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Old 06-10-2007, 06:37 PM   #141
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I love the way Herriman's looking at Woof in that last picture. Priceless!

Oh yeah, that video made me twitch. Gah, so grody.
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Old 06-21-2007, 04:05 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs View Post
Oh yeah, that video made me twitch. Gah, so grody.
Today the big slob threw up. No need to show you what happened afterwards.

Foster's Valley: The Visitors, Part One

The day before I shot the last of Woof's pictures, this little darling appeared on the edge of the Foster's lot:

You can almost hear the Sailor Moon Theme playing in the background. Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars had been over to the House, invited by Wilt and Coco after school, so I guess she was walking by to check the place out and see what they were talking about. I thought it would be fun to have one of the IF's greet her and say "Welcome to the Valley", so I checked to see who was nearest to the front door, and it turned out to be Wilt. So out the door he went to greet Sailor Moon:

And she thinks he's boring:

So much for the "universal appeal" theory. Anyway, she went home and Wilt went back inside for a workout and a snack, after which Eduardo indulged in some good-natured teasing about the meeting:

"Heh, she thinks you're dull," said Eduardo.
"Jupiter thinks I'm cool," Wilt protested. "And what's the story with you and Mars?"
"Is no story, me amigo; just good friends," Eduardo replied. The two of them spent the next hour or so locked in a take-no-prisoners pillow fight. They do that a lot; they're the best of friends, as close here as they are on the show. I should make a video of them playing sometime. The next day, Wilt got it into his head that since the Sailor Scouts and their parents were still new in the Valley, it would be a really nice gesture to have the family over for lunch. He mentioned the idea to Madam Foster, who was all for it. So was Mr. Herriman, but of course if company is coming he wants the House cleaned, and you know who got stuck with that job. The bushes had to be trimmed:

Every inch of the bathroom floors had to be scrubbed:

And finally, an enormous lunch had to be made:

Finally a worn-out Frankie informed Wilt that everything was set, call 'em up and let's have some fun. Wilt smiled and thanked her, and then he got on the phone and called Sailor Jupiter:

"Hey, Lita? It's me, Wilt! Listen, we thought it'd be great if you and your family dropped by for luch and hung out with us for the day. Is that okay?" It was with her, her parents liked the idea, and within a half an hour the girls arrived:

Get ready, Foster's; here they come...

(To be continued)...

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 06-21-2007, 07:07 PM   #143
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I love how much taller Wilt is than Eduardo. And I haaaate those stupid bushes. The Sailor Scouts kind of look like those cosplayers who wear anime masks.
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Old 06-22-2007, 09:47 AM   #144
Little Baby IceCream
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Nice job Cassini! You made me want to play the Sims so badly!!
BTW: The video with Woof's bad habits was hilarious!

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Old 06-22-2007, 10:10 AM   #145
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Hoo boy - Sailor Scouts, Wilt, Eduardo, and Frankie...LOL, that's all that were mentioned!

Can't wait to see more.
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Old 06-22-2007, 10:44 AM   #146
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Old 06-23-2007, 07:43 AM   #147
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Originally Posted by Nyo View Post

As you wish...

In order to save myself the effort of typing "Sailor Insertnameofplanet" repeatedly, from here on out I'll be calling the Sailor Scouts by the names they're known by in the game:

Sailor Moon = Luna
Sailor Mercury = Ami
Sailor Venus = Mina
Sailor Mars = Rei
Sailor Jupiter = Lita

The family name is Nixon. For the record, Sailor Moon is not named Serena because I already have a Sim named Serena (Frankie's best friend, actually), and calling her Usagi simply didn't occur to me at the time. Luna fits her well, I think.

Foster's Valley: The Visitors, Part Two

Eduardo gazes out of the window of his room way up on the third floor:

It's supposed to snow in the Valley for the first time ever later in the day; he doesn't want to miss it. He would if he had to shovel it. Of course, while looking for snow he spots the Sailor Scouts coming up the path so he hurries down the stairs. First through the front door is Ami:

Who meets Coco and takes an immediate dislike to her:

Who knows why. The topic is politics; plenty of room for disagreement there, I suppose. "Knock it off, Ami," says Rei, "You're embarassing yourself." It didn't help. Ami and Rei don't get along too well at home, either. In the meantime, Eduardo made it downstairs and joined Wilt out front, where he met Mina:

They hit it off rather nicely, while nearby Wilt isn't getting along quite so well with Lita. Again, who knows why. Eh, good friends will disagree from time to time, they'll get over it. A few minutes later the four of them came inside and moved on. Coco and Ami, however, had not:

"You bore me, anime girl," says Coco. Things were not looking good here. Wilt saw that but wisely decided not to get involved. He joined Rei on the couch:

Here he's inadvertently annoying the hell out of her by asking the age-old question, "Why is there no Sailor Earth?" Rei explained, for what must be the 35,000th time, that there is, it's a guy named Tuxedo Mask. Berry, engrossed in a book, ignored them both. She continued to ignore everyone as Wilt left to find Lita and new people entered the room:

Madam Foster chatted amiably with the girl's mom, Sailor Sun, a/k/a Solanna Nixon, and Luna, when Ami entered the room. Coco was right behind her, and Rei stood there and smiled because she knew what was about to happen:

NOOGIE!!! "Give it to her good, Coco," says Rei, and Coco was only too happy to oblige. I wish I'd made a video of this. It was over a minute later:

Coco thought it was hilarious. So did Rei. Ami was not amused.

More to come...

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 06-23-2007, 08:29 AM   #148
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Hee hee! This was a funny one and good like always! I can't wait to see more!

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Old 06-23-2007, 10:32 AM   #149
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Default much for universal love. XDDD
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Old 06-23-2007, 12:07 PM   #150
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I love Ami's ":O!" face after the noogie (and the gang's outerwear). Coco is certainly an eccentric young lady.

Also, looking outside with the "WHAT IS THIS SNOW YOU SPEAK OF" face is so totally Eduardo.
"(NOTE: these companies are from the country that makes the best video games: JAPAN!)"
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