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Old 10-28-2007, 05:06 PM   #1
Mr. Marshmallow
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Default Favorite Horror movies

With this being Halloween and all, i figured it'd be the ideal thread to start. Name as many or as few of your favorite horror movies that you have liked. They don't necessarily HAVE to be ones that scared you. Many people are harder to scare these days so just any horror movie you enjoy be it scary or not.

Mine are a mix of ones I love for enjoyment and others cause they TOTALLY freaked me out when I saw em:

Dawn of the Dead (remake)
Salem's Lot
Jeepers Creepers
The Grudge
The Ring
The Descent
Wes Craven's: They
Final Destination
30 Days of Night
John Carpenter's The Thing
In the Mouth of Madness
28 Weeks later
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Old 10-28-2007, 05:09 PM   #2
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Don't forget "The Exorcist" and "Child's Play".

Last edited by fosters home fan; 10-28-2007 at 05:10 PM. Reason: WILT SMILEY!
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Old 10-28-2007, 05:18 PM   #3
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Horror isn't really my thing, aside from occasional visits to DA. If I had to pick the movies from that genre that I enjoyed, these would be my choices:

The Shining
Rosemary's baby
The Ring
The Blair Witch Project
Final Destination

While that last one is a sci-fi movie I really felt that it had a strong horror atmosphere to it, so I included it here.

Let's see some discussion here so this doesn't turn into a "List" thread, m'kay?

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Old 10-28-2007, 05:22 PM   #4
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I would classify Alien as a horror movie despite its sci-fi trappings. The movie itself seems most reminiscent of a haunted house film, complete with boogeyman. However the sci-fi elements elevated the movie so far beyond that it transcends both genres. One can even go so far as to say it's even beyond your mere sci-fi/horror film.
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Old 10-28-2007, 05:36 PM   #5
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I usually try to avoid horror movies. But the movies I've seen that I could probably put in this category are Godzilla: King of the Monsters, and the original King Kong.
These two movie's, while not horrors as much as they are adventures or epics, always manage to fill me with a sense of urgency and dread. The crude and olden time effects also give them a rougher and primal feel that modern movie effects just can't emulate.
I haven't really seen any actual Halloween themed movies, but I am going to try and watch Nosferatu in the next few days or so.
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Old 10-28-2007, 05:51 PM   #6
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Alien i would definitely consider a horror movie. There are so many elements of extreme fear in that movie, and the down right hideous and freaky design of the alien monsters are easily horror material. Most of the horror classics like Exorcist, The "dead" movies, and Halloween movies I expected to be on here.

For me, the scariest movies i have ever come across would be the American Japanese remake movies. I have seen only 2 pure Japanese horror movies, Pulse and One Missed Call and while they were both very creepy (especially Pulse), being an American I could truly feel the fear from the 2 American remakes.

The Ring in particular. The movie is spectacularly well made, in acting, imagery, and the music (or lack there of hence the CREEP factor). The whole thing with the TV set makes imagining the movie all the more easier to picture it happening in your house. The TV just turning itself on is an easy and eerie thing to imagine.

The Grudge also was so dark and mysterious, how this thing just appeared and took you away to Never, Neverland was disturbing. What made it worse was the fact this ghost was virtually impossible to fight again. Btw, what's wrong with a list thread, haven't there been some made in here before?
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Old 10-28-2007, 05:57 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Btw, what's wrong with a list thread, haven't there been some made in here before?
Just a precaution. In any case I'm seeing discussion so there's nothing to worry about.

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Old 10-28-2007, 06:00 PM   #8
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I'm not much of a horror fan, either. But I do have two favourites:

A Nightmare on Elm Street: A true horror classic. I originally liked this film because of Johnny Depp, since it's his film debut (he's the one that gets sucked into his bed, then the blood flushes up to the ceiling). But I now look at it as a milestone in horror film.

Constantine: Many people may hate me for liking this film because of a certain actor, but I thought this was Keanu Reeves' best performance. While I haven't read the comics that this film is based on (I'm not a comic reader), I still think it was a great film, and a great performance from Keanu.

I'd like to add Beetlejuice as well, but I haven't seen it yet.
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Old 10-28-2007, 06:05 PM   #9
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My 2 favorites have always been

Howling 3

naturally there are many more that I like, but those are my favorite.
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Old 10-28-2007, 06:36 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by frankie_fan View Post
Constantine: Many people may hate me for liking this film because of a certain actor, but I thought this was Keanu Reeves' best performance. While I haven't read the comics that this film is based on (I'm not a comic reader), I still think it was a great film, and a great performance from Keanu.
I actually liked Constantine, despite how different it was from the original comics. However, I honestly think Keanu's best performance to have been in A Scanner Darkly.

Anyway, horror films of all types are my bread and butter. My favorites are:

Child's Play 2: While the first one was much scarier, and the later ones more fun to watch, the second one was, to me, perfection in what it set out to achieve: it was able to be creepy AND campy/goofy at the same time, without sacrificing either bit. That, and I'm a huge Chucky fan, so I had to make sure on film made this list.

Tetsuo - The Iron Man: One of the most bizarre, abstract, and creepiest Japanese films I have ever seen. It has a deeply unsettling soundtrack that meshes well with the atmosphere incredibly well, and some of the most unsettling imagery I've ever seen in a film.

Ichi the Killer: Another Japanese film, and done by the David Cronenberg of Japan, Takashi Miike. Despite some lacking graphics, it remains a very disturbing film and incredibly faithful to the original source material.

Night of the Living Dead: While I love most of George Romero's films, as well as John Russo's split from the series, the first is still definantely the best. The tension and anxiety between the survivors in the farm house, as well as the horror of watching the ghouls feed and the shockingly (for the time) downer ending makes it one of the best horror films I've ever seen.

Dead Alive: One of Peter Jackson's infamous films, I personally consider THIS to be his masterpiece (while I loved the LoTR films, I'm a hardcore Tolkien fan, and nothing can replace the books in my opinion). Along with Raimi's Evil Dead films, it's a shining example of how a good horror movie can be made from an extremely low budget. That, and the fact that the ending zombie slaughter resulted in setting the record for most stage blood used is pretty interesting to remember.

Evil Dead II: Dead Before Dawn: One of the single finest horror films I've ever seen. I am, in fact, ashamed that I only saw it for the first time a week or two ago. For being made on a shoestring budget, and with how old it is, I feel the graphics still hold up today (though I must admit I'm a sucker for horror flicks that make their gore effects the old fashioned way instead of with CGI), and the acting (especially from Bruce Campbell) is superb. It is a film ANY horror fan most see. If you haven't seen it, you've missed out on a lot.

I'll have more later, my pretties. Yes, many more.

And thank you for starting this thread, M. I was going to start it in celebration of Halloween, but you beat me to it.
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