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Old 12-12-2007, 08:18 PM   #1
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Default Best Film(s) of 2007

I'm just wondering what everyone here considers to have been the best film (or films) of this year.

Personally, I would have to go with No Country For Old Men, an adaptation of the novel by Cormac McCarthy and adapted by the Coen Brothers. Intense, visceral, and horrifying, it's one of those rare adaptations of a book that had to take some liberties with the story yet manages to capture the feeling of the original work to a tee. On top of an incredibly atmospheric soundtrack, amazing acting (especially noting Tommy Lee Jones as Sheriff Ed Tom Bell and Javier Bardem as Anton Chigurgh), and one of the most horrifyingly human villains put on film in years (again, Anton) made for an utterly incredible film. It is an experience that is nearly impossible to forget or not dwell on.

Other than that, I would actually say that I adored The Simpsons Movie. Realize that, in my youth, I had been a gigantic fan of the Simpsons, though in recent years this had begun to wane. The movie, however, simply recaptured the love I had of the series, and recaptured it masterfully.

Before closing, I also want to address the current state of horror films as scene this year. Despite a fairly good amount of them, there's really only one title that I felt stuck out among them. As a whole, the majority were either downright terrible (the remake of Halloween) blandly mediocore though slightly entertaining (30 Days of Night, Resident Evil: Extinction), or well-made but ultimately forgettable (The Mist). Ultimately, the only horror film that truly delivered for me this year was, actually, two films: Grindhouse, separated into Planet Terror and Death Proof, with Death Proof in my opinion being the better of the two. While the two films were, in themselves, more entertaining and enjoyable watches then actual quality films (though I would argue Death Proof, at least, in fact is such), it wasn't the quality of the films that so much made the experience as much as the presentation, with how vividly and well-done Tarantino and Rodriguez captured the feel of grindhouse cinema. It's unfortunate that experience won't really carry over to the DVD editions, though, as it being a double feature really made it.

So what'd you all think of this years' films.
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Old 12-12-2007, 10:20 PM   #2
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Two films made the year for me:

Hot Fuzz
The Simpsons Movie

I thought Hot Fuzz (even though I didn't see it in the theatre) was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Seeing Simon Pegg take down the villages in Jerry Bruckheimer-style was just classic.

Although, that doesn't stop The Simpsons Movie being the funniest of the year. I'm not that big a fan of the Simpsons. I do have a favourite character (Lisa Simpson) and a favourite episode (Summer of 4 ft 2). I found this to be funny and well made.
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Old 12-13-2007, 07:32 AM   #3
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This is a total no-brainer for me - Ratatouille all the way! I don't think there have been any other films this year (or even in recent years) that have made nearly as great an impression upon me as that wonderful little flick. I salute you, Mr. Brad Bird.

So entranced with this movie am I that I went to see it three times upon the big screen. And I seem to have burnt a pretty massive hole in my bank account with the amount of Ratatouille merchandise I've since picked up.

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 12-13-2007 at 07:41 AM.
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Old 12-13-2007, 01:59 PM   #4
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There where so many movies in 07 that it's hard to decide. I still have to see a lot of them. So by default I can only really nominate Transformers since that was the only 07 movie I've seen. But Ratatouille looks wonderful.
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Old 12-13-2007, 02:20 PM   #5
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The Simpsons Movie has to be one of the best films of 2007. The humor from this film is exactly the same from the TV show, the plot is very simple and the characters were truly themselves. Hopefully, I could get the DVD when it comes out next week.

Another good film this year would have to be Transformers. Despite "criticism" from so-called critics (ie hardcore fans), and their prediction that it will flop in theaters, the film did very well and pleased some who actually watch the film.

Finally, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is a great movie that I enjoyed. The film was able to wrap up some loose ends, and with great actions and an epic battle, At World's End concludes the trilogy with a bang.
See ya!
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Old 12-13-2007, 04:04 PM   #6
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I can't be a good judge, since I haven't seen many of the movies that came out this year. The movies I still need to see are Transformers, Ratatouille, and the Simpsons movie.

However, I did see the last Pirates, and it was incredibly well done. A very good ending for the trilogy, Davy Jones was my favorite character :[
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Old 12-13-2007, 04:52 PM   #7
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Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 12-13-2007, 05:15 PM   #8
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Ohh, since I liked most of the movies I saw this year, this is gonna be kinda tough to choose.

However, Ratatouille is the obvious candidate here.

Other than that, then maybe the remake of Hairspray , or Dan in Real Life. Those films were pretty good.
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Old 12-14-2007, 04:40 PM   #9
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The Simpsons Movie dominates all 2007 movies I've seen. Then again, I have only seen one other 2007 movie.
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Old 12-14-2007, 05:05 PM   #10
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First off I just want to say that as a fan of the film, no offense Nathander, but I strongly oppose to what you said about "Mist" being a forgettable film in my opinion I think that movie was anything BUT forgettable. It may not be as wide stream applicable like "Transformers" but I thought it was one of the best if not THE best movies of 2007.

As some know, I save all my movie ticket stubs and have been doing so since "The Scorpion King" came out. The very first movie i saw of 2007 was "Pan's Labyrinth", and as usual, I will list what i feel were the absolute best movies (that i've seen so far) of 2007:

Pirates of the Caribbean: AT World's End
The Mist
28 Weeks Later
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