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Old 07-28-2008, 08:28 PM   #141
One Radical Dude
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I didn't bother to post, because I was too "Conned Out", or beat from the Comic-Con stuff (still am, but I'm good enough to explain now). Sunday turned out better than expected. It began with eating a breakfast buffet at the Marriott Hotel & Marina, then it was to the Convention Center to check out what's going on. I went to see that the Chowder autograph session was taking place. I managed to get photgraphed with C.H. Greenblatt (the creator), Tara Strong (Truffles), and Dwight Schultz (Mung Daal). I also chose to pre-register for 2009 Comic-Con at the 2008 Comic-Con. Then, I went back to the Marriott to pick up the costume. I didn't get to do much with the costume on Friday, but Sunday was different. Keith Ferguson calls me (I gave him my number the other day, and no I don't have Keith's number...which is perfect.) around the 1 PM hour bringing up the thing we're supposed to be doing. We met just outside of the B1 entrance to the Exhibit Hall. Some photos were taken, but the best part was recording the stuff that happened with the costume. It likely won't be up until after August 7 (the date I'm scheduled to go back to AR). Just be on the lookout for something awesome. I had him (as well as Craig and Lauren) autograph the box of that Funko exclusive of the Bloo toy (around 200-300 were made, so it was very limited). After that, I brought the costume inside the Exhibit Hall. I did something we tried to do last year and failed; and that was to get Craig and Lauren to see the costume. I even had a few photos taken of the two with me in it. Then, it was off to the Cartoon Network booth, and I wore it there (tons of photos of taken from other people). I wanted to show it to Kelsey Mann (who was a storyboard artist from the series; I met him for the first time the other day), but he wasn't at his table. After the Con officially ended, I took a break at the Marriott to be ready for eating Japanese sushi and cuisine. We got there at around 7 PM. We ate, some of us had ice cream, and that was it. As far as ice cream goes, I didn't finish it. Why? Unfortunately, when I took a lick, it fell to the sidewalk. For some strange reason, the group was taking photos of it with me putting the cone down (almost nearly touching it).

Today, it was time to leave San Diego. I had planned on visiting the Marriott to say farewell to Sparky and GM (I had done so last night, but I was going to see them briefly for one last time), and BBF went over there. However, we learned that they already had left. My knee was bothering me a bit, so I didn't feel like going up there earlier. We went back to our hotel, picked up our things, and then took the trolley to American Plaza, and walked directly to Santa Fe Depot. I said farewell to BBF, and I got on Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner leave SD and head to Anaheim, which the ride went smoothly. I felt some discomfort on my right knee earlier when walking, but it's pretty much gone (hopefully, I didn't do any damage to it, and it's just me "Conning Out" ).

Great times, and I want to thank everyone for assisting me with the suit. I hope we can get a few more people to join for 2008.

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Old 07-28-2008, 08:49 PM   #142
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Well, we said we were leaving at nine-ish...we were actually able to have the bellhop wheel the cart full of our stuff right out to my car in the lot, so I didn't have to pull it around to the front. That was awesome. I had stuffed some of our smaller, softer items in the box with the Bloo costume and thanks to the mad packing skillz of the bellhop (he was seriously awesome) everything fit just fine. Now, I'm not sure where I'm going to keep the costume, but it's here safe and sound, and I'll do something about that "lazy eye." I think I'll contact the lady who made it and ask her what those black plastic things even are.

Oh yeah and about that ice cream cone - I saw them make one in the store when we were in there and I noticed that all they did was scoop some ice cream from the freezer and just PUT it on the cone. That is seriously the wrong way to make an ice cream cone. You need to fill the cone with ice cream first so that when you put the scoop on top it has something to stick to. Also you get your money's worth more than just a ball of ice cream sitting on top of a cone. So anyways that's why it just fell off like it did. Totally not your fault.
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Old 07-28-2008, 08:57 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post

Oh yeah and about that ice cream cone - I saw them make one in the store when we were in there and I noticed that all they did was scoop some ice cream from the freezer and just PUT it on the cone. That is seriously the wrong way to make an ice cream cone. You need to fill the cone with ice cream first so that when you put the scoop on top it has something to stick to. Also you get your money's worth more than just a ball of ice cream sitting on top of a cone. So anyways that's why it just fell off like it did. Totally not your fault.
In that case ORD, you should have given that server a kick in the shins and bestowed the title of "rip off artist" upon them.
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Old 07-28-2008, 09:07 PM   #144
One Radical Dude
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Okay, thanks. I'm glad you guys ended the trip without any car problems. That's a huge plus there. Even if you two don't join us for Comic-Con next year, I do would like to see you both at some point during 2009. I know it's way too early to make a decision on '09, but...yeah, we'll see.

Originally Posted by taranchula
In that case ORD, you should have given that server a kick in the shins and bestowed the title of "rip off artist" upon them.
Aw, man....why didn't I think of that??

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Old 07-28-2008, 09:10 PM   #145
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By the way, everyone, I am starting to put together the CCI '08 section of the site, so if you have any good photos to share please email them to me. It doesn't have to be Foster's related, send it if it's awesome (just give a description). I did not get any shots of Craig or Lauren this year, so some of those would be keen. Thanks! (Also later, video links would be great when they're available.)
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Old 07-28-2008, 09:13 PM   #146
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I will send you some photos, chief. Be on the lookout for an email.

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Old 07-28-2008, 09:36 PM   #147
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I completely forgot to mention that I ran into a few people that recognize my costume from deviantART, including one that I watch (shutterbugmom, her daughter, and her daughter's boyfriend [I think]). So yeah, that was kinda cool, too!

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Old 07-29-2008, 07:57 AM   #148
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I'm home. Yay. Anyway, I've got about 170 assorted pics to look over. I'll have them up as soon as I can.

The flight home was uneventful other than a little turbulance. That's about it.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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Old 07-29-2008, 09:09 AM   #149
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I really hope I can save up the money to go next year. I've been wanting to go to this thing ever since I got into comics. Glad to hear you all had fun.
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Old 07-29-2008, 12:01 PM   #150
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Originally Posted by AerostarMonk View Post
I really hope I can save up the money to go next year. I've been wanting to go to this thing ever since I got into comics. Glad to hear you all had fun.
Start saving now, that's what I'm doing. San Diego isn't a cheap city but it's well worth the price. Hope you can make it.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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