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Old 07-22-2007, 01:33 PM   #1
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Default Favorite Voice Actor (s)

It doesn't matter if they are for videogames, cartoons, animes, etc. Just express who you think out there does a good job in voice acting.

Johnny Yong Bosch-If there's anything I like about him, I like the fact that he does a good job for Ichigo for Bleach, and in some animes like Naruto.

Janice Kawaye-When she speaks, she has a voice that can be range from child-like to mature, and I think she does a good job in balancing them, as well as being fluent in Japanese. Though, I always wonder why she hasn't try out anime yet...

Tony Jay-The late Tony Jay has that tone that is very suited for serious villains, including Shere Khan from Tailspin and Megabyte from Reboot, and yet, I which I could have hear more from him.

James Earl Jones-Perhaps well-known for the voice of Darth Vader in the Star Wars films, his voice can have a sinister tone in them, yet, he can also range to benevolence as well, which was also use when he did Mufasa in the Lion King. In general, he deserves more credit than he should have.
See ya!
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Old 07-22-2007, 01:37 PM   #2
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The multi-talented Grey Delisle, who has voiced both of my favorite cartoon ladies and done a host of other characters over the last few years.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 07-22-2007, 02:39 PM   #3
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The Foster's cast is really the only cast of voice actors I'm familiar with right now. I remember a few years ago taking note of who did the voices of my favorite cartoon characters in other cartoons, but they didn't stick to my brain like the Foster's gang have.

Yes, Grey is SOOO talented. And she's one busy lady! What, with a new baby and all, and yet she's doing....*counting*.... at least five cartoons all at the same time. And she sings too! Wow, I really admire her. She's got to be one of my favorites as well. I her in Billy and Mandy, Curious George, and sometimes Fairly Odd Parents. She's amazing.

Tom Kenny is another really talented voice actor who's in a number of cartoons at the same time (although he does't have a new baby, and as far as I know, doesn't sing). But he can do so many things with his voice. I like him in Camp Lazlo as Lumpus and Slinkman. He's awesome.

I've mentioned elsewhere I'm a big fan of Sean's. I liked him in 13 Going on 30 even before I knew he was the same guy who did Mac's voice. I remember how excited I was when I found that out. Most of his voice acting so far in in video games, though, and as I've also mentioned elsewhere, I'm not really into the whole game scene (nothing against them, I just never got into them). So not familiar with him there. But I've seen a number of his guest appearances in TV shows and a few movies, and he's growing into a great actor.

Candi's also extremely talented, and has done a LOT of stuff. She started out singing for clubs and even had a show on the Disney Cruise ship. And she has a knack for manipulating her voice to sound like machinery or something, not just living humans/animals/imaginary friends. I suppose it's just unfortunate that she hasn't done the voice for any of my favorite characters yet, so I haven't looked into her as much as I've done the others.

I'm not that familiar with Keith or Phil because there's not much out there about them, although I definately think they're both awesome in Foster's. I know Keith has done some voice work for video games, and Phil was on MADtv for a while. But I didn't watch MAD much (was more of an SNL fan, I suppose), and again, I'm not familiar really with any VGs. And poor Tom Kane, I don't think very many people even know who he is. But I sure know he does a great Herriman.
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Old 07-22-2007, 02:56 PM   #4
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Grey Delisle. She's very talented and does the voices to some of my favourite characters. My favourite voices from her are Frankie from Foster's and Lor from The Weekenders.


Tara Strong. She is extremly talented. She can put on really good voices for pretty much any kind of character. My favourite voices from her are Raven from Teen Titans and Terrence for Foster's.

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Old 07-22-2007, 03:10 PM   #5
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As well as Grey Delisle (not only as Frankie but as Mandy), here are my favourites:

Tara Strong - A very talanted voice actor, who has voiced great characters for great cartoons (including Ben 10, Teen Titans and Beetlejuice). My favourite from her is Raven from Teen Titans. She really brought out the creepyness (no offence to Raven ) and even sometimes made it funny without becoming funny. An example of that is the first episode when Starfire offers her Pudding of Saddness to Raven, to which she replies: 'My mind is never troubled. People come, people go. It's pointless to be upset about Cyborg.' The computer behind her breaks, Starfire looks shocked and Raven just goes...


Seth MacFarlane - Another talanted guy who really shows it on his show Family Guy. He makes his charaters that he does really funny, and shows that it's sometimes the way that you say something that makes it funny.

I'm also a fan of his sister, Rachel MacFarlane. Being a fan of the 1/362 pairing on Codename: Kids Next Door and having seen Operation IT, she made the character of Rachel (aka Numbuh 362) what she is today.
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Old 07-22-2007, 03:24 PM   #6
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Mark Hamill-Probably best known for as the heroic Luke Skywalker of Star Wars fame, he also does a great job as a voice actor as well, mostly doing villainous roles, including Joker for BTAS, Ozai in Avatar and the Skeleton King in Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!

David Hayter-In many ways, David Hayter, who is a skilled script writer, also has a gruff but heroic voice, similar to Wolverine, and I like the fact that he does the english voice for Snake for the MGS series, including the upcoming fourth and final game, Guns of the Patriots.

Phil Lamarr-Until I watch shows like Static Shock, Foster's and Samurai Jack, I knew little of Lamarr until I watch these shows. It was very surprising that he could lend his voice to just any character, regardless of origin, but he makes them more interesting depending on the kind of character he is.

Grey Delisle-Like everyone here, I also appreciate Delisle for tackling many voice acting roles, from being the ruthless Azula from Avatar to sweet Frankie from Foster's as well.
See ya!
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Old 07-22-2007, 04:39 PM   #7
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Oh man there are just too many for me to list. I'll start by saying that the Fosters crew are all on the list. But I'll do a quick list of my faves.

In no particular order...

-Grey Delisle
-Phil Lamar
-Tara Strong
-Scott McNeil
-Jennifer Hale
-Monica Storie
-David Kaye
-Peter Cullen
-Frank Welker

And there are many, many more. I'll try and get into detail later.
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Old 07-22-2007, 04:55 PM   #8
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I must add the late Mel Blanc; he was da man! He's definitely on top of my list. He's easily my first favorite voice-over actor. I've also enjoyed hearing the works from Tom Kenny, Steven Blum, Grey DeLisle, Scott McNeil, Tara Strong, and many others.

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Old 07-22-2007, 06:54 PM   #9
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Here are my favorite voice actors:

Tara Strong - I like how she voiced Ben Tennyson and Upgrade in Ben 10 and Timmy Turner in The Fairly Oddparents. She done many voice acting for over the years.

Debi Derryberry - She voiced many good cartoon characters like Zatch Bell and Jimmy Neutron. She also voiced Coco Bandicoot from some of the "Crash Bandicoot" games.

Grey DeLisie - She voiced many female cartoon characters: Frankie Foster, Mandy, Sam Manson, Vicky, and many more

Keith Ferguson - I always liked his voice for Bloo.

Lex Lang - The only character I know he voices is Dr. Neo Cortex from "Crash Twinsanity", "Crash Tag Team Racing", and the upcoming Crash game "Crash of the Titans", yet he does get into characters with the evil scientist.

Clancy Brown - He's also one of my favorites. He voices my favorite characters: Mr. Krabs from "SpongeBob SquarePants", Dr. Neo Cortex and Uka Uka from the Crash games, "Crash 2" to "Crash Nitro Cart".

Tom Kenny - I certainly like his voice acting for SpongeBob SquarePants. I like how he gets into character with SpongeBob.
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Old 07-22-2007, 07:55 PM   #10
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My favorite voice actors/actresses are, in no particular order:
Grey Delisle, Phil Lamar, Charlie Adler, David Ogden-Stiers, Kevin Michael-Richardson, James Woods, Jason Lee, Steve Buscemi and that faithful Pixar stand-by, John Ratzenberger.

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