furrys but all they really did that was abnormal was dress up in big furry animal costumes and hug each other a lot and at one point some of them went to a zoo and were oo-ing and aah-ing over a big stripey Tiger. None of which seemed anything other than the behaviour of pleasant, harmless people and the worst you could say about them was that they'd probably be of no use in a scrap.

Am I barking up the wrong tree? Have the 'furry' become more extreme in their behaviour? Or is society just full of hostility and finger-pointing?
dont quote me on this, as i am not a scholar at this. seriously i dont know much of anything on this subject.

i think its just a case of hate for people whom are different. that really wouldnt suprise me.
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Old 08-26-2008, 04:33 PM   #1583
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Originally Posted by Sama-chan View Post
Disney ANYTHING (except Disneyland itself)

ETA: The negative connotations associated with furries have mostly come about because many, but not by any stretch of the imagination all, furries either (sometimes both) a) like animals. No, I mean really like animals; b) like plushies. No, I mean really like plushies.

Naturally, a select section of the furry fandom = EVERY FURRY EVER IN THE UNIVERSE, thus: the prejudice against furries.
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Last edited by kageri; 08-26-2008 at 04:36 PM.
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Old 08-28-2008, 01:49 PM   #1584
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I myself am not anti-furry, if that's your thing, then that's your thing. I won't stop you. Quite a few of my toon crushes happen to be anthro animals (which are supposed to have HUMAN traits, and I stress that a lot); I've never been flamed about them, the most I got was O_o-esqe reactions, but I was fine with it.

But just for the sake of this thread I think we should get off the furry topic since some furry discussions may end up non-family friendly, which I believe is one of NF's goals.

In other news, I HATE BULLIES ARGH. Being stuck with Mean Boy's friend Even More Mean Boy may end up ruining my HS freshman year D:<

Last edited by Nyo; 08-28-2008 at 01:57 PM. Reason: reason for bully hate
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Old 08-28-2008, 06:20 PM   #1585
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Power going for roughly 2 hours..... Enough said.
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Old 08-30-2008, 10:55 PM   #1586
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My upstairs neighbors.

Just as I was going to bed last night, roughly 1:30 which was late enough as it was, my upstairs neighbors pulled into their parking space, and although their car doors were still closed, they sat out there and screamed at eachother for maybe 20 minutes strait. Couldn't understand everything they said, but I did hear every profanity known to man at one point or another. Finally the boyfriend (husband? Don't know if they're married or not) got out and walked up to their apartment, all the while the girl kept screaming at him. They stayed upstairs for maybe 10 minutes, still screaming at eachother, and I could still make out only a few full sentences but no matter. She stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her, and shortly later the guy came down the stairs after her. And then they stayed out in the parking lot yelling at eachother for about an HOUR. Still screaming profanities. They got in the car a few times, got back out again, slamming the doors. I started worrying about my car out there, if maybe they'd lash out on other cars in the parking lot. Finally they got in the car for maybe the third time, and after yelling at eachother for a few more minutes, drove away and all was quiet. At least an hour and a half had gone by.

I've heard him mad before, and in fact I think there have been times where he hits/shoves/throws things at her, and I've been VERY close to calling 911. Thankfully it's been over a year now since I last heard that going on. And in fact, it's been rather quiet up there lately, thank goodness. But I've never heard her this mad! She was the one doing most of the screaming last night, and in fact, while they were in the parking lot, he was saying "Shhhh" a lot. Funny how his personality changes when he finds himself suddenly on the defensive side. I heard most of the story over the hour and a half. I'll spare you the details, but apparently he cheated on her. Yeah, it could make a good soap opera.

I hope I get a good night sleep tonight. I am soooo tired.
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Old 08-31-2008, 01:41 PM   #1587
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Other people playing Mario Kart Wii online. First, a female with a versus ranking of around 9400 (higher VR=more skilled) would always pick the same course even if it was just picked. However, I was able to beat her once or twice despite the fact she was in a bike and I drove a kart. When her course was picked for the 4th time, I decided to leave the group after that race.

Another player by the name of "Killdmcrts" had around 9900 VR (9999 is the max), but I grew suspicious when I saw he was in one of the slower bikes. In the final race before leaving that room, it became clear that he cheated, because he threw a blue shell (an item that goes after the racer in 1st) BEFORE he grabbed an item box.

Last edited by L.G.; 09-10-2008 at 07:45 PM.
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Old 09-01-2008, 11:54 PM   #1588
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In this morning's email:

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Old 09-02-2008, 08:16 AM   #1589
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Originally Posted by L.G. View Post
Other people playing Mario Kart Wii online. First, a female with a versus ranking of around 9400 (higher VR=more skilled) would always pick the same course even if it was just picked. However, I was able to beat her once or twice despite the fact she was in a bike and I drove a kart. When her course was picked for the 4th time, I decided to leave the group after that race.

Another player by the name of "Killdmcrts" had around 9900 VR (9999 is the max), but I grew suspicious I saw he was in one of the slower bikes. In the final race before leaving that room, it became clear that he was a cheated, because he threw a blue shell (an item that goes after the racer in 1st) BEFORE he grabbed an item box.

Yeah, I hate people who play online in that game. Last night, it seemed as though more than half the people were cheting. Sometimes I would be racing and people would randomly dissapear before my eyes, and reappear further ahead. Some people would, whenever they fell of a cliff, randomly appear in front of me in a split second. As opposed to where you usually have to wait a few seconds before being dropped to the ground.


Some people are just obnoxious. I met this one person (Who's name I will not say due to profanity) who kept using wheelies and got so far ahead of me that he stopped right at the finish line. As soon as I caught up to him, he crossed. Just to mock me. I actually thought it was funny, but obnoxious.
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Old 09-02-2008, 11:12 AM   #1590
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Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs View Post
Yeah, I hate people who play online in that game. Last night, it seemed as though more than half the people were cheating. Sometimes I would be racing and people would randomly disappear before my eyes, and reappear further ahead. Some people would, whenever they fell of a cliff, randomly appear in front of me in a split second. As opposed to where you usually have to wait a few seconds before being dropped to the ground.


Some people are just obnoxious. I met this one person (Who's name I will not say due to profanity) who kept using wheelies and got so far ahead of me that he stopped right at the finish line. As soon as I caught up to him, he crossed. Just to mock me. I actually thought it was funny, but obnoxious.
For the people who seem to disappear and reappear at will, it might be lag on either your end or their end.

As for the wheelies guy, that's plain poor sportsmanship on that player's part. It's agitating to have someone mock ya like that: I've played against someone like that before.

Another player I've met would try to bully me into a wall with his heavier kart if I pulled up next to him. Anytime I've tried the same, I would slow down too much, so I discontinued using that tactic.

What really annoys me in Mario Kart Wii are the Mii's voices. Their laughter digs into my skin especially when they are on bikes.
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