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Old 11-09-2007, 09:25 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Medikor View Post
I'm thinking they may have just put Fosters on hiatus until they can finally grab some new episodes to air. But that could just be wishful thinking on my part.
Nope your pretty right on that I just got a reply from them!

Hi Nicky,

Thanks for taking the time to write to us with your comments. We appreciate receiving feedback from our viewers.

Unfortunately Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is not currently part of the TELETOON lineup. Please know that our decision to change a schedule or to remove a series from our line-up is not an easy one. There are a number of reasons why a show might be taken off the air. Often times a series will be removed for a season or two, and will return to the schedule at a later time. In order to improve TELETOON and to please our growing population of viewers, we are always in the process of acquiring new shows for our network. Therefore, some of our older shows need to be taken off the air to give a chance to new shows to carve out a place in the wonderful world of animation! And finally, in many cases, the license has expired for a series and we are no longer allowed to air it. In the case of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, the series is taking a short break but should return to the lineup at a later date

Thanks again for your message!


Audience Relations Coordinator, TELETOON
Coordonnatrice, Relations aupr�s de l'auditoire, T�L�TOON
Well there we go, now we HAVE an answer! It's not that bad as she says it will be back, but I still think we should nudge them a bit so they know the show is still popular. We don't want them to turn around and change their minds!

So all in all, I'm fairly happy. Sure I'll miss having Foster's on my TV (Apart from DVD's) but to know it will come back in a season (or two ._. I don't know if can stand that...) and we -can- still download them for our American buddies here. It won't be the same, but hopefully everyone has a connection or enough hard drive space that can handle it.

But really, what impresses me here is how quick they replied! Both Teletoon and YTV (I e-mailed them a bit ago about a Avatar: TLAB mix up) have upped their audience relations department! I remember in the old days you'd e-mail them and -maybe- get a reply five months latter and when you get it you forgot you sent it in the first place.
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Old 11-09-2007, 10:09 AM   #12
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I'm impressed, both with the speed of the reply and the fact that they replied at all. American networks could take a lesson from this.

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Old 11-09-2007, 11:13 AM   #13
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Way to go on the reply, Subzeroace! I'm surprised that they gave you a timely, informative, and personal reply. I can't wait to see the one they send me. But I'm glad to hear that they haven't turned their back on Fosters.
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Old 11-09-2007, 04:48 PM   #14
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Yeah, I hope some of the American networks follow in their footsteps. That was a very well written, frank yet light hearted reply. Kudos to them for being so swift in sending it, too. Hope you guys won't have to wait too long for its return. But at least it looks like it's coming back. That much is good.
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Old 11-09-2007, 05:45 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
I'm impressed, both with the speed of the reply and the fact that they replied at all. American networks could take a lesson from this.
Yeah....the thing they'll learn is to RESPOND, and if to respond, not a BOT message that has nothing to do with anything.
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Old 11-10-2007, 11:44 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
Yeah, I hope some of the American networks follow in their footsteps. That was a very well written, frank yet light hearted reply. Kudos to them for being so swift in sending it, too. Hope you guys won't have to wait too long for its return. But at least it looks like it's coming back. That much is good.
There are very few networks here in The US who give the viewing public what it wants. But then it's betterthan not trying at all either.
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Old 11-11-2007, 11:37 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Subzeroace View Post
Nope your pretty right on that I just got a reply from them!

Well there we go, now we HAVE an answer! It's not that bad as she says it will be back, but I still think we should nudge them a bit so they know the show is still popular. We don't want them to turn around and change their minds!

So all in all, I'm fairly happy. Sure I'll miss having Foster's on my TV (Apart from DVD's) but to know it will come back in a season (or two ._. I don't know if can stand that...) and we -can- still download them for our American buddies here. It won't be the same, but hopefully everyone has a connection or enough hard drive space that can handle it.

But really, what impresses me here is how quick they replied! Both Teletoon and YTV (I e-mailed them a bit ago about a Avatar: TLAB mix up) have upped their audience relations department! I remember in the old days you'd e-mail them and -maybe- get a reply five months latter and when you get it you forgot you sent it in the first place.

That stinks! (about Fosters being pulled from Teletoon). I know something was up this Fall as it was only on 3 times a week & they were re-runs for the most part.

Thanks subzero for posting the email you got back from them.

I'll still send an email, perhaps if they realize there are true fans it will be put back on? Yeah, well, I can always dream.
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Old 11-11-2007, 07:21 PM   #18
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What gets me the most is the timing of the whole situation, Teletoon decides to pull Foster's from the lineup AFTER it wins a major Canadian animation award.
(IE Best Children's show at The Ottawa International Animation Festival.)

That doesn't make any kind of sense in the slightest, if anything this award win should have given Foster's greater exposure on the network, and not have it being swept under the rug in favor of shows that don't even have one tenth the quality.

Well at least there is the prospect of the show being brought back at a later date to look forward to.

Actually when I first heard the news, I was kind of hopeful that Teletoon had lost the rights to Foster's and maybe perhaps YTV had picked them up.
Which would have been a good thing, because unlike Teletoon. YTV actually makes an effort to promote the hell out of anything on their network.
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Old 11-11-2007, 08:06 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
Actually when I first heard the news, I was kind of hopeful that Teletoon had lost the rights to Foster's and maybe perhaps YTV had picked them up.

Truthfully, I thought that for awhile as well, it be nice to have it on YTV!

Which would have been a good thing, because unlike Teletoon. YTV actually makes an effort to promote the hell out of anything on their network.
Unless it's Zim, I don't think I've ever seen an ad for Zim XD
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Old 11-12-2007, 07:48 PM   #20
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I sent my friendly request to put Foster's back on the air last Thursday, and got their response today. Still rather quick response though.
Hi Lynn,

Thanks for taking the time to write to us with your comments. We appreciate receiving feedback from our viewers.

Please know that our decision to change a schedule or to remove a series from our line-up is not an easy one. There are a number of reasons why a show might be taken off the air. Often times a series will be removed for a season or two, and will return to the schedule at a later time. In order to improve TELETOON and to please our growing population of viewers, we are always in the process of acquiring new shows for our network. Therefore, some of our older shows need to be taken off the air to give a chance to new shows to carve out a place in the wonderful world of animation! And finally, in many cases, the license has expired for a series and we are no longer allowed to air it. In the case of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, the series is taking a short break but should return to the lineup at a later date

Thanks again for your message!


Audience Relations Coordinator, TELETOON
Coordonnatrice, Relations aupr�s de l'auditoire, T�L�TOON
TELETOON Canada inc.
With the obvious exception of our names and the first line, it is word for word the same response SubZ got. But I'm still impressed that they're getting back to every comment sent. I hope the show comes back fast.
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