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Old 10-29-2007, 04:44 PM   #21
Mr. Marshmallow
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"Salem's Lot" had some memorable scenes liker you mentioned with Return as well. Most noticeably the dead kid scratching at the window being asked to let in, or the creepy vampire rocking back and forth in the chair hissing "look at me teacher" that one really gave me the creeps.

Gremlins weren't really horror movies but they hold as memorable monster memories as the Tremors movies did for you guys. I thought the Gremlins in 2 particularly were amazing and I grew up watching that movie dozens of times as a kid. I also grew up with "Critters" anyone remember that weird series?

Tumbleweed sized black fur balls with teeth that would put a piranha to shame. The 2nd movie made me barf half the time . Dead Silence had some creepy moments too, but so far 30 days of night has been the most kick ass, scariest modern horror movie I've seen in a while.
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:04 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I also grew up with "Critters" anyone remember that weird series?
heck yes

the one critter says to the other "Hey! That one has a gun!" the other one goes"don't worry about it" right before it gets a facefull of 12 gauge buckshot. Freakin' classic
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 10-30-2007, 08:08 AM   #23
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Hey, how about Plan 9 from Outer Space?

More of a science-fiction flick overall, but c'mon, it's got zombies in it. Awesome movie.

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Old 10-30-2007, 09:21 AM   #24
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I don't like horror movies

NOT THAT I'M SCARED OR ANYTHING Scared? Scared. Scared? Scared. Scared? Me? No. Scared? Scared. Scared? I have a nightlight. That doesn't qualify my scaredyness. Scared? Scared. Scared? Right.

Last edited by Zeitgheist; 10-30-2007 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 10-30-2007, 12:44 PM   #25
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For some reason I just had to edit my avatar cheaply before posting here.

I do like horror movies, but slashers are sort of unsatisfying to me. I saw the remake of House of Wax and hated it; for me there needs to be a reason for the villains killing the people unless the killers are some sort of monsters. That movie was just mindless gore, just these brothers making people into wax statues for absolutely no reason. Just stupid.

As for my favourites, the list will be quite short, since I have seen far less horror films than I'd like to. *Ahem*

Alien: Fantastic movie, just really creepy. The score is magnificent, sort of mystic and adds up to the eerie tones of the film. You sort off feel uncomfortable watching the shots inside the spaceship, it feels crowded even though it's pretty empty. And when there's no one left alive but Ripley, it gets so thrilling that you can't hold on any longer. I can see why people fled the movie theaters. Still, I find Aliens more enjoyable, but I felt that was more of an action movie.

Dawn of the Dead (Remake; Director's Cut): I haven't seen the original, but this is a truly enjoyable zombie movie. Of course I wouldn't have made it through it without all the humorous scenes, like the zombie-shooting game. But the whole idea of a group of people trapped in a mall with zombies everywhere around them is a very likeable one, very good setting for a zombie movie. I like the parody, Shaun of the Dead, a bit better, though. I'm really into horror parodies, like those Simpsons Halloween specials or such.

That pretty much sums it up, I guess. (Told you it'd be short.) I would love to see more horror movies, I'm desperate to see The Shining, for instance. Also, I'd put on Beetlejuice, but that doesn't count as a horror movie, it's more like a dark comedy, and doesn't have any gore in it, just a little bit of gross-out humor. Well, that's my list ...for now! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

(OFF- TOPIC EDIT: Man, this post is terrible! I mean, it's just so incredibly stupid that... uh... something. It's mainly my random reference to Beetlejuice that gets on my nerve. Ugh!)
This is the placeholder signature. I might actually think of something to put here one of these days.

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Old 10-30-2007, 06:15 PM   #26
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I don't see why people count it as a horror, I count it as action.

I'm not really into horrors, they've use the same stuff since Alien.
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Old 10-30-2007, 07:14 PM   #27
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Hmm, awhile back I was on a horror movie kick. I don't really remember many of them, but the only one I ended up getting a copy of was The Ring. I love that movie, I also got the short "Rings" that happens between The Ring and Ring Two with it ^^
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Old 10-31-2007, 08:24 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Mulch View Post
Dawn of the Dead (Remake; Director's Cut): I haven't seen the original, but this is a truly enjoyable zombie movie. Of course I wouldn't have made it through it without all the humorous scenes, like the zombie-shooting game. But the whole idea of a group of people trapped in a mall with zombies everywhere around them is a very likeable one, very good setting for a zombie movie.
I never saw the remake, But I have seen the original and your description fits that one quite well,

If you like the older 70's style Horror flick, you may want to try:
Dawn of the dead (original)- Killing zombies traped in a mall
Day of the Dead - Killing zombies traped in a underground bunker
CannonBall - like cannonball run but without humor and with more violence
Death race 2000 - one of Syvester Stallones Early movies Win points for running people over
Omega Man - Lots of Zombies, lots of fun (I think the zombies talk Jive in this flick)
Soylent Green - A but more SciFi then Horror but the abstact could fall into the Horror arena.

Puppet Master Series
The original Howling was also good Horror movie.

Horror movies of the 80's had a completly different feel to them, example:
American Wearwolf in London- was great
rest of Howling series - Wearwolf movies
BloodStone series - Vampire movies
Trancers and Scanners -- 2 different series both very similar

VideoDrone - was great -- must see....

I liked Evel Dead as well, but in my opinion, It started as a great Horror Movie, Hair Raising Suspence and everything. Then about 2/3 of the way through the movie, you blink and the movie transformed into a Zombie Flick with lots of Grean blood and foam, one can not help but it was really cheesy and really funny. The best part of Evil Dead is it is educational, Everyone should know the story of the Mad Arab and the book he found the Necronomicon


Last edited by montitech; 10-31-2007 at 08:39 PM.
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Old 05-18-2008, 01:08 AM   #29
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I've now seen Beetlejuice, so I can add this one!!

Beetlejuice - It wasn't as scary as the rating says it was (M +15 due to 'Medium Level Coarse Language, Horror Theme'), and I thought Michael Keaton did a great job at portraying a scaming dead man! Not forgetting one of the funniest lines of the movie:

'Nice f***ing model!'

Also, Winona Ryder was really great in the movie and Danny Elfman's opening theme... BRILLIANT!! I just can't get enough of that!
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Old 05-18-2008, 01:22 AM   #30
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Well, I just can't feel the thrill watching horror movies, or I've never watched a real horror (that's possible, I watch movies rarely). But I remember a couple of nice horror-comedies.

Evil Dead - that's just classics. It was so funny when I watched it, no words for that. And the first/second part had a nice, unexpected ending. The second/third part was perhaps even better, with those medieval stuff and skeletons.

Braindead - OMG, this film is so dumb, therefore funny. The director really made a masterpiece of gore - I can't remember any particular quote (except ,,S'ngyah" or something like this at the beginning) but it's very entertaining - if you like the sight of silly looking blood, that is.
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