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Old 10-29-2007, 07:20 PM   #11
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There are four shows I just recall that I felt stands our as the worst on television right now:

Johnny Test-The show glorifies stereotypes of all kind, reusing unoriginal plots from other shows, and attempts to be a Dexter's Laboratory/ Fairly Odd Parents knock-off in the process.

Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island-This has to be one of the lamest show I have seen, with uninspiring characters, being a SpongeBob Squarepants rip-off, and mediocre animations in the process.

South Park-I have no interests in the show to begin with, and despite its popularity, the program has very crude animations, the plot of each episodes not reaching to the point and the characters, especially Cartman, just gets on my nerves.

Wayside-I don't want to offend anyone who enjoys the book that the show is based on, but I honestly don't like this show just for its weirdness around the characters and the plot itself.
See ya!
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Old 10-29-2007, 09:56 PM   #12
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firt of all whats this "shaolin showdown". i think the ninja cowboy thing has to be the stupidest thing iv eber seen in my life. *channel changer for sure

and this yu-gi-oh is just a wanna be pokemon

code lyoko-they try to make it look cool...but they have a long way to go

class of 3000- you got that show cus you're popular, didnt you~

my gym partners a monky: seem like im the olny one that likes it

as for lazlo, ben 10, naruto, robot boy i jus love

as for non CN-

Sarah Silverman...dont make me laugh (serously, cus you cant). cant see this show up for another 4 weeks
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Old 10-29-2007, 11:07 PM   #13
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Here's my more organized "list" of awful shows:

Class of 3000 - Why does this show even exist when such better shows like Teen Titans or JL: Unlimited were canned and yanked off the air? The characters are bland, the humor is crappier then your local outhouse, and the music isn't even that good.

Anything on MTV - MTV doesn't even show music anymore outside of awards. They disgraced themselves with the same crap, reality, semi-celebrity related shows that you can't even remember when MTV used to be a top name channel before it was buried by all the garbage they air now.

Catdog - When this Nicktoon first came out I was really interested in seeing it because it was a very unique concept. Then after a while, I really hated it and continue to hate it. Nothing in the show was funny and all it ended up was continuously beating up the cat character and passing off cheap character bashing as some kind of humorous content to kids.

Sonic X - For the first animated Sonic show to come out of Japan since their anime OVA movie, they blew it with this show. The dialog is god awful, the villain is a mentally defected joke, and the characters are so one dimensional, its embarrassing to the characters people grew up with in video games and BETTER animated representations. How could the home country of Sonic make such a crappy show? It boggles my mind still to this day.

X-men Evolution - Say what you want to me, I didn't like this one bit. They butchered the X-men characters from the movies and the classic 90's toon. Blob turned into a hillbilly, Rogue is a gothic southern vampire, Wolverine looks nauseating in orange, and we get watered down versions of Jean Grey, Cyclops and Magneto. Not to mention worst of all: a pathetic lame new mutant in Spyke's character, and disgracing Gambit by making him a villain.

The ONLY thing that show did right (in my opinion) was how they handled Nightcrawler and Shadowcat.

Tremors the series - How could such a good movie series spawn a stupid show? Maybe it would have been better if there was MORE THEN ONE WORM! Come on people, how can Tremors exist with one worm? Even worse, they mixed it up with mutant toxic gas clouds, crappy conspiracy and criminal characters and plots, and bringing in those stupid miniature flying ones topped it all off.

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl - the old show really had the magic. They had classic characters and simple pleasures with Team Rocket and the original 151 Pokemon. Now this show has totally whizzed on the very good name Pokemon once held, the voice actors of old are long gone and now the show completely sinks lower with repetitive, brain dead plots and stupid characters/situations that have been beaten and cliche'd to absolute death.

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 10-29-2007 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 10-29-2007, 11:55 PM   #14
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Sonic X - For the first animated Sonic show to come out of Japan since their anime OVA movie, they blew it with this show. The dialog is god awful, the villain is a mentally defected joke, and the characters are so one dimensional, its embarrassing to the characters people grew up with in video games and BETTER animated representations. How could the home country of Sonic make such a crappy show? It boggles my mind still to this day.
Of course, Sonic fans don't care, the show was made in Japan, and to a lot of people, anime = automatic win. Kinda sad really...

Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z
Oh yeah... I'm going there. I remember the old PPG when it first came out, my brother and I thought it was AWESOME. I remember hearing that this Japanese redo was supposed to be an April Fool's joke that became real only due to popular demand. Unfortunately, this show does not even come REMOTELY close to capturing the spirit of the original. It's littered with so many anime stereotypes, and the fight sequences weren't as intense.

Out of Jimmy's Head
Yes, Re-animated was a supposed "hit" but that was only because people were curious. It should be obvious with how Master Control is going that nobody's really that into the show. Don't get me wrong, I see the potential in this show, but the only way they could recognize that potential would be to make this show 100% cartoon because most of what happens in this show, does not work well in a live action format.
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Old 10-30-2007, 03:53 AM   #15
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Almost Every thing mentioned here. Plus Anything that airs on the Dizney Channel.

Last edited by fosters home fan; 10-30-2007 at 03:54 AM. Reason: typos!
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Old 10-30-2007, 06:30 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by TB View Post
Nick never was very good at making proper business decisions.
Really? Because I thought cancelling Invader ZIM, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold!, and Angry Beavers was genius.

I miss the days of Pete and Pete, Salute Your Shorts and You Can't Do That On Television.
I have to admit...when I was younger, I was just kind of bored by Pete and Pete. Nowadays, however, I really see what it was about and enjoy it. I also loved Salute your Shorts, and I'm surprised anyone remembers You Can't Do That On Television before it was replaced with All That. I also miss Hey Dude!

Originally Posted by vinny
Sarah Silverman...dont make me laugh (serously, cus you cant). cant see this show up for another 4 weeks
That's the's already on its second season.
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Old 10-30-2007, 02:56 PM   #17
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Default Reality bites

There have been so many horrid shows over the years, it's hard to make a short list. One that immediately comes to mind is American Idol. As far as I'm concerned this program is one of the most overhyped, overblown, and overrated shows ever to hit the airwaves. I tried watching it when it first aired but I just couldn't stand anything about it. Then there's The Bachelorette, which pretty much proved that all the polls saying that looks aren't important are lying. What a hurtful joke that show was. And let's not forget Who Wants To Marry A Multimillionaire?, which I can only describe as either a slave auction or a meat market, oh my stars it was awful. Thankfully it aired only once. Too bad the same can't be said for The Simple Life. The first season wasn't too bad, if one enjoys watching brain-dead debutantes adjusting to life on a farm where people do actual work, but it was all downhill from there. Same story for The Real Gilligan's Island; started out sort of interesting, ended up sucking. Finally, there's Survivor. They can call it, and all of the above, a "reality" show all they want, it has about as much to do with reality as Foster's and far, far less entertainment value. You want to impress me with survival skills? Give each contestant a bagged lunch, twenty bucks, and a flashlight, then drop them in the middle of Baghdad. First one to find an army base wins.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 10-30-2007, 03:15 PM   #18
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You hit the nail on the head with American Idol, Cass. I really think people only watch that show for Simon, but that's a horrible reason if there ever was one. I'd hate to have to be in the same room as that guy.
And Survivor is a show I watch since it's my dad's favorite show. It gives us something to talk about. I agree that it's not the most compelling program in the world. It's far from it. It really just boils down to a bunch of know-it-all's arguing and rolling in mud.
Food has never been a factor on that show either. every other day they get to stuff themselves on a huge pile of goodies that the host makes them fight over. One of the contestants this season is so thin that she actually looks like she's anorexic. She likely only got on the show so they could make it look like the contestants are going hungry.
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Old 10-30-2007, 03:23 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl - the old show really had the magic. They had classic characters and simple pleasures with Team Rocket and the original 151 Pokemon. Now this show has totally whizzed on the very good name Pokemon once held, the voice actors of old are long gone and now the show completely sinks lower with repetitive, brain dead plots and stupid characters/situations that have been beaten and cliche'd to absolute death.
YES, YES, YES. This is EXACTLY how I feel about today's Pokemon. Whatever happened to the FIRST pokemon, like say...Vulpix, Paras, Mankey, Kadabra, Diglett, Ponyta, Charmander, and most of all....EEVEE, and the episodes where the TERM pokemon was pronounced "Poke-a-mon"? All there is are new random characters popping up, who are never seen again, MISTY is always the one who's replaced by some ditz character, (She was once even replaced by TWO characters at once)Team Rocket always loses (Man, can't they get away with ANYTHING, for at least ONE time, and THEN lose in the next episode?) and etc etc etc. I miss Misty and her fear of bugs. D=
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Old 10-30-2007, 04:10 PM   #20
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how about "big brother"?

i cant wait to get home so i can watch a bunch of people stuck in a house!

way to popular for what it is. all of the reality shows suck to me. fear factor and shows like dog eat dog arnt so bad. i did get into degrassi and hanna montana at on time.(shoot me) and then she got pregnant and degressi went a bit too far for me.

i have to ask, has any one seen any of that new cartoon called chadder? its supposed to be on CN soon. it looks stupid but it was really funny from what i watched.i think its on the CN site if you want to see it. it made me laugh (but thats not hard)
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Last edited by Cassini90125; 09-01-2014 at 11:11 PM. Reason: No edit but I have to say OMFG LEARN SPELLING, CAPITALIZATION, AND PUNCTUATION!!! SHEESH!!!
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