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Old 07-25-2008, 02:46 PM   #111
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The interview was filmed with us standing in the direct sun so forgive me if 1) when/if they air any of it I seem loopy and 2) I don't recall everything right now that we said a half hour ago.

Anyways first they just filmed me and ORD in costume, not speaking, for a couple minutes, just to get some shots, then we did the interview with ORD out of his costume and me without the backpack and wig (and with my glasses back on so I could, you know, see). They asked us stuff like what's your favorite ep, who's your favorite character, what do you like best about the show, is it your favorite show ever, have you met the cast and crew, how many conventions have you been to, have you found/made any really cool Foster's items, what kind of merchandise would you like to see, what kinds of stuff would you like to see on the CN web site, have you played the online games/will you play Fusionfall, that kind of thing. I think we both just said pretty much the kinds of things you'd expect ORD and me to say to those questions. We talked about this site a little bit too.

I honestly don't know if this footage is destined for the channel or the website. They may have said, but I am tired and dehydrated and I don't remember.

Oh and the guys were nice. And we did see Lori briefly before the panel, she was on her way out of here. Good to see her if only for a minute. We saw some other Foster's cosplayers (waynekaa's group?) at the panel, Mac, Frankie, and Goo. They also had an awesome Mojo Jojo and Him. I got some photos but my videocamera's not functioning so no video (turned out they didn't allow it again this year anyways). Tom Kane was actually there too, he was unscheduled.

The neatest thing was running into Tom Kenny in the line for Starbucks at our hotel this morning, lol. He got the last Cheese badge strap I had made, and I gave the last Bloo one to Keith Ferguson before the panel.
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Old 07-25-2008, 04:37 PM   #112
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Man, I wish I could be there. I'm watching coverage on GForce TV on satellite now, but they're really concentrating entirely on comics and movies based on comics, and haven't mentioned animation at all so far. Say "hi" to the Foster's crew for the crazy red-head in South Carolina for me!

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Old 07-25-2008, 05:51 PM   #113
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Movie title: Destination Imagination

Final Episode title: Goodbye To Bloo

Both confirmed by Lauren about a half-hour ago.

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Old 07-25-2008, 06:27 PM   #114
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The news is now up on ToonZone, too.

^This was posted over two hours after Cass posted the info here. Hehe, pretty cool. We learned of it HERE first. Thank you Cass! Also thanks for posting how each day goes for you. I'm enjoying reading them, it helps me at least imagine I'm there too.

I'm surprised the movie isn't the finale. But I'm not upset about it. The title of the last episode sounds sad, but I have confidence in Craig and Co. that they'll keep us fans happy. I just hope CN doesn't mess anything up.

And Yay for interviews! Wow, that's so totally awesome, I'm without words. Really, I am. ....Yeah, nuthin'. Wow, just Wow. Congrats on that! I hope they air it! And if they do, I hope it's uploaded to YouTube or something because what are the chances that I'm going to be home and watching CN right when they air it? Very, very minimal.
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Old 07-25-2008, 06:59 PM   #115
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Well, if any one happens to see the Foster's Panel on Youtube or something, please post it here. I'm sure I didn't need to ask that, because some one was gonna post it eventually anyway.... but.... yeah.

So, Sparky, you guys were filmed by Cartoon Network?! ....Wow. I hope to see the video soon.
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Old 07-25-2008, 08:39 PM   #116
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Well, I'm not really sure what to say that hasn't already been said about the PPG/Foster's panel. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though there was the obvious bittersweetness with the show's imminent end mentioned. Great clip from "Bloo Superdude" in there, too.
Got some autographs from the crew at the signing later on, that was something else. You can tell that they love what they do, not just on Foster's, but on any show, and they're really great people. I'm glad I was given the chance to meet them.
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Old 07-26-2008, 01:11 AM   #117
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
Do you think there's any possibility of you making it out here next summer, JJ? We can be rookies together. And if you want, maybe even roomies as it's much cheaper to room with someone. And you've probably already noticed that, with the exception of Sparky, all the forum attendees are guys.
That would be truly awesome. Presently, I'm not sure what I'll be doing this time next year, or how I'll be placed money-wise, but if it seemed like a viable option...well, we'll see nearer the time.

Glad that everyone's having such a great time over there. Goodbye to Bloo, huh? Sounds kind of heavy. I'll wager that Mac's nightmare of his family moving away to Singapore might be materialising into a genuine threat after all.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.
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Old 07-26-2008, 05:01 AM   #118
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If you pass by Lauren's booth again, tell her I said hi, and my apologies I couldn't make it. And if anybody was at Jerry Beck's Worst Cartoons Ever show last night, please let me know what was shown.
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Old 07-26-2008, 10:25 AM   #119
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
Goodbye To Bloo
Baaawww, that's depressing :[!!!

Glad all of y'alls are having fun! It sounds like a blasty-blast. I so wish I could be there... especially since apparently there was a Dr. Horrible panel. Bogus.

It's interesting that the movie isn't the last episode; hopefully the fact that the real finale is a regular-length one will maybe mean that nothing that will make me sob like a baby will have time to materialize. They sure aren't pulling any punches with the title, though. Sob. SOB.
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Old 07-26-2008, 02:08 PM   #120
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So from reading that ToonZone article, I'm getting that no new episodes will air until 2009? Is that true?

And: Goodbye to Bloo. Just reading that title totally depresses me.

Glad to see everyone's having a good time and...I'm jealous, man! I think it'd be awesome to go to Comic Con just to meet some of you guys.
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