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Old 04-22-2008, 05:20 PM   #11
some guy you dont know
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pretty much all of sonic 3 and sonic and knuckles. the music and mini-bosses are my favorite though. also hyper sonic. i dont think ive seen that since.

i also liked ristar (the character. the game was pretty cool as well.) very stretchy arms are a pretty cool power.

also, how in every pokemon game since ruby and sapphire have you saving the world(universe?) by a simple master ball throw (which is usually done by me.) it just makes it feel so anti-climatic, which is why i like it.

also other things in other games that i cant remember right now.
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Old 04-22-2008, 06:19 PM   #12
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Warning: Slight tangent, here.

some guy: Interesting how you should mention Pokemon, actually, because my friends and I have been discussing a very similar issue just recently; is it just me, or have the Pokemon plotlines been going a little too far recently? I mean, I understand the fact that the writers and designers are always going to want to throw in some new cool, rare and powerful monster, but the more you increase the stature of your legendary beasts, the less and less plausible it seems that said beast should happen to get caught by a ten-year-old girl in a short skirt and a beret. I mean, it was already somewhat silly to have the protagonists of Pokemon Red capturing Zapdos, the mystical thunder bird few humans had ever previously glimpsed; come Pokemon Diamond, where our prepubescent heroes are now taking on Dialga, the Pokemon who created time, it's starting to get ridiculous.

Nothing, however, literally nothing, can possibly top Diamond/Pearl's rarest Pokemon, the one you can only get from special Nintendo events; Arceus, the "Original One" spoken of only in ancient lore, from whom all the universe was born. That's right, boys and girls, come to the Nintendo roadshow and you can CAPTURE THE GOD OF ALL POKEMON. Give God pretty ribbons, and enter him in the Pokemon contest! Take God into the fields, and battle him against Pidgeys for EXP! Feed God berries and tasty cookies, so he'll grow to love you! Just don't feed him sour ones, though, or he might get mad and decide to erase the very fabric of your being with sheer force of will.

Needless to say, I'm eager to see how they go about topping this one.
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Old 04-22-2008, 07:04 PM   #13
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Did you ever watch Slayers? They managed to keep topping themselves.
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Old 04-24-2008, 05:23 AM   #14
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Comixzone on the Genesis was always a great visceral experience. I played the heck out of that game and the whole adventure kind of has a Heavy Metal (the animated movie) feel to it. But the best part, without question, would have to be the typical "SEGA!" intro being sang by an Elvis sound-alike.
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Old 04-26-2008, 07:07 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Ditchy McAbandonpants View Post
Nothing, however, literally nothing, can possibly top Diamond/Pearl's rarest Pokemon, the one you can only get from special Nintendo events; Arceus, the "Original One" spoken of only in ancient lore, from whom all the universe was born. That's right, boys and girls, come to the Nintendo roadshow and you can CAPTURE THE GOD OF ALL POKEMON. Give God pretty ribbons, and enter him in the Pokemon contest! Take God into the fields, and battle him against Pidgeys for EXP! Feed God berries and tasty cookies, so he'll grow to love you! Just don't feed him sour ones, though, or he might get mad and decide to erase the very fabric of your being with sheer force of will.

Needless to say, I'm eager to see how they go about topping this one.
Hehehe, gold!

Hearing that kind of makes me regret that I pretty much gave up on the Pokemon games after Ruby and Sapphire - I never quite got over the disappointment of fishing out thirty-odd quid for a copy of Sapphire and discovering that it was pretty much the same as every other Pokemon game that came before it, except without the day and night feature which helped make Silver so brilliant, and minus several of my favourite fighting critters (no chinchou? How rude!). Sure, there were some pretty little weather effects, a hundred or so new pokemon and a fancy new showroom feature in their place, just wasn't the same, and yet far too samey at the same time. Does that make any sense at all?

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 04-26-2008 at 07:23 AM.
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Old 04-26-2008, 07:33 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by jekylljuice View Post
Hehehe, gold!

Hearing that kind of makes me regret that I pretty much gave up on the Pokemon games after Ruby and Sapphire - I never quite got over the disappointment of fishing out thirty-odd quid for a copy of Sapphire and discovering that it was pretty much the same as every other Pokemon game that came before it, except without the day and night feature which helped make Silver so brilliant, and minus several of my favourite fighting critters (no chinchou? How rude!). Sure, there were some pretty little weather effects, a hundred or so new pokemon and a fancy new showroom feature in their place, just wasn't the same, and yet far too samey at the same time. Does that make any sense at all?
i think thats the point of them all. to be the same, but with just enough minor differences and new pokemon to feel different. probably one of my favorite things about the series in general.

oh yeah, and i like how in guitar hero 3 you are just playing your music, becoming famous, but then you find out that
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your manager is litterally the devil and sends you to hell and you have to fight your way out.

it seemed so stupid at the time, but it was kinda cool.

same applies to kingdom hearts. final fantasy and disney sounds stupid, but it is just so awsome in the end.

Originally Posted by Ditchy McAbandonpants View Post
Needless to say, I'm eager to see how they go about topping this one.
i dunno, maybe the pokemon universe has many gods, each stronger than the last. and the rest cant be captured by master balls and have their own special strength ball that can capture them (which you have to go to a nintendo event to get, kiddies! )
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Last edited by some guy you dont know; 04-26-2008 at 07:40 AM.
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Old 04-26-2008, 10:06 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by some guy you dont know View Post
same applies to kingdom hearts. final fantasy and disney sounds stupid, but it is just so awsome in the end.
Oh hell yeah - in fact, you can add that to my own personal list - getting to beat up a little girl with a skipping rope in the training level of Kingdom of Hearts. Brilliant stuff!

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My Friend.
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