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Old 10-28-2007, 07:46 PM   #1
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Default Pokemon Discussion/Friends Code List

Okay so I notice there's quite a few of us here who are playing Pokemon(either 3rd generation R/S/E or 4th Generation D/P). I figure we can post here about it and start up a friend's code list so we can all trade/battle with each other.

I also realize there's some who don't know about Effort Point training. If it's your first time playing Pokemon I would just not bother dealing with it until atleast beating the game your first time.

Effort Value Point Training:

Basically it works like this: Each Pokemon gives a point into a certain stat(hp/speed/def/spdef/atk/spatk). You need 4 of those points to gain a bonus stat when you level up.

Let's take Zubat for instance. Zubat offers 1 point in Speed. Defeating 4 zubats will give you 4 EV points in Speed. When you level up, you will gain 1 extra point into speed that you wouldn't have gained normally. So say you defeat 20 zubats before you hit the next level up. You would gain an extra 5 points in your pokemon's speed stat. There are items you can use to give you even more EV points per battle(Macho Brace).


Pokemon Breeding:

I'll just stick with the basics on this. Female Pokemon determine what Pokemon you will get when the egg hatches. Male Pokemon pass on moves(each pokemon can only learn certain moves passing on through breeding).

Ditto is neutral gender so it can be used instead of a female pokemon, and is needed for breeding with nonlegendary neutral gendered pokeys.


There's way too much other info to post it all in this OP, but there's some good sites out there that have better more indepth coverage.

On to the list! Please either pm or reply to this thread with your code.

Username------------Version-----------------Friend's Code
TB-------------------Diamond---------------5154 9420 8502
TB----------------------PBR----------------2663 9196 7606
Ricky Fieldmouse---------PBR-----------------5455-6822-4452

Last edited by TB; 10-31-2007 at 07:01 PM.
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Old 10-29-2007, 02:19 AM   #2
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I've been playing Pkmn since I was 10 (that was when Red and Blue came out) and I still play the games. The tv-series and all that can go die. It's about the GAMES, dammit. The games has such a wonderful structure and was the new fresh thing when I was little D: Now when people hear the word Pokémon they think of bad limited animation for 5 year olds and collecting cards

As for friend codes... I'd love to give mine, however, my router is not compatible with my DS. I can't get online. Also, I played D/P when it came out in Japanese TWICE then again TWICE when it came out in English... so I'm a little fed up with the game

If I see another Bidoof, I swear I'll... *grumble grumble*
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Old 10-29-2007, 02:47 AM   #3
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I'd be on the list if it weren't for those over sensitive DS cards. My Diamond had a dent in it, just a small dimple. But apparently that dent was too much for it and decided to kill itself.

So yeah. Now I'm stuck playing Sapphire all day. I'll probably wait until the third version comes out so I can buy it/make someone buy it for me. Hopefully the latter.
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Old 10-29-2007, 09:52 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Zeitgheist View Post
I've been playing Pkmn since I was 10 (that was when Red and Blue came out) and I still play the games. The tv-series and all that can go die. It's about the GAMES, dammit. The games has such a wonderful structure and was the new fresh thing when I was little D: Now when people hear the word Pokémon they think of bad limited animation for 5 year olds and collecting cards

As for friend codes... I'd love to give mine, however, my router is not compatible with my DS. I can't get online. Also, I played D/P when it came out in Japanese TWICE then again TWICE when it came out in English... so I'm a little fed up with the game

If I see another Bidoof, I swear I'll... *grumble grumble*
I think while Sapphire/Ruby brought back some popularity in the series to older teens/adults, I've noticed a much larger increase since Diamond/Pearl. It's almost like it's not completely lame anymore to play it(hell even Gabe from Penny-Arcade went to a tournament recently).

Also yeah I completely forgot, my router doesn't tend to work either with my DS(though oddly I have no problems with my Wii). I'm still trying to see if there's a work around for it, but I can use it at other hot spots. Which reminds me: Anyone have any Wii codes they'd like to exchange? I'm always up for a round of Battle Revolution too.

Oh btw, I'm in the process of making a new Aggron for my team. I used to have him a straight up brute force guy, but his moveset was terrible and I think I'd messed up on EV training when I first got him in Sapphire. I'm not at home atm or I'd check what Nature I went with(pretty sure it was one with a +spdef bonus) but here's what I have planned so far:

Hold Item: Hard Stone
Stealth Rock
Rock Polish

Essentially I'd like to find a better item since he's going to rarely be using an actual attack move. I got really lucky getting Hard Stone(5% drop rate on Aron's. Gives a large boost to atk).

Battle plan is to use Rock Polish to boost his speed a ton, then Stealth Rock and continually use Roar, sending it back and when they send out the next guy they get hit with Stealth Rock. Since Aggron has such a huge Defense I'm hoping the guys they use will just be attack users since its base Sp.Def stat is terrible. Rockslide is just there if I need a normal decent attack.

Originally Posted by Ricky Fieldmouse View Post
So yeah. Now I'm stuck playing Sapphire all day. I'll probably wait until the third version comes out so I can buy it/make someone buy it for me. Hopefully the latter.
Ouch, I don't think I could wait till the third version comes out. It took about a year before Emerald was released.

Last edited by TB; 10-29-2007 at 09:56 AM.
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:29 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by TB View Post
It's almost like it's not completely lame anymore to play it(hell even Gabe from Penny-Arcade went to a tournament recently).
dude i named my infernape after that guy.

anyways i never understood why people do all this EV-training and stuff, but eh. i guess people take this game way serious. but again eh. Im still waiting for a gold/silver/crystal re-release (like firered and leafgreen.) that'd be so awsome.

oh yeah id give you my friend code but i cant really get any good wifi connections right now.
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:33 PM   #6
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Yeah, my Wii gets online fine, too I don't have my Wii code HERE though... and it's 10:30 pm and I'll have to look it up tomorrow XD And oh yeah, I forgot Gabe went there. Even though that "arc" has one of my favorite strips in it

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Old 10-29-2007, 01:38 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by some guy you dont know View Post
dude i named my infernape after that guy.

anyways i never understood why people do all this EV-training and stuff, but eh. i guess people take this game way serious. but again eh. Im still waiting for a gold/silver/crystal re-release (like firered and leafgreen.) that'd be so awsome.

oh yeah id give you my friend code but i cant really get any good wifi connections right now.
I don't enjoy actually doing the EV training. It's long and incredibly tedious. It's the end results that are why I do it. Your pokemon are guaranteed to be stronger through EV training, making for more interesting battles. I enjoy playing against others online so for me I can deal with the extra training.

It's amazing what you can do with even the most worthless of pokemon with the right EV training and move set.
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:41 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Zeitgheist View Post
Yeah, my Wii gets online fine, too I don't have my Wii code HERE though... and it's 10:30 pm and I'll have to look it up tomorrow XD And oh yeah, I forgot Gabe went there. Even though that "arc" has one of my favorite strips in it I like this one.
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Old 10-29-2007, 01:44 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by TB View Post
That one is hilarious too XD But I just love how the army cries "THE ARMY CHOOSE YOU!!"

it's so silly, yet, as Gabe said, it would be totally awesome IF it was true <3
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Old 10-29-2007, 03:07 PM   #10
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I would enter my Diamond code, but I can't find the game. Plus, my router doesn't allow Pokemon battles. I can't get to my Wii at the moment, but I don't my router will work for Battle Revolution. It's worth a test, though, so I'll be trying soon, most likely tomorrow. BTW, the sequel to Mystery Dungeon uses Wi-Fi also.
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