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Old 04-05-2008, 01:22 AM   #61
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Like most folks here I'm not particularly surprised by this news, nor am I disappointed, since I wasn't getting my hopes up in the first place. I will certainly miss the anticipation of having a new Foster's episode on the horizon once Season Six is up, but such is life. All things reach their natural expiration date, and when they do you've just gotta move on. "Moving on", of course, does not mean leaving behind all the wonderful memories which Foster's has awarded me, nor all the beautiful joys which I'm sure the show will continue to throw up on re-runs. My only hope is that Never Forgotten will continue to thrive for at least a little while after the show has aired its last, because I would really hate to see this place disintergrate.

Well, here's to you, Craig, and Lauren, and all that you have given us over the years. May Season Six prove to be the glorious final chapter that Foster's so richly deserves.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 04-05-2008 at 01:38 AM.
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Old 04-05-2008, 02:03 AM   #62
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I speak for a lot of people when I say I was kind of hoping there'd be a little more petrol in the tank, if you know what I mean. But, as they say, all good things come to an end.
Can't really think of anything to say that hasn't been said already, to be honest. But I'd like to thank Craig, Lauren and all the crew for 4 years of a great cartoon, which I'm sure will never be forgotten, as the name of this forum says. It's been fun.
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Old 04-05-2008, 03:25 AM   #63
Imaginary Light
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I can't really think of anything to say that hasn't been said. It's been fun while it lasted though. It seems these four years have just flown by. I still remember when Foster's first premiered and how awesome it made me feel watching it I will definetely miss the thrill of new episodes, but it's not like the show's gonna disappear.

So, thank you, Craig, Lauren, and the rest of the Foster's crew for giving us such a lovely, unique cartoon. I'm sure I speak for a lot of us, if not all of us, when I say we enjoyed every minute of it
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Old 04-05-2008, 05:50 AM   #64
Invader Bloo
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It's sad. I wonder what will happen to the forums?
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Old 04-05-2008, 09:23 AM   #65
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I dought it the forum will just die out, not with us fans here anyway.

Thank you Craig and Lauren for the most amazing and inspirational cartoon show there is! Foster's will always remain one of my most favorite shows and I can't waite to see how Foster's goes out with a big fantastic bang! I'll certainly miss all the characters, I congratulate you Craig on a good run and for creating a cartoon show I'll never forget.

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Old 04-05-2008, 09:44 AM   #66
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Hey Guys,

Craig again. Thanks so much for all the support, Lauren and I can't tell you how much we appreciate it. But to look at this from a slightly more positive perspective, season 6 has just started airing and we're not gonna be finished delivering the shows till the end of the year.

So watch, enjoy, and don't change the channel just yet, we're still around,

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Old 04-05-2008, 09:47 AM   #67
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We'll be there for every episode. That's a promise.

And thanks again for four amazing years!

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Old 04-05-2008, 10:22 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by girl_named_goo View Post
Hey Guys,

Craig again. Thanks so much for all the support, Lauren and I can't tell you how much we appreciate it. But to look at this from a slightly more positive perspective, season 6 has just started airing and we're not gonna be finished delivering the shows till the end of the year.

So watch, enjoy, and don't change the channel just yet, we're still around,

Oh, don't worry-you couldn't get rid of us if you tied chicken heads around our necks and threw us in the catfish pond! I don't think that the love of the show will die when it ceases production, either; die-hard fans will stick with what they love most. There will no doubt be several people, mostly those who joined only because of the game, "Big Fat Awesome House Party", who will leave the forum, but I think the rest of us will stick around for as long as Sparky is willing to keep the site up. Craig,you've still got your DA site, and perhaps every now and then you can include some drawings and comics there, to provide us with a "fix", and maybe even CN would agree to an animated short now and then. I hate to see the series end, though I'm looking forward to the upcoming episodes, but there are many ways that Foster's can live on.

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Old 04-05-2008, 11:41 AM   #69
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I agree with PBL, the show may be ending (at the end of this year) but that doesn't mean the franchise (or This forum) for that matter will be ending too.

The characters we've come to enjoy so much can still live on in other forms, such as the comic, video games. (Midway has to make a Bloo Superdude game, like right now.) DVD's and as PBL had said maybe the occasional short or even some online content. Maybe even a reunion special a few years from now if all parties are willing.

So to paraphrase the great Winston Churchill:

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Oh and let me also say thank you to every last member of the cast and crew of Foster's for providing me with hours upon hours of entertainment, and for leaving another high watermark in the world of American animation.
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Last edited by taranchula; 04-05-2008 at 11:42 AM.
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Old 04-06-2008, 09:19 AM   #70
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Um... uh... I can't really say anything without repeating something already said, so I'm just gonna thank Craig, Lauren and the Foster's Crew for hours of enjoyment, look forward to Season Six (excluding the first episode because it already aired) and... that's pretty much it. Also, I'm glad to see that Foster's is getting an "ending". Although I'm a bit worried that some characters might be unhappy at the end or something like that. Oh, well.

Oh, and I'm also hoping that Terrence will appear at some point, like some of you have speculated. Come to think of it, Berry would have to make a third appearance so that she wouldn't be left roaming free at the end... after all, she escaped from that first giant rubber-band ball and I'm getting way off topic. Better just stop now.
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