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Old 06-04-2007, 11:07 PM   #211
Mr. Marshmallow
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It is because to be honest, I still find myself liking "Go-go" more then I did the first time. I'm really enjoying the episode for itself and not just focusing on Cheese's constant yakking. Like i said before Cheese really doesn't bother me anymore, he's done more annoying sounds and said annoying things worse then this.

He was much more annoying in "Big cheese" but that was a more well crafted episode. Either way, I found there was too much fun to be had with everyone else and their weird going ons. Eduardo, Madame Foster and Jackie Khones all had amusing and entertaining plots. In truth, Bloo was the only one who really made such a big deal out of Cheese.

Yeah Frankie made it seem like it was big at the end by finding out where he goes, but I think even as Louise put it is that there's less to Cheese then meets the eye. And while i do admit I felt so bad seeing Frankie really suffering, I was happy to see her in another prominent role and more importantly, doing the right thing.

Helping Cheese was obviously not the smartest thing to do, but she still tried to help him and even went to all the trouble to bringing him back to Louise and dealt with everyone else's problems too. Plus, she's the ONLY one who didn't get arrested. I don't know why but I just find this episode to be a gas (no Eduardo pun intended).

It's the same way with "Bloooo" and "Emancipation", most people hated these episodes along with "Go-go" but I loved them, especially "Bloooo".
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Old 06-06-2007, 02:33 PM   #212
Invader Bloo
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I re-watched it OnDemand. This episode still dosen't do anything for me. It feels like an episode of "Fairly Odd Parents", by that I mean the plot goes way too fast & there's was like 5 funny jokes. I really think they need to get some new Cheese material, or else his popularity will go dooooooown. I suggest getting some writers from Zim, who always had funny stuff for Gir who is basically like Cheese. Or *COUGH*Me*COUGH*.
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Old 06-06-2007, 02:41 PM   #213
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That was subtle.

I haven't seen the episode in full since the premiere, but I'll say again that I liked it. Not their best effort, probably due to having that "Invaded" theme forced on them, but not the worst I've ever seen either, not by a longshot.

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Last edited by Cassini90125; 06-06-2007 at 02:42 PM.
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Old 06-06-2007, 07:00 PM   #214
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The fact that CN forced them to do the Invaded thing, the writers were probably in the middle of a script & scraped this one real fast.
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Old 06-07-2007, 03:23 AM   #215
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I largely have to agree with Ditchy and Chaos' assessments of this episode, I'm afraid. The only things I particularly enjoyed were Jackie Khones' contributions and the fact that one of the scientists bore more than a passing resemblence to Napoleon Dynamite. As for everything else...meh. I'm clearly not the only one who was filled with the compulsion to go rooting round my medicine cabinet for an aspirin fix by Cheese's relentless gabblings, though I do appear to be alone in finding high-Ed to be somewhat overhyped (pretty tame compared to Steve Martin's character in Little Shop of Horrors, at any rate).

At the very least, it's not my least favourite episode (I Only Have Surprise For You still holds that rancid honour), but not one I'll be going out of my way to watch again.

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 06-07-2007 at 07:25 AM.
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Old 06-07-2007, 04:07 AM   #216
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Looking back at this episode, I think that the fact that this episode coming across like it was 2 or 3 short episodes cobbled together makes me appreciate it all that more.

Why you ask? Because to me it reminded me of those cornball old sci-fi B-movies from long ago, you know the ones that seem like a bunch of random scenes stitched together like an old prom dress with some kind of thin narrative lamely tying them altogether.

And I think that was the effect they were going for in the episode, given the subject material they were forced to work with I can see why they would want to make things as campy as possible.

In fact the reason the episode was named the way it was makes my theory somewhat credible, I did say earlier in the thread that the name Cheese a Go-Go had to have been a take off of the title of the 1960's schlock fest movie Monster a Go-Go. Which in fact were two almost completely different half done movies stitched together.

So kudos for what I consider to be some brilliant satire there.
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Last edited by taranchula; 06-07-2007 at 04:14 AM.
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Old 06-07-2007, 05:16 AM   #217
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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Agreed on the forced by CN to do this for a sweeps period thingy. I pointed this out in the review I did on
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Old 07-08-2007, 07:22 AM   #218
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Talking Ehh...

I got this episode off iTunes before even watching it... bad idea. I thought this would be another great episode (such as Mac Daddy), but I realized this episode isn't really about Cheese. Just a little. Ignoring Cheese, this episode isn't really that bad. Sure, it's probably a C+, but it's still really funny. The whole Invaded series was really bad. Except for Billy and Mandy. I agree with the whole "stitched-together episode", but they could have made it a better stitched episode. Possibly a rebellion to the whole Invaded idea? They could really use some writers from Invader ZIM. That show was like, hilarious. And if they did, this show would have a cult following, although it already does... but a bigger one
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Old 07-29-2007, 11:19 AM   #219
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Actually Jackie Khones was the character I couldn't stand most of all in this episode, for reasons I discussed in his character thread.
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Old 09-21-2007, 09:28 PM   #220
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I didn't like the idea of Cheese being an alien.
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