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Old 06-21-2007, 02:31 AM   #21
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Oh.... you gotta love it. The things people think. Well, it is annoying beyond belief, but it is comical.

Yeah, most our accounts were made all around the same time. We're all long-time users, they're just not very regular. I don't see any pattern, like it being old accounts, or newer ones. Heck, my daughter was on hers that morning, before the update was released, trying to get one more adventure in before the update.

And it's the same on both of our computers. The accounts that work, or don't work, either do or don't the same on both the PC and laptop, regardless of browser. So I don't know. I'd be interested to hear if someone, who previously got the shockwave error, now isn't getting it. I just hope that I can get my account back. "I'm" the one that has been faithful and devoted most of the time to it, and even helped them on theirs. I might just have to hijack one of their accounts and switch their IF to mine. Yeah, unfortunately that wouldn't make it past any of my kids.
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Old 06-21-2007, 06:50 AM   #22
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tried again this morning and got the same shockwave error message.
i figured since the error message said to contact the author of the movie, why not email cn.
i used the contact button at the bottom of the page and sent them an email about all the problems we are having and all the ways we've tried to fix it.
if anyone has some extra time today, try dropping an email over to cn under the contact button/games subject. maybe if we all let them know about it they look into it a little quicker.
now i'm going to go try my son's and daughter's accounts. i don't think they're banning us old folks but gosh that sure would be funny

my son and daughter's accounts works just fine .. arrrgggghhh

ok after playing with my son's account, i logged in with my account and it's working!!!!

Last edited by BunnieLebowski; 06-21-2007 at 07:09 AM.
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Old 06-21-2007, 01:37 PM   #23
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O.o wow this is starting to get to be weird.... only people who recently logged one are haveing this problem...

im going to try right now.

Now its not even letting me in!! It says my account dosen't even exist!!! i retyped it in 10 times and i got the same thing!! *sniffle* Mike.... =(

Last edited by stellareyrie; 06-21-2007 at 01:48 PM.
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Old 06-21-2007, 02:18 PM   #24
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And people wonder why I don't play the game. Frankly, it sounds like it's been aggravating fans since Day One.

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Old 06-22-2007, 01:32 AM   #25
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Yes, it has been increasingly frustrating, and is not helping CN's reputation. I thought Orbit was a fluke and how that totally went to, well, you know, real fast in the last few years it lasted. But I was hoping BFAHP would be much better. We were so close to the "end" why did they have to extend it.

Anyway, I've pretty much confirmed my thoughts on part of the problem, at least in my case unless someone knows or can prove otherwise.

I went to my brother's house this evening and I tried to log into the game there. No on had ever played the game on his computer, I even had to download the Shockwave stuff. I tried my account and got the Shockwave error. I tried my daughter's account and got in relatively easily, it didn't even take too long to load it. So now I'm really leaning toward believing that it is certain accounts that have the glitch/error, that this is an account-by-account issue, not across the board.

I guess what's frustrating to me the most is I've been so faithful in playing the game every day and I've already missed being able to do 2 Adventures by now (one on the 18th and one since). I guess I'll just have to use my daughter's account and experience the game through that. At least I can play it there. Still, it sucks nonetheless. We'll see if they ever get to it. I may try to call down there, or see if I can find one of my old contacts that works there, but I'm not holding my breath. I know using the Contact Us feature is a bust and they rarely, if ever, reply, let alone read them. I did e-mail them, but that doesn't mean they'll actually get to it.
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Old 06-22-2007, 03:28 PM   #26
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I've also had this shockwave error message for days on my laptop (which is basically the only computer I can play games). For now, I'm in a different city, using a different computer, so today I decided to try my luck again. This morning I was kicked off from the game one more time on IE, but tonight surprisingly I logged in without any problems... but, I realized that I was using firefox. Now I'm also trying with IE. I'll let you know about the result.
EDIT: Ok, I could also log in with IE. I'll see what happens with my laptop when I return back on Monday, but I'm full of hope now .

Last edited by miskinsincap; 06-22-2007 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 06-24-2007, 01:14 PM   #27
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Question Shockwave Error

Hello, My son has played BFAHP in the past. Recently, he keeps getting this message after the game has loaded to 100% : "This shockwave movie has errors that have caused playback problems. Please contact the author of the content re: this problem. Shockwave is unable to continue." Is anyone else having this problem and, if so, how can he correct it? We are running current versions of Shockwave and Flash. Thanks.

Last edited by MikesMom; 06-24-2007 at 01:14 PM.
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Old 06-24-2007, 03:53 PM   #28
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Okay I am making this the official thread for discussing connectivity errors, and have retitled the thread appropriately. From now on (until the errors everyone are getting right now are resolved) when people make a new thread complaining about connectivity errors they will be merged with this one.
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Old 06-25-2007, 06:24 AM   #29
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Unhappy Argh!

I'm on a Mac, and I've downloaded Shockwave. Whenever I try to log in, I just keep getting up to 100%, I can see my duties for a second, and then it says "Having Server Errors Connecting. Please Restart Login". ARGH. And I'm one popularity point away from getting a new minigame, too =\
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Old 06-25-2007, 08:11 AM   #30
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MikesMom, I've had the same problem on my laptop (with IE). For the last few days, I'm on a trip (without my laptop), so I tried with a different computer. At first it gave me the same error message, but then I could log in without any problems. This gave me the hope that they are working on the problem. When I return back tomorrow I will try with my laptop again, and I'll let you know about the result.
B0BSM1TH, I have been having the same problem every now and then, never when I play at late at night or early in the morning. So I suppose it happens when too many people are trying to log in at the same time. Wait for a few hours and try again, or just insist on logging in while you're doing stg else in your computer. I believe you'll be able to play sooner or later.
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