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Old 04-04-2008, 03:54 PM   #51
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Aww... Though I'm really sad to see it go, I'm glad that it had a really good run.
Can't wait to see the movie.

? Long Live Jeremiah ?
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Old 04-04-2008, 04:20 PM   #52
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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Six years is a magnificent run for a very creative show as this. Here's to everyone!
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Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.

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Old 04-04-2008, 04:45 PM   #53
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Ah, man, I have to say I'm disappointed, though not totally surprised. I guess I was trying to be the optimist and see that glass as half-full, but as they say, all good things must come to an end. I'd rather see it go out this way that becoming jades and "jumping the shark", as so many shows do when they're way past their prime. At least, hopefully, re-runs will continue to air, and again(hopefully), all seasons will eventually be released on DVD(like a special version of Good Wilt Hunting), and maybe Craig will occasionally satisfy out need for a "new Foster's fix" by putting up comics on his DA site, since that seems to be a medium we all enjoy, and he has a bit more freedom with that than with the show. It's been great, wish it could last longer, but such is life.

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Old 04-04-2008, 04:59 PM   #54
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Craig, Lauren... you gave us six seasons of joyous laughs, and awwww moments. It's a shame that all good things have to come to an end, but I will love and cherish Foster's until the day I die. I thank you Craig and Lauren for everything, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends will not be forgotten, it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Thank you...

Tony a.k.a. Shelltoon
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Old 04-04-2008, 05:00 PM   #55
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Well I guess the only thing left to say is:

This story is happy end.

Thanks for the laughs, It's been great. And we've still got one more season to go so I'm definately looking forward to that!


Last edited by Mr_Bloo_Veins; 04-04-2008 at 05:01 PM.
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Old 04-04-2008, 05:39 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by girl_named_goo View Post
Hey Guys,

Craig here, I'm using Lauren's login. I thought I would finally put an end to all the rumors. Yes Foster's is ending with season 6. Cartoon Network has never gone past 6 seasons for any of their original shows. In their minds 4 seasons is a complete order of episodes and if a show does really well they might give it that extra 5th or possibly 6th season but they've never gone beyond that.

This is a decision that I can totally understand and am totally cool with. Truth be told we were really struggling there at the end to keep each show unique and original while trying not to repeat ourselves.

Season 6 is shaping up to be a really good season, lots of funny shows, Superdude is coming back, and we've combined 3 of the 13 half hours into a new hour and 1/2 full on Foster's adventure movie! We want to go out with a bang so stay tuned!


Thanks for setting the record straight, Craig. Not really unexpected that they would end it at this point, and I'd seen it coming from a mile away. If there's any reason it feels like it hasn't been long at all, it's because you guys hammered out the first four seasons within the first 2 to 2 1/2 years of the show's existence - no mean feat considering those are what I would generally consider Foster's at its prime - (not to say the show has necessarily gone downhill since then ) - and that the subsequent seasons have followed with little delay. Other shows, particularly Ed, Edd, and Eddy, took their sweet time finishing their runs for various reasons. But then I take it that episodes of Foster's have never taken too long in production.
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Old 04-04-2008, 05:41 PM   #57
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Well, at least I can breathe easier now knowing for sure what's up. Thank you for keeping us in the loop, Craig.

I'm not surprised either, and certainly respect the decisions that have been made. It wasn't a good run, though. It was a GREAT run. I will sorely miss it. But we still have an entire season to look forward to, and a movie! I too greatly look forward to that.

And a huge Thank You to Craig, Lauren and the rest of the crew for bringing us non stop laughs, heartwarmings, and adventures. We will always be thankful for brightening up four years of our lives. And we'll always love you guys. Take care now!
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Old 04-04-2008, 06:24 PM   #58
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And there we have it.

Mr. McCracken, thank you so much for four years of lively wit, hilarious stories, peerless entertainment and, most importantly of all, unbridled imagination; that wonderfully idiosyncratic, evergreen and unmistakable Craig McCracken brand of imagination that has been a real inspiration to me for almost half of my life. Bloo and Bubbles, Frankie and Buttercup, Mac and Blossom, Coco and Mojo; I've loved and cherished these guys almost as friends for close to a decade now, and for that I feel that I personally owe you, Lauren and your wonderful creative teams an unbelievable debt of gratitude. I like think of myself as somebody who's generally pretty good with words, but on this occasion, it doesn't seem like words can really cut it.

Instead, then, I'll simply promise that this avid viewer will continue to champion and cherish every minute of Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends as it moves into its swansong season, and will continue to treasure it long after that, as I have with The Powerpuff Girls before it; in the meantime, I wish you and Lauren the very best of luck in your future projects, and will be counting the days until we can see what else that beautiful imagination might have in store for our drab, unsuspecting little world.

It's been awesome-rific, guys. Roll on Season Six!
Well, well, well; if it isn't...
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Old 04-04-2008, 06:56 PM   #59
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I'm sorry it has to end, but I will certainly enjoy what's left! And enjoy the previous episodes too, honestly. I don't see this community dying out any time soon.
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Old 04-04-2008, 08:49 PM   #60
One Radical Dude
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I'm glad to know the outcome, and it was absolutely no surprise to me that the 6th season will be the final season of the series. I'm sure it will be sad once it does officially end; however, it has certainly been a great ride for the series, and I look forward to the remainder of the series. Craig, I am proud of what you and the entire crew have done for the series, and I want to thank you all. I want to wish you and Rob well for the upcoming Cartoonstitute project. It is likely that we'll definitely be hearing more from you in the future. Thanks again, amigo.

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