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Old 05-01-2007, 08:57 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by hedgemaniac View Post
Please don't call me "hedge". it reminds me of a very mean troll who used to troll me around and call me that. Please just call me hedgemaniac. And don't put these "" symbols between them. They make it look like you think my name is unoriginal.
I'm glad you got that off your chest. I'd hate for you to feel offended, when absolutely no offence was meant by anything.

Sorry, I've never heard of a troll who used to troll you around. I'm not even familiar with them or troll dolls that have wacky hair. So I wouldn't have known that calling you Hedge would bother you because of trolls, whatever they may be. I also don't know why putting quotes around your name would mean I think your name is unoriginal at all. Kinda throws me for a loop how you link it to thinking that, but I'm also sorry about that.

Monty hit the nail on the head. I put the quotes around so people would know I was referring to you and not talking about a bush. I hadn't originally put them there, but when proofing my post, thought I should so it was more clear. Many other people have shortened other members' screen names, so it happens. Some people don't like it and let us know, others (like me) don't mind as much. Heck, I've been mistaken for a guy and had my name butchered (in real life and online), but I just politely correct them or ignore it and move on.

I really am sorry you were offended. I have never made a single post anywhere in which I intentionally meant to offend ANYONE. I'm just not that kind of person. So, I can assure you I'll never make that mistake again.

Last edited by Vicks; 05-01-2007 at 08:57 PM.
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Old 05-02-2007, 05:56 PM   #62
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It's okay.
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