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Old 05-21-2008, 09:16 PM   #1
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Default Unwanted gifts

This is something that happened/occurred to me recently and I thought it might make a good topic. The question ism have you ever gotten or received a gift be it a Christmas present, a birthday gift, or a graduation gift or something like that and really didn't want it? Like you REALLY did not want it?

My birthday just came like a couple weeks ago and my best friend got me a gift, he got my a DVD movie called "Ichi the killer" and truth be told.....I really didn't want it. It wasn't a movie I cared to see let alone buy and I felt bad about it first so I figured I'd give it a shot and watch it and afterwards.....I felt ill.

Seriously, I found the movie utterly disgusting and repulsed by what i saw in it. I can't even discuss what went on in the movie in public without feeling dirty in my mouth and gut. I didn't want to be rude to my friend so I told him i thanked him for the movie but I still found it disgusting, seriously, I cannot possibly think of recommending that movie to ANYONE or wanting to watch it a second time.

In any case, have you guys ever gotten any gifts or presents you didn't like and just tried to be "nice" about it so you didn't hurt their feelings?
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:29 PM   #2
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I like Asian horror and even I have no desire to see that film. However if someone gave it to me as a gift I'd appreciate it because it would mean they both knew I liked Asian horror and that I didn't already have it.

But yeah, I know what you mean. What gets me is when someone who SHOULD know you very well gives you something totally opposite of what you like. My dad once gave me a red Minnie Mouse sweatshirt...I hate Minnie Mouse and at the time I never wore red (I do now, but when I was a kid I hated red). One of my best friends gave me one of those puzzles that you put together and then use the clues in the picture to solve a mystery; I hate jigsaw puzzles and I hate mysteries! OH, and once my cousin gave me one of those Michael Jackson Barbie-sized dolls (in the 80's those dolls were very popular) and I COULDN'T STAND Michael Jackson. I actually refused to accept it, I hated that man so much.
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:35 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
I like Asian horror and even I have no desire to see that film. However if someone gave it to me as a gift I'd appreciate it because it would mean they both knew I liked Asian horror and that I didn't already have it.
Well see the thing is, I like about 2-3 Asian horror movie tops and the funny thing is I know my friend's tastes well but I don't think he knows my tastes as well. I think he got me this because he loves the movie and thought I would. Normally, I don't try to sound ungrateful, but I was seriously surprised when he got me it.

And after seeing it, I just knew right away I cannot possibly stomach to seeing this movie again. It has a great package and my friend didn't seem to be bothered by the fact I didn't love it like he did, but I just get the impression he buys things without thinking. He works full time and I don't which is probably why he's able to buy things on whims.

I can't afford to fork 100 bucks on random anime I haven't seen or researched about with my salary as is, he can though. I know its the thought that counts but at the same time, I really don't want to lie either and I didn't try to say "take it back" or anything. This whole gift thing is just a very hard situation to deal with.
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Old 05-21-2008, 09:45 PM   #4
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My best friend in 8th grade gave me a champagne bottle filled with fancy bubble bath for my birthday. It was pretty, it even looked expensive, and I know she meant well, but I was totally irritated at getting it. I never took baths at the time, and I knew I would never use it. What fun is a gift that I'd never use? I tried to be polite and thanked her for it, but she must have sensed I didn't like it too well because a few days later she came to me and said that if I didn't like it, I could give it back and she would give me something else instead. I felt bad, but I said "Ok", and the next time I saw her she had another gift, this time a pretty porcelain pearlescent cat with a ribbon bow around its neck. Still relatively useless I suppose, but I love cats, I thought it was cute, it was pretty, and I proudly displayed it on my dresser for many years afterward.

Only a few years ago my best friend (a different person) got me the first season set for a show I liked ok, but not near enough to have ever considered getting the season set. On top of that, I had my heart set on another show's season set, one which I knew she knew I wanted. It just didn't make sense to me that she'd get me what she did, and not what she should have known I wanted. I thanked her, politely put it with my DVD collection, but truthfully, I haven't even taken it out of the cellophane yet. Now at looking back, I think she got it for me because she loved that show so much, and wanted to spread the hype. We naturally want the people we care about to have as much in common with us as possible, and like and dislike the same things we do. I must admit I'm guilty of trying to do the same thing at times with things I'm interested in, but yeah, it just doesn't work very well.
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Old 05-21-2008, 11:09 PM   #5
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I'd say some clothing, such as socks or underwear. I am not too crazy about getting any of that, unless they're falling apart.

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Old 05-22-2008, 01:52 AM   #6
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There's been a few presents I've gotten in the past (usually clothes) that I've happily accepted when I actually didn't like them. Every Christmas though, at least one member of my family will still send me a selection box of biscuits/sweets. I mean, they're nice enough, and of course, I accept them, but I do think, "I'm not a kid anymore, you don't have to buy me these anymore" and "I'll have to eat these all today, and I'll end up getting stomach ache".
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Old 05-22-2008, 07:37 AM   #7
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Personally, I liked Ichi the Killer, but I tend to like bizarre, over the top films. I won't argue for it being a good movie (which I think it is) since that isn't the topic, but I will say this: if Ichi the Killer made you feel ill, I'd really stress avoiding any other Asian horror films, especially the Hong Kong Category III films, as Ichi the Killer is one of tamest of them.

Anyways, as for gifts I got that I didn't want, I got a Barney the Dinosaur plush once. That may not seem bad outright, but I got it when I was seventeen years old from a distant relative.
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Old 05-22-2008, 07:50 AM   #8
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Speaking of unwanted gifts, I am happy that I never got anything I didn't want to have. Of course, some of those things were useless to me, but I've never felt I have to return it or say ,,It sucks". I have a pretty nice situation, because when somebody from my family asks me what I like, I just respond: money. And that's how I always have the gift I want. :]

(I know, it's not the same like getting a nice little thingie).

But I can recall the first year of secondary school, when we bought each other presents for 6th of December. One girl bought my friend a cup, shaped in... a body of a man, with genitals. It was so gross. He said he left it somewhere in the attic, but I belive he threw it away on the way home from school. I'd do the same, though.
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Old 05-22-2008, 09:32 AM   #9
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Well there's that old Burger King "Big Bumpin'" game for the 360 that's collecting dust somewhere in my basement....I got it for Christmas a year or so ago and I still haven't bothered opening it. I heard "Sneak King" was pretty good though. Otherwise I stand by my opinion: Fast food franchises and video games just don't mix. That's why McKids was such a commercial failure.

Last edited by Mr_Bloo_Veins; 05-22-2008 at 09:35 AM.
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Old 05-22-2008, 12:00 PM   #10
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I can't recall any unwanted or less than stellar gifts off the top of my head. I'm pretty easy to buy for, I suppose. I don't like the idea of "gag gifts" that aren't followed by a real gift, though.
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