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Old 02-15-2008, 06:44 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by WiltsAKGirl17 View Post
Oh, thank goodness I?m not the only one who sees the connection here! (I don?t exactly see the connection between Randall and "Desperado," though. It?s been a while since I?ve watched the movie though...) Wilt just seems like he keeps his feelings to himself because he doesn't want to burden other people with his well-being. I definitely think that he's capable of feeling affection; he, sadly, doesn't show it that often. I suppose that perhaps the reason Wilt is slow to ACCEPT affection is that maybe he thinks that eventually, he'll just let down the people who love him, so he doesn't quite beleive that someone is willing to love him. Although I do have to say that maybe it's a good thing Wilt didn't cry when he hugged Jordan, because I would've started crying and my parents would have asked, "Why are you crying?" and rolled their eyes at my show of emotion over such a tender moment IN A CARTOON. I think not crying might be a guy thing. <rolls eyes> The reason I thought that this song applied to Wilt was because it was almost like a plea to him to open up other people. Hopefully we'll more of that soon enough.

Part of Wilt's reluctance to show emotions, and especially to cry, is also a cultural issue. Men from his particular cultural background are taught from early childhood that crying is a sissy, weak thing to do, moreso even that most other men. Being "hard"(tough, impervious to weak emotions) is seen as a good thing. You will hear the phrase "man-up" used around here when someone is telling a guy to be tough and not let his emotions show or let anyone know that he's hurt. Since Wilt apparently was more or less the man of the house when he still lived with Jordan, he especially would have been under pressure to be strong, and even when Larry's weight came crashing down on his arm, and that basketball struck his eye, and later, when taking so much more abuse from his opponent, he's silent, though his face registers agony. It's like Wilt takes that whole "don't show your feelings" thing to the extreme, sometimes.

If you listen to the lyrics of "Desperado", listen for the line, "Don't you draw the Queen of Diamonds, boy, she'll cheat you if she's able; you know the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet. Seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table, but you always want the ones that you can't get". The "Queen of Diamonds" is a reference to money and material wealth, vs. the "Queen of Hearts", or love/secure relationships. THAT, and the following words, are one of the reasons this song reminds me so much of Randall, someone who naively picked what he thought would make him wealthy and famous over things like friendship, and even though he had a secure job and WAS successful, still wanted more, more than he was really able to get, and wound up over his head by basically being suckered in by a slick boss's promise of success, not realizing that he was only being used. While not really part of this forum, most of his many(yeah, he does have a LOT of fans)fans speculate that IF he ever had a surviving family, he's estranged from them, choosing a career over relationships, and that's the real gist of that song-a plea for just such a person, someone who's pursuing fame and fortune while shutting out anyone who might love him, and as a result, forgetting how to love others, to stop and re-think their priorities before it's too late. In a nutshell, the song is saying that showing love for others, and allowing yourself to BE loved, is more important in the long-run that financial and material success.

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Old 02-18-2008, 05:56 PM   #42
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You guys may wanna get comfy-- this is a long post.

Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Part of Wilt's reluctance to show emotions, and especially to cry, is also a cultural issue. Men from his particular cultural background are taught from early childhood that crying is a sissy, weak thing to do, moreso even that most other men. Being "hard"(tough, impervious to weak emotions) is seen as a good thing. You will hear the phrase "man-up" used around here when someone is telling a guy to be tough and not let his emotions show or let anyone know that he's hurt. Since Wilt apparently was more or less the man of the house when he still lived with Jordan, he especially would have been under pressure to be strong, and even when Larry's weight came crashing down on his arm, and that basketball struck his eye, and later, when taking so much more abuse from his opponent, he's silent, though his face registers agony. It's like Wilt takes that whole "don't show your feelings" thing to the extreme, sometimes.

If you listen to the lyrics of "Desperado", listen for the line, "Don't you draw the Queen of Diamonds, boy, she'll cheat you if she's able; you know the Queen of Hearts is always your best bet. Seems to me some fine things have been laid upon your table, but you always want the ones that you can't get". The "Queen of Diamonds" is a reference to money and material wealth, vs. the "Queen of Hearts", or love/secure relationships. THAT, and the following words, are one of the reasons this song reminds me so much of Randall, someone who naively picked what he thought would make him wealthy and famous over things like friendship, and even though he had a secure job and WAS successful, still wanted more, more than he was really able to get, and wound up over his head by basically being suckered in by a slick boss's promise of success, not realizing that he was only being used. While not really part of this forum, most of his many(yeah, he does have a LOT of fans)fans speculate that IF he ever had a surviving family, he's estranged from them, choosing a career over relationships, and that's the real gist of that song-a plea for just such a person, someone who's pursuing fame and fortune while shutting out anyone who might love him, and as a result, forgetting how to love others, to stop and re-think their priorities before it's too late. In a nutshell, the song is saying that showing love for others, and allowing yourself to BE loved, is more important in the long-run that financial and material success.

Yes, I can see how culture would add to Wilt?s unwillingness to show emotion. I can definitely picture Wilt bottling everything up inside himself for Jordan?s benefit, and wanting to break down when he was so severely injured, and abused thirty some-odd years later during the rematch, but not wanting to look like a sissy. I feel this is emotionally unhealthy, but that is (A) my opinion and (B) another thread entirely.

I have to take a minute to say that I LOVE your analysis of the song, PBL. I mean, wow. * Keels over in awe * Moving on? After reading your explanation, I can see how this song connects to Randall-- very well-put. I suppose that when his boss told him, ?Sullivan was twice the scarer you?ll ever be,? he should have been tipped off to the fact that, Hey, maybe I?m being used here. But the pursuit of fame and success can blind you like that. (As a side note, I never really doubted that Randall has fans-- I ended up enjoying his character quite a bit and figure that EVERY character ha some sort of fan-base.) I tend to think of ?Desperado? the same way you do-- it?s a plea for someone to let love become a bigger part of his/her life, and that that?s the best thing in the world.

Okay, I now have a new idea to contribute to the thread in general: ?Manic Monday? by The Bangles reminds me of Frankie

Six o'clock already
I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin' Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian stream

But I can't be late
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
An I-don't-have-to-run day
It's just another manic Monday

Have to catch an early train
Got to be to work by nine
And if I had an aeroplane
I still couldn't make it on time

'Cause it takes me so long
Just to figure out what I'm gonna wear
Blame it on the train
When the bus is already there


<There?s more, but the site I found only had this stuff>

I do believe that the song speaks for itself.

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Old 02-25-2008, 02:52 PM   #43
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For some reason, I have the feeling that Bendy listens to "Dragula" a lot.
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Old 02-25-2008, 04:34 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Ridureyu View Post
For some reason, I have the feeling that Bendy listens to "Dragula" a lot.
That would be about the only thing he and I have in common; I LOVE that song! Rob Zombie composes some of the most awesome songs to drive to!

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Old 02-25-2008, 05:12 PM   #45
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Rob Zombie scares me in many deep and meaningful ways.
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Old 02-25-2008, 11:18 PM   #46
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Default "Marry Me", by Neil Diamond

Say that youll marry me
Sometimes carry me
And I will be there forever more
For you

And if you marry me
I will give everything
And I will do anything that you need
We do

Youll know, by the love in my eyes
And the beat of my heart
Ill be there

Youll know, cause youll never be lonely again
Anytime anywhere
This I promise
If you marry me

Promise youll stay with me
Well make some memories
And maybe a dream or two
Will come true, who knows

This I can say for sure
All that I have is yours
Youll never wonder where I stand
It shows

Youll know, by the love in my eyes
And the beat of my heart
Ill be there

Youll know, cause youll never be lonely again
Anytime anywhere
All I promise you I will be
If youll only say youll marry me

I wont ever forget these words
And Ill love you for all Im worth
If you say you will marry me
Wont you marry me

Marry me

It's how I honestly feel.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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Old 02-29-2008, 10:20 AM   #47
Who speaks like Goo and sings like Eurotrish
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Hmm, I have no idea why, but Westlife's "Miss You Nights" ALWAYS reminds me of Wilt. I really don't know why...

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Old 03-28-2008, 09:03 AM   #48
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"My friend Goo" by Sonic Youth reminds me of...well...yeah.

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Old 04-11-2008, 03:44 AM   #49
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"The Way I Am" song by Eminem reminds me of how Wilt act if he isn't needed anymore at Fosters.
Fox Kids, Rocks Kids.
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Old 05-11-2008, 02:06 PM   #50
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Okay, so: My case is out of ordinary.
For about a day, I couldn't get out my head a melody and Frankie dancing to it. Best thing is, I don't know does the song like this exists? In my mind it's only ,,taco round, taco round" all the time, ,,sounds" like a disco melody. But it might be as well a child of my subconscious. Oh, and I am still hearing this song. Where? In my minds ears. ;p
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