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Old 03-07-2008, 06:56 AM   #1
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Default What Foods Disgust You?

What foods disgust you? There are relatively few that really bother me, but I feel like talking about them.

I know a lot of people love cantalope. I don't. I keep hearing about how sweet it is, but really, whenever I've had any, it's simply turned out to taste kind of like a stale, wet piece of nothing.

I'm sorry, but I can't really take onions, at least uncooked. I can sometimes stand them when they're cooked, but really only when their in such small doses and you can't really tell their there (which is actually, oddly enough, the case with most foods). Sadly, I've never really found joy in onion rings.

Same as it is with onions, somewhat. I love condiments made from them, but I've never loved the initial, progenitors that make those condiments. To me, tomatoes just seem kind of like eating a bizarre tasting, decomposing....thing.

Yes, my vocabulary is amazing in how articulate it is.

No, those aren't mashed potatoes. Thats mashed cauliflower. I had it basically because I'm on a diet and need to eat healthier (I've lost about 40 pounds just to let folks know). My mom made them for me, and, well....I have to admit, I didn't care for it, which is a shame since I love cauliflower au natural. It's like a bizarre, somewhat sweet version of mash potatoes. Ultimately, my pallet just didn't agree with it.
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Old 03-07-2008, 07:35 AM   #2
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I love onions and tomatoes... although the latter, yeah, I'm not too keen on them raw except in sandwiches in small amounts.

Asparagus is not a favorite. I don't mind the flavor but most of the time when I've had it fresh what I ended up eating was a fibrous mass reminicient of wood. Fresh is healthier, but I prefer asparagus in a can.

Raw shellfish I won't even try. Never mind the fact that bacteria are building small cities on it; it looks like slime and probably has a slimey texture. No thanks, I want my clams breaded and fried.

Peppers are another least favorite. When raw I can tolerate them in small doses but I really don't much care for the flavor. Cooked peppers are worse; the flavor is unpleasant, the texture is like that of the previously mentioned raw shellfish but softer and slimier, and invariably the skin of the damn vegetable pastes itself to either my gums or the roof of my mouth and nothing short of a fork will dislodge it. I don't want them on my pizza, I don't want them in my soup, I don't want them in my house.

I don't like most fruits, either. Again, this is largely a texture issue for me. I'll happily tear through a grapefruit like Eduardo goes through potatoes and I'll drink most types of fruit juice but that's about it. Some of the flavors turn me off as well, peaches and bananas in particular. Grapes I'll eat as raisins but fresh off the vine? Forget it.

Organ meats I won't even look at, except for liver, which again brings up the Eduardo/potatoes referrence.

Tapioca, sweet potatoes, tofu, watermelon, eggplant, plantains, etc., don't like 'em, won't eat 'em. By the way, I like celery, but who the hell came up with the idea of using it as a flavor for soda??

Okay, I'm done for now, and I really feel like getting a pizza. Without peppers.

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Old 03-07-2008, 09:38 AM   #3
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I love tofu and onions. And sweet potatoes and eggplants (or as we call 'em, aubergines). And I love mushrooms, even though both of my housemates quite vocally don't.

As for food I don't like, well I do have some pretty strict dietary requirements - meat and alcohol are both excluded out of personal choice (though I don't really care for either anyway), and I try to avoid cow's milk if I can, since too much of the stuff makes me sick. I'm not too fond of the taste of most cheeses. While I like tomato sauces, I have a problem with tomato skins, particularly if they come off and get all coiled up in the sauce, forming these rather unappetising-looking sticks, so I'm rather adament that all tomatoes be completely skinned in advance, and preferably pulverised as much as possible too.

Also, while I do like toast, I generally can't eat most kinds of sliced breads raw - exceptions being French bread and Irish soda bread.

That's it,
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Last edited by jekylljuice; 03-07-2008 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 03-07-2008, 10:43 AM   #4
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Cassini - Asparagus is a very difficult vegetable to prepare correctly, and most people doon't take the time necessary. Also, it's best if you choose the small stalks fresh, as they're still crisp.

Good, fresh, young asparagus = crisp.

Every other version of asparacus = stringy and fibrous.

It's like Brussel Sprouts. Prep them right, and they're crisp and delicious. Fail, and they taste like sulfur.

With that said, I really don't like quiche.

Last edited by Ridureyu; 03-07-2008 at 10:44 AM.
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Old 03-07-2008, 06:14 PM   #5
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Oh my...

I actually enjoy trying new things if they sound appetizing. But there have been times where I was sorry I did.

I personally have never been able to stomach any type of sea food. The salty fishiness of it, blach! It probably goes back to when I had my first tuna fish sandwich when I was 6, and it made me so sick I, well, brought it back up. I can eat salmon if it's cooked a special way, and sometimes fish sticks with LOTS of tarter sauce, but otherwise, no. No sea food for me.

I hate brussel sprouts and cabbage. I can tolerate coleslaw, but that's only for the mayonnaise and other fats added to it, lol.

I like tofu ok, but I prefer it when it's not pretending to be something else (meat, eggs, cheese, yogurt, etc.). I grew up vegetarian, and my parents still are. My mom is vegan-vegetarian, meaning no dairy products, and even tries to stay away from refined sugar and processed foods. Not for me, but to each her own. I actually like most vegge-meats, especially poultry and frank type ones. But I've always liked it much better if it's made out of some other type of vegge protein other than tofu. I prefer chunks of tofu only in my Thai dish, thanks.

I've never cared for lentils. They're just brown and bland and slimy. Ick. It doesn't help when they're served over rice, either. Add some tomatoes and herbs and maybe some other vegetables or something. The crock pot is never fun to clean after cooking them, either. Yuck.

And I must mention some mystery dish my dad made once when I was a kid, at maybe 9 or 10 years old. I don't know what it was suppose to be, but I'll always remember it. It was some type of stroganoff because it had egg noodles in it. And some type of beef-wannabe vegge meat. The noodles and the meat were fine. It was the amount of onions and salt and oil and mayonnaise he added to it. Globs of fat were literally floating on the surface of the dish when it came out of the oven. We could pick the globs up with a spoon, and watch it go *gloop* back into the dish. And it didn't taste good either. It was too salty, and the texture was too slimy. And all that fat was too heavy on the stomach. I ended up seeing my dinner in reverse after that meal, too. Blech.
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Old 03-07-2008, 06:47 PM   #6
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I have never been able to eat raisins without feeling grossed out. Craisins I tried recently and liked, but both black and white raisins I find revolting. Same with olives, which garners me odd looks considering I'm Italian. I mean, olive oil is awesome, but that's it. I've never liked cow's milk (even before I became allergic to it), but I do love cow's cheese (fortunately the allergy passed after about a decade). Overcooked vegetables make me gag, as do some canned and frozen (spinach and green beans come to mind) which I would otherwise enjoy if they were made from fresh. Yams...I never liked yams/sweet potatoes all that much, although on occasion I've enjoyed a homemade dish. Beef stroganoff used to make me sick as a kid, I didn't even need to eat it. The smell alone would repel me from the house. There are some things, like brains and kidneys, that I have only had after preparing myself and didn't care for, but would try again if I knew it was prepared by someone who knew what they were doing. All the other really "exotic" things I've tried (there's unfortunately not been many) I have liked. There's an Asian grocery store near me that carries some stuff I'd love to try (namely seafood) but I'm afraid to because the two separate times I have purchased frozen prepackaged seafood from them I got food poisoning. I still want to try durian though.

Oh, and divinity. My dad once dreamed of going into the candy business so he would make a recipe over and over trying to get it perfect. I never got tired of the fudge, but if I so much as see divinity nowadays I have to suppress a gag reflex.

This topic didn't really need to go into the Spam section, not as long as everyone actually discusses things and doesn't just submit lists.
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Old 03-07-2008, 07:14 PM   #7
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I'm not against moving it to Way Off Topic if everyone wishes.

Olives I'm split on. The green Spanish olives stuffed with pimiento I'll eat right out of the jar upon occasion but usually they get diced and added to a salad. Black olives I don't care for; neither the flavor or texture appeals to me.

Stroganoff is another story entirely. I haven't had it in ages but when my mother used to make it, well, there weren't any leftovers if I had anything to say about it. Same with Swiss steak and tuna casserole. Maybe this is why I had to start dieting.

Funny you should mention an Asian grocery store; there a good one within walking distance of my place, and by coincidence I was there this afternoon. My main objective was to renew my supply of kim chee, which I tried for the first time last year and developed an instant liking for. I picked up a few other gems as well but there's also a number of things in there that give me the willies, mostly in the meat department. All they have is pork, and every last part of the pig is wrapped and for sale. Sorry, but the idea of eating either the large or small intestine of the animal doesn't appeal to me at all, nor do the lungs or the tripe. Same with the package of chicken feet. I don't know what to make of the jars of fermented fish but I'm thinking about fish-flavored beer and it's not a happy thought. Some of the products I can't even begin to guess what they are. I've been pretty lucky so far when I take a chance on things like that, but I worry that someday I may buy what looks like an olive or an egg, only to discover that it might once have been watching me.

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Old 03-07-2008, 07:18 PM   #8
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I dislike prunes and raisins...ick! The same goes with mushrooms on a pizza. I tried the latter only a few years ago, and ick....nasty stuff IMO.

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Old 03-07-2008, 07:49 PM   #9
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Ever since I was a little boy, I have never ever...EVER been able to eat cereal with milk. Dry cereal is just fine and dandy but once you pour the milk into the bowl then my gag reflex goes to work.

And just to save everyone some time, I'll get the obligatory "you-know-who" reference out of the way...

"I Like Cereal!"

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Old 03-07-2008, 08:09 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
Ever since I was a little boy, I have never ever...EVER been able to eat cereal with milk. Dry cereal is just fine and dandy but once you pour the milk into the bowl then my gag reflex goes to work.

And just to save everyone some time, I'll get the obligatory "you-know-who" reference out of the way...

"I Like Cereal!"

Thank you and good night.
Dude, you are not alone! Though it doesn't bother me as much as before, I've been known to have trouble trying to eat a bowl of cereal with milk. It is hard! Ick!!

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