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Old 04-23-2008, 02:04 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by jekylljuice View Post
Good question. It did occur to me when I was trying to compile my own list just how much of a male-dominated industry this clearly still is. The only female director who instantly comes to mind for me is Penelope Spheeris, director of the Wayne's World movies.
Oh Yes, I know of her work, there was also those tragic music-documentary movies she made too. Rigormortis were in one, as I recall.

Ok how about that movie where the danger-sports guys wear the Dead Presidents masks? Wasn't that directed by a female human? I can't be bothered to look it up and pretend I actually know. So this one's for 10 points. No cheating!

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Old 04-23-2008, 02:49 PM   #12
Ditchy McAbandonpants
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koosie: The film you're thinking of is Point Break, and the lady you're thinking of is Kathryn Bigelow, and yes, I am a big enough trivia nerd that I didn't have to look that up. She also did that Harrison Ford film K-19: The Widowmaker, but I wouldn't expect you to remember that; I doubt even Harrison Ford remembers it, to be honest. As for American Werewolf, that would be John Landis, also of The Blues Brothers, Animal House and Coming to America fame, not to mention Michael Jackson's Thriller video.

And yeah, this is still a male-dominated industry, it's undeniable. Still, there are a handful of exceptions beyond the ones you've mentioned; the ones that I can recall off the top of my head include Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation, Marie Antoinette), Penny Marshall (Big), Sarah Polley (Away From Her), Mira Nair (Monsoon Wedding, Vanity Fair) and Brenda Chapman (The Prince of Egypt, Pixar's forthcoming The Bear and the Bow). I do believe that Jodie Foster's done some directorial work too, but I can't immediately recall what, exactly...

I'm rather chuffed with how we did guessing your list, though; Sollima I would never have got, but I'm kicking myself over John Boorman, who I did think of, but then dismissed for some reason...ah well, 8/10's not shabby. Nice teamwork, jj.

PS - Good god, I am SUCH A COLOSSAL GEEK. But I know it, and I'm cool with it.
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Old 04-23-2008, 02:59 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Ditchy McAbandonpants View Post
I'm rather chuffed with how we did guessing your list, though; Sollima I would never have got, but I'm kicking myself over John Boorman, who I did think of, but then dismissed for some reason...ah well, 8/10's not shabby. Nice teamwork, jj.
Lol, thanks. Though you did most of the work, of course.

Sofia Coppola is another one I need to go and kick myself over, though. Why didn't I remember her? What has been up with my brain these past two days?

That's it,
The End,
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My Friend.
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