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Old 08-03-2007, 09:51 PM   #11
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I started playing in January 2007.
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Old 08-06-2007, 02:28 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Divelucaya View Post
I have two photo albums almost complete but unfortunately do not know what games to play to get the last few pictures. Once I complete the new games that come out I continue with the older games before the next update, with my priority trying to complete room sets.
Which ones are you missing?? I agree, I wish with the furniture and items, that pictures were listed as well in the Update threads. It would have been very helpful in finishing albums.

You may want to go back and look at all the games you have already played. Occassionally, you will need to go back and replay some Game Levels so that you can re-win all the collectibles. My daughter was missing a lot of the pics from Wilt, Eduardo and Coco, and she doesn't have too many unlocked games left that aren't from the first release (i.e. Imaginary Friends Album, which didn't have furniture). So I went through each game she's unlocked and made sure there were no remaining collectibles. Sure enough, I found a LOT. I had to replay 6 different Game Levels in order to re-win all the stuff.

So now she has finished Wilt, Eduardo and Coco albums and just has the Imaginary Friends album to go. I knew when there were only 3 games she hasn't completely finished there HAD to be some scores out there that were reset.

So periodically check to make sure you have all your pics, if not, check some games, as they may have been reset. I can try to help you figure out which games you need to play for certain pics, if you want to send me a pm with the games and levels you have not unlocked yet.

Last edited by Vicks; 08-06-2007 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 08-06-2007, 08:46 AM   #13
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One of the things I noticed that it seems not too many people have realized is the reason why collectibles come back in certain games. When a game level is played and all the collectibles are won, if you go back and play the same level but log out before you get a score high enough to get on the list, the site stops responding before you are finished, or if you do not get a score high enough to get on the high scores list, then all the collectibles are reset. This happens with my son a lot. I play his games to get the collectibles and then he goes back later and plays the same game/level but does not get a high enough score to get on the list and rather than try again he plays something else. Later I go back and check his collectibles (usually when he complains a certain buddy or hat is missing) and sure enough, he has lost all the collectibles for that game level he did not get a good score on. Once I play a game level and get all the collectibles I usually don't play it again (unless it is a game I really like to play) so I rarely have lost my collectibles. I say rarely because I have gotten the communication with server error while playing a game and when I log back on I have lost all the collectibles associated with the game level I was playing. I have seen several complaints in this forum about collectibles being "returned" and games having to be replayed and everyone seems to think it is a glitch with the BFAHP script/program. It's not. Anyone can easily verify this by playing a couple levels of a game, making sure your score is not high enough to get you in the scores list, and then logging out. When you log back in and check the game being played, you will see all the collectibles for that level have been returned to the game.

I have a spreadsheet with the games levels I have played and how many pictures I have left. I will pm you with the breakdown.
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Old 08-06-2007, 10:51 AM   #14
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That must be what's going on. She loves to go play the games, but I never watch to see which it is. There were a lot this time, but usually it's the Kung Fu one, which is one of her fave games.

Thanks for clearing that up.
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Old 08-06-2007, 11:29 AM   #15
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Yeah, it stinks because some of the games that I hate my son is not good at so when he plays he loses his collectibles and then I have to play the game to get them back. I just went in and played, horribly yet on purpose, several levels of games on my son's account (games I have not yet unlocked). Once all the collectibles were back I played the games again so that I could get a count of what pictures were awarded. Two of these games, Choo Choo Challenge and Scribbles on the Loose have at least 14 pictures of Coco (level 3 of Scribbles was not yet unlocked), so once I unlock and play all 3 levels of those two games my Coco album will be almost filled.
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Old 08-06-2007, 06:06 PM   #16
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i noticed that if I replay a game frequenly it will reset the level every now and then, I think it may be an issue with overflowing the score stack.

so I replay cracked up frequenly and about every 20 games or so the score would reset (without an error as an earlier poster sugested.)

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Old 08-31-2007, 07:45 AM   #17
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i started playing the day the game came out but it was boring then and i quit after a month or 2 recently i started playing again but i forgot my old username and password so i had to make a new account
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