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Old 11-29-2007, 07:23 AM   #801
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Originally Posted by Mac_Attack View Post
But most importantly, I hate when I'm at a fast food resteraunt, and my change is WET. Why is it wet?! Who washes money??
The unpleasant truth is that fast-food joints are constantly damp from the amount of mopping that's always going on and that if one person's money is damp then it goes into a till where no evaporation is possible, just the attention of sweaty hands. Just avoid these places if at all possible. Food is important so why trust somebody who's being paid pitifully to prepare it for you? Actually if that money was being washed before returned to the customer that'd be pretty good practice really, would'nt it? But only if they dried it too. Fascinating.

Originally Posted by vinny View Post
well i was working at for a while. they paid really good so i bought a 1992 turbo DSM sports car. a few weeks ago i got fired. the things i got fired for where the most stupid things iv ever herd of. anyways, they asked me to leave, turn in your badge blah blah blah then i walk out to my car, go to start it up and the engine blows. i couldnt help but laugh.
I've often speculated on why that happens, the kick in the shin after the flan in the face. Is it some invisible force like magnetism or radiation that clings to you for a while and makes things go horrible around you. Probably not but the way you dealt with the situation shows you in a good light, Vinny.

Anyway I'm ticked off at the cold virus. It's my own fault for rushing around in the cold and lowering my immunity. If it was just the sneezing, that'd be ok. What's the most you've ever sneezed in one go? I think I get to 4 or 5 occassionally.


Last edited by koosie; 11-29-2007 at 07:25 AM. Reason: Grammar, old boy
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Old 11-29-2007, 08:50 AM   #802
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I hate it when people spoil things for you even though you tell them not to. 2 days ago, someone spoiled Death Note to me.

"lulz, i'll spoil the ending 2 u."
"No, don't"
Spoiler Below
light dies lololol and so does L lolbbq

I also went to a Sonic website one time and right on the front page it told a Sonic '06 spoiler in all caps:
Spoiler Below
SONIC DIES with a gif of him getting blasted by Mephiles.

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Old 11-29-2007, 09:52 AM   #803
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Originally Posted by koosie View Post
The unpleasant truth is that fast-food joints are constantly damp from the amount of mopping that's always going on and that if one person's money is damp then it goes into a till where no evaporation is possible, just the attention of sweaty hands. Just avoid these places if at all possible. Food is important so why trust somebody who's being paid pitifully to prepare it for you? Actually if that money was being washed before returned to the customer that'd be pretty good practice really, would'nt it? But only if they dried it too. Fascinating.
Hmm, I never knew that. Well I suppose that explains THAT problem
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Old 12-01-2007, 07:58 AM   #804
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We had a stabbing in the building last night. I don't have all the details but from what I've heard so far it seems to have been a fight over a woman and the victim was trespassing. I don't know the people involved very well but they're related in some way to the lunatics who live across the hall from me.

This building sucks.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 12-01-2007, 08:25 AM   #805
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wow Cass...that sounds like a lovely place
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:17 AM   #806
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
We had a stabbing in the building last night. I don't have all the details but from what I've heard so far it seems to have been a fight over a woman and the victim was trespassing. I don't know the people involved very well but they're related in some way to the lunatics who live across the hall from me.

This building sucks.
That's too bad, Cass. I really hope that no one was too severly hurt.

Pretty high on my own list right now are people who simply can't be bothered to watch where they're going. It's an especially big problem at this time of year, when the streets tend to be packed with shoppers, and a lot of them are far too busy looking at the festive lights and displays to keep an eye on what's actually ahead of them. I can often tell when a body-to-body collision is going to occur a fair while in advance, only since I have no space in which to manoeuvre, I'm pretty much helpless to stop it. It's a pretty good idea to avoid the town centre around here at weekends throughout December.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 12-02-2007 at 06:19 AM.
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Old 12-03-2007, 11:20 AM   #807
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Im in New York and we just got some snow, and im on the 4 wheeler plowing out the driveway, and everytime i want to put it in gear i have to stand up, rock it forward, and lift up with my foot. that gets old REAL FAST.

They need to make a stick shift like on trucks. It would be a serious improvement.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 12-04-2007, 05:40 PM   #808
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Preachy kids' books tick me off.

I work at a daycare, and one of the books we have there is called "The Teddybears Have a Dream." Sounds innocent, right? These teddybears take a nap and they each have dreams. It starts off well enough...

But then, out of nowhere, there's a page in the book where one of the teddybears is floating around and a bunch of video games float around it. The teddybear bursts out crying because he wishes kids wouldn't play videogames because they can't hug them.


Video games aren't that bad. A kid can play videogames and still play with toys. I mean, I did as a kid. I've been playing videogames for as long as I can remember (I was required to at a young age to correct my vision) and I still played with other toys all the time.

If a kid's playing videogames constantly, before he goes to school, when he gets back from school, and late into the night? Of course that's a problem. But there's nothing wrong with a kid playing video games for an hour or so a day.
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Old 12-04-2007, 05:48 PM   #809
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Coricedan Cold and Cough

i really wish my buddy Eric didnt eat these by the box. Robotripping puts holes in your brain
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 12-06-2007, 08:46 PM   #810
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I just got an email alert that the automatic withdrawal for my auto insurance didn't go through today. I don't know why. I just checked my account balance on Tuesday and there was plenty of money in there. Now I'm all worried. I'll deposit my check tomorrow, and try again. Why does this always happen this time of year for me?? Thankfully they give me I think a week to pay before canceling my insurance coverage. But it's still very frustrating.
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