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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 05-28-2007, 12:57 PM   #1021
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Originally Posted by Vampyre View Post
My guess is that the producers KNOW that a lot of people (like the people on feel that Frankie and Witl are serious character's. I know of a few people who think Wilt is TOO serious. Anyways, for reasons unknown, younger viewers appear to like it when serious character's are in distress, like on the old Tom and Jerry cartoons where Tom gets hit over the head with an ironing board, or hit with something so his face moulds to that shape. Of course, Foster's isn't a very violent cartoon, infact, the most violent cartoon I know of these days is probably Billy and Mandy (which isn't really VIOLENT at all, just a bit... eck), and because Foster's isn't very violent, I suppose the producers try to wind up the more serious character's in some way to ammuse the younger viewers. We aren't the only people who watch the show after all, and even though alot of us aren't to keen on Wilt or Frankie getting picked on or going completely off the deep end (though Wilt's little Temper Tantrum down the phone still puts me in hysterics) it's what a lot of the younger viewers like to see. it's like seeing your stuffy old head teacher pants in the middle of the busy school corridor I suppose...
It does seem to me that they're trying to really appeal to the youngest viewers, now that you mention it. There's been a lot more focus on Bloo, who probably appeals to little kids more than any other character, while two of the main "adult authority figures", Frankie and Wilt, seem to either catch heck or get pushed well into the background. Wilt really hasn't had many speaking lines at all this season and really hasn't had any major role in any episode, not even nearly as much as he did in say, "Infernal Slumber", and in Frankie's major role, in "CAGG", she certainly didn't fare too well, did she? Maybe CN was afraid the show was taking TOO much of a direction towards appealing to teens and adults, and was afraid that the little kiddos would be left out and stop watching and making the parents buy stuff, so they wanted the producers to sorta back off on the "adult authority figures" for awhile.

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Old 05-28-2007, 11:27 PM   #1022
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Er, not to bellitle your statement or anything, but since when has Wilt been an authority figure? I always saw him as being one of the guys.

As for Wilt and Frankie "torture" we hear of, it's kind of the main way in which their characters are funny. I mean, Frankie doesn't often do crazy stuff, (though boy, does she have her moments) so all that's left is to put her in humourous situations. As for Wilt, he CAN be funny without being in distress (my favourite Wilt line is "I can starve first if it helps"), but still, it is quite funny to see him being taken advantage of, cause he's such a nice guy, and noone else would put up with that stuff. Though I realise he can't win all the time, I DO like it when Wilt gets good stuff to happen to him in the end.

Anyhows, I believe they're saving all the good Wilt and Frankie moments in season five for later, cause those're gonna be the BEST.
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Old 05-29-2007, 03:17 AM   #1023
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Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n View Post
Er, not to bellitle your statement or anything, but since when has Wilt been an authority figure? I always saw him as being one of the guys.

As for Wilt and Frankie "torture" we hear of, it's kind of the main way in which their characters are funny. I mean, Frankie doesn't often do crazy stuff, (though boy, does she have her moments) so all that's left is to put her in humourous situations. As for Wilt, he CAN be funny without being in distress (my favourite Wilt line is "I can starve first if it helps"), but still, it is quite funny to see him being taken advantage of, cause he's such a nice guy, and noone else would put up with that stuff. Though I realise he can't win all the time, I DO like it when Wilt gets good stuff to happen to him in the end.

Anyhows, I believe they're saving all the good Wilt and Frankie moments in season five for later, cause those're gonna be the BEST.
Wilt IS 'one of the guys', BUT he is also probably the most responsible member of the group, being, undoubtedly, the oldest and the wisest. The group is like a Family, and Wilt is more like the parenting figure rather than one of the kids. Also, in 'Adoptcalyps (can't spell) Now' the way he is shown during the episode isn't like he's one of the friends hoping to be adopted, but more like he's one of the staff, since he is normally moving backwards and forwards fetching things in and out, rather than staying out side with 'The Browsers'. Sure it may have something to do with his kind and helpful nature, but never the less Wilt is KINDA like Frankie, the only difference being is that he is up for adoption. And because of this, this makes him the authority figure of the group... I think...
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Old 05-29-2007, 06:49 AM   #1024
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Originally Posted by Vampyre View Post
Wilt IS 'one of the guys', BUT he is also probably the most responsible member of the group, being, undoubtedly, the oldest and the wisest. The group is like a Family, and Wilt is more like the parenting figure rather than one of the kids. Also, in 'Adoptcalyps (can't spell) Now' the way he is shown during the episode isn't like he's one of the friends hoping to be adopted, but more like he's one of the staff, since he is normally moving backwards and forwards fetching things in and out, rather than staying out side with 'The Browsers'. Sure it may have something to do with his kind and helpful nature, but never the less Wilt is KINDA like Frankie, the only difference being is that he is up for adoption. And because of this, this makes him the authority figure of the group... I think...
Yes, and Wilt is always the first one of "the Guys" to say something whenever someone does or says something stupid. Take that scene in "Infernal Slumber" for example, when Cheese and Bloo were having that "brain freeze" contest, and Wilt kept looking at them in that same way than an adult will look at a child who'se doing something that the adult doesn't think is a good idea, plus he kept TELLING them that! He also kept berating Terrence for messing up the apartment because of how hard his mother worked to keep it looking decent, and I swear Wilt sounded JUST like my own father there! In "Eddie Monster", when Bloo started to say something totally insensitive about Eduardo being in a dangerous situation, Wilt actually smacked him upside his head! In "Make Believe It Or Not", you could tell that at first, Wilt REALLY didn't want to play the make-believe game, but all those pleading stares from the others convinced him to don that "Evil Lord Snotzax" persona(and a lampshade) and get into the role, but what does he do when Mac and Goo start bickering? He steps in and tries to intervene, going right back into his "responsible adult" mode! While Wilt usually, due to his tendency to feel guilt over the least little let-down on someone's else's part, gives in to others, he's also the one who usually tries to be that voice of reason and is able to see the problems that might crop up due to a particular course of action. Wilt has to balance out Bloo, who has no sense of responsibility whatsoever. Bloo is like the quintessential child-totally carefree and self-centered, while Wilt is the polar opposite of that-concerned about his actions and how they affect others and putting others' wants or needs before his own, which is definately not a quality I've ever seen in ANY child.

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Old 05-29-2007, 09:08 PM   #1025
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While you bring up some good points, I still say that Wilt is too much of a doormat to be an authority figure, though I was, as a matter of fact, thinking that the closest he ever got was in Adoptcalypse Now. Also, I think that Wilt has a child's indomitable spirit and playfulness. Which is not to say that these cannot be possesed by an adult (after all, we know Wilt is over 30 years old), Wilt certainly wouldn't be out of place if he was adopted by a younger child who needed someone to play with. So, I guess, we all have our own definitions of adult. What I mostly meant when I say that Wilt's still a child, is that he hasn't had his spirit crushed or tarnished by cynism in the least. He's still just as pure as the day he got imagined, even if he is a lot wiser now.
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Old 05-30-2007, 04:53 AM   #1026
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Well... I don't know about him bing as pure as he was the day he was created... I mean, thirty years of guilt, plus the guilt that he gets for doing somthing wrong or making someone upset, can't of done him any good.
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Old 05-30-2007, 08:01 AM   #1027
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Originally Posted by Vampyre View Post
Well... I don't know about him bing as pure as he was the day he was created... I mean, thirty years of guilt, plus the guilt that he gets for doing somthing wrong or making someone upset, can't of done him any good.

Yeah, seriously! It's pretty clear that Wilt has some major emotional baggage, and that a LOT, if not all, of his "doormat" tendencies stem from that. The fact that he's been able to carry around all that baggage for 30 years, without cracking or even talking to anyone about it, speaks volumns for his strength. Wilt is actually a lot more mature-acting than most adult men I know(including a few I've dated); one of my best friends was telling me recently that her son-in-law(father of two, I might add) will pitch a hissy-fit if his wife brings home a box of cereal that doesn't have a toy or special send-off offer inside, even though his KIDS have outgrown that, and no, he isn't joking around, either. Wilt's altruism goes well beyond what I've ever seen in any child, and probably in 99% of the adults I've known over my life. I think that Wilt's spirit HAS been badly damaged, though perhaps "crushed" is too strong a word. His opinion of himself has been torn down considerably, that much is clear. Wilt showed his courage and maturity in GWH, undertaking something that he KNEW would probably result in him losing his life, but he believed it was necessary. How many children would do that? It was also interesting to hear him open up to total strangers, far more than to familiar people, probably because he knew these strangers really didn't give a rip about him and wouldn't be bothered by any of what he said after he was gone, but his whole speech/mannerisms was that of an adult. The way he spoke of Jordan as "my boy" sounded so much like the way a father would speak of his son, that Wilt even realizes this himself and feels compelled to explain that he's actually referring to the kid who created him. Most people probably never even figured that Wilt WAS so articulate, since he seldom says that much in any given episodes, and it seems that he's really "clammed up" in this season.

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Old 05-30-2007, 08:27 PM   #1028
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Yeah, that "my boy" line was awesome, and, though I think all IFs feel that way about their kids, Wilt does more than usual. As for the child/adult debate, it's been interesting, but I guess we just gotta say that we each have our own different measures of adult. By your reasoning, for example, it would seem most adults (or at least the ones I've seen) aren't adults at all, just big kids. But, hey, I can live with people having different opinions to me (this is NOT me running from an argument I'm losing. No. Not at all.). I thik we can agree that, however we see him, we all love him and are hoping for more cool Wilt moments in season five. Okay, that sounded corny, but you get my picture.
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Old 06-03-2007, 08:51 AM   #1029
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Forget the socks.......I'm dumb.....uhhhh.......I can't think of I'll just apologize for cross-posting again....I wasn't thinking........sorry.

Last edited by FailedShapeshifter; 06-03-2007 at 09:15 AM. Reason: I'm still dumb ^_^
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Old 06-03-2007, 09:00 AM   #1030
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Originally Posted by FailedShapeshifter View Post
I asked this on a another thread.....but how much money do y'all think Wilt could keep in his shoes and socks? .......Wish my socks were that big......
Yes, you did. Please don't cross-post.

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