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Old 05-05-2007, 01:13 PM   #131
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You know..... I liked this episode a lot, too! ^_^

But I don't know how Eduardo lost his tooth. My guess is in a baseball game. Anyways, the episode was so hilarious! With everything, but especially Eduardo acting like he's high! Yes; I agree on that part, everyone!

However, the one thing I least expected was Eduardo to lose his belt, thus resulting in his pants falling down! How embarrassing of him not to find that embarrassing till the end!

Despite all of that, this episode...... gets a five outta five from me! And if you're out there, Eduardo......... you know it's all muscle on ya, and not fat (referring to the very end of the episode)!
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Old 05-05-2007, 01:36 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by One Radical Dude View Post
If Goo were in this episode, I think it would've been worse. There's one bright spot there.
Goo in this episode would have been serious overkill.

I can't even think of how she would fit in to any of the multiple plot lines...
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Old 05-05-2007, 02:25 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by fosters-fan View Post
However, the one thing I least expected was Eduardo to lose his belt, thus resulting in his pants falling down! How embarrassing of him not to find that embarrassing till the end!
The gentle giant was still in flight from his anesthesia when he lost his trousers. He had no idea what had happened till he came out of it.
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Old 05-05-2007, 05:26 PM   #134
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eh, I just lost "interest" in watching this episode. I thought cheese was at least going to say a few different lines, but I guess not :\ Also, there really wasn't a plot to this episode, at all. I mean what was up with the "hippy in drag" and other pointless characters?! I thought this episode was going to be about Bloo thinking cheese is an alien, not "mindless insanity" for 20 or so minutes. I'm also confused as to why Wilt didn't smile once in this episode. Is he going emo or something?! But then again, I wouldn't be smiling if I had to be in "mindless insanity" I pretty much watched about 18 minutes straight of the episode, then I kinda just realised where this episode was going (ie, nothing much more than "mindless insanity") I am to only bluntly assume that this episode was made for the "cheese fans who like watching nonsense".

Anyways, my rating.............meh. Somewhere around 4.3/10 to 6.1/10 And that's my "review".
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Old 05-05-2007, 05:41 PM   #135
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Okay I FINALLY got around to seeing this, I missed it's initial run because of an error on my timer VCR since i was seeing Spider man 3 at the time it was airing. Anyways, I avoided looking at people's reviews of this episode so I could see it "untainted" if you will and I finally came down to a review for this episode.

I have to be honest, I liked it. The fact that it was mindless fun is probably why I did enjoy it, they used so many random locations, and set ups all around that it kept things interesting and as shocking as it may be, hearing Cheese say "gotta go" a billion times was rather catchy then annoying.

Eduardo and Khones were absolutely hilarious, I love how Khones got such a large role and was actually praising this sandwich victory over Madame Foster. Eduardo though was the prize, his toothless, pot smoking persona just made it so easy to enjoy, especially how he spoke so accurately about all the characters.

Like Mac "hey, you so serious, lighten up" or how he said Bloo was mean but is a good guy on the inside. I also loved the part where the lady actually thought her brain was being sucked. Louise was kinda cute this time around and it was nice to see her again (anyone else thinks she looks like a toddler version of Frankie?)

Now for the cons: the whole alien/"gotta go" discovery was pretty pointless. There was no ACTUAL alien use in here other then a 5 second plot device, which sported an ending that actually seemed like what you'd see in one of the Foster's shorts. The fact Cheese wasn't going anywhere wasn't really funny.

Had they maybe used the ending of this episode to say branch off and continue this alien concept, it would have been interesting to have a kind of alien/cheese/mystery story arc thing going. And of course the thing that bugged me the most, 3 little words: poor, poor Frankie .

I was fine with everything until I saw her climbing up the hill top. Seeing her legs scraped up with blood and on the verge of tears when she left Louise's after getting the phone call was hurtful. In fact, and I NEVER thought this was possible, this is even sadder then the scrubbing scene Frankie went through in "Imposter's".

Frankie was yelled at by everyone, and I felt so bad for her at the post office because she sounded so cute asking for the stamps and apologize for every little change. And don't ask me why but Frankie looked downright SWEET with the butter on her again don't ask me why, I just think she looked good in it.

So in conclusion, I give "Cheese a Go-go" about a C+. This was a decent new season episode, not a SOLID or amazing or crappy season opener, but decent. It had plenty of mindless fun and using characters in different lights (Jackie and Eduardo) kept things amusing and still silly and entertaining at the same time.

But the poor treatment Frankie went through made me feel how Frankie looked: like roadkill. The possum alone is a sign of it (a funny one though). And the whole "alien" tie in seems like a down right stupid and cheap tie in to an unnecessary special promo about this whole "Invaded" thing. All in all, a decent episode.

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 05-05-2007 at 05:43 PM.
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Old 05-05-2007, 06:01 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I was fine with everything until I saw her climbing up the hill top.
That reminds me, when I saw that I thought for sure they were going to try for some kind of Close Encounters of the Third Kind homage, since in that movie they're scrambling up a hill to see the alien spaceship. I was very surprised when they kind of let that drop. (I agree, Frankie got put thru the wringer this ep.)
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Old 05-05-2007, 06:16 PM   #137
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I was fine with everything until I saw her climbing up the hill top. Seeing her legs scraped up with blood and on the verge of tears when she left Louise's after getting the phone call was hurtful. In fact, and I NEVER thought this was possible, this is even sadder then the scrubbing scene Frankie went through in "Imposter's".

I think it's supposed to be some type of irony thing. :/ I dunno.
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Old 05-05-2007, 06:30 PM   #138
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You know what the really sad thing is? Frankie got into this mess by helping someone, Cheese. She took the time to stop the bus and pick him up because she was worried he might get hurt running around screaming on his own.

It bothers me that she actually did, in retrospect, the RIGHT thing by trying to help someone and instead, she gets hammered and torn apart by the movie theater people, the doctors, the post office people, etc.

You know there's a reason chivalry is dead, it's because the decent, honest people who go out of their way to help people get trampled on so much they end up killing themselves .

Sorry, little over dramatic I know.
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Old 05-05-2007, 06:34 PM   #139
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It bothers me that she actually did, in retrospect, the RIGHT thing by trying to help someone and instead, she gets hammered and torn apart by the movie theater people, the doctors, the post office people, etc.

As I said : Irony.
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Old 05-05-2007, 06:47 PM   #140
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
You know what the really sad thing is? Frankie got into this mess by helping someone, Cheese. She took the time to stop the bus and pick him up because she was worried he might get hurt running around screaming on his own.

It bothers me that she actually did, in retrospect, the RIGHT thing by trying to help someone and instead, she gets hammered and torn apart by the movie theater people, the doctors, the post office people, etc.

You know there's a reason chivalry is dead, it's because the decent, honest people who go out of their way to help people get trampled on so much they end up killing themselves .

Sorry, little over dramatic I know.
Over dramatic? Eh, I don't know. It's true what you said about chivalry though, which doesn't say much about today's society.

That may be why Frankie's bad day isn't bothering me as much as it otherwise might. It wasn't directed at her personally; it's just how people are, and it was spread out over more than one encounter. Goofball's actions were a lot more personal and uncaring. True, she had a bad day in CAGG, but I think from her point of view it was likely more exaspirating than upsetting, whereas the reverse was the case in Imposter's. After she got back to Foster's, I like to think she soaked in a hot tub for an hour or two, went to bed, and forgot all about Cheese.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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