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Humans Discuss the main human characters: Mac, Frankie, Madame Foster, Goo, Terrence, and Mom.

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Old 04-22-2007, 08:16 PM   #1451
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Once again, I don't really think that Frankie's going to get any episodes that's completely about her for the following reason.

Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends is a cartoon more or less aimed at children. Children find the adventures of Bloo and the rest of the imaginaries (with Mac and Goo along for the ride sometimes) far more enjoyable and entertaining to watch rather then see just what Frankie does in a day. I mean, Frankie is the 'Mom' of this show, you gotta see that. She cooks, she cleans, she scolds, she's basically the adult in the show. And little kids really don't wanna see an episode totally about the 'Mom' character. Doesn't mean she can't be a part of the show, heck no, she's quite a valuable resource in the show's integrity but she just doesn't 'sell' to the younger viewers.

At least, that's why I think she won't have a lot of episodes to herself.

Or a movie, for that matter. But that's just one little co-admin's opinion.
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Old 04-22-2007, 08:41 PM   #1452
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In a way that does make sense, but I don't think it's as simple and clean as just what the kids want. Yes the kids are the SOLE purpose of the show but it's definitely evolved into something much more then that and also, it's obvious that there is something deeper going on with the show.

For example, Wilt (from my expierence) seems to be much more popular with older fans and teenaged fans rather then kids. Kids like you said take more attraction and attention towards characters like Mac and Bloo, yet Wilt's movie gave him the spotlight. The other thing to note is Frankie's personality.

She is certainly far from what I call an "adult" simply because of her age and her personality. She acts like a kid in an teen's body sometimes, and age wise she really is more of a young adult or a matured teenager really. She's proven to be just as wacky and comical as the rest of the Foster's crew.

Plus whether the kids hate her or love her, Frankie has been established into the show on VERY strong integration factors. Kids have to know that the house would fall apart without her and they know the show wouldn't be the same without her. Every character at some point gets more air time.

I doubt madame Foster or Mr. Herriman are big with kids either, but they've both had chances to shine in the spotlight, some on more then one occasion and that's why I don't find it unlikely to happen with Frankie, kids or not. That's the way I see it and I think Craig and the others see it too.

Though to a lesser extent or degree, I definitely think they feel someway similar about this, the longer a show runs the harder it is to ignore opportunities will arise for their characters, both central and secondary.
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Old 04-22-2007, 09:54 PM   #1453
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CG's post was well-written and I respect her belief... I still found it upsetting, painful and downright heartbreaking to read.

You make Frankie seem as if she's a boring, ordinary adult character whose only purpose on the show is to clean, cook and be the 'secondary authority figure' next to Mr. Herriman. She is far more than just that; so much, much more. Frankie is completely unlike most other 'adult' characters on children's cartoons. To paraphrase and expand on what Ditchy McAbandonpants said on another thread: she can be a psycho cookie-eater, a love goddess, a rugged rebel, a stern authority figure, a put-upon object-of-sympathy, a devious schemer, a compassionate caregiver, a sarcastic wisecracker, a playful girl, etc--usually she'll be a combination of two or three of these things--and be 100% convincing at each and every single one of them. She's very dynamic and varied as a character, and I believe there's still lots of untapped potential for her.

I don't expect to see any episodes in which Frankie and her daily caregiving duties are the sole focus... just like I don't expect to see any episodes with nothing but Bloo pulling random pranks or Mac studying for school or Eduardo being scared of things or Coco laying eggs or Goo creating IFs or Mr. Herriman bossing everyone around or Madame Foster drinking tea(I'd add 'or Wilt doing good deeds for strangers' if it weren't for WTAWTAW). Foster's is very much an ensemble show, and it depends on all the characters to come together and mesh their idiosyncratic quirks to create the storylines and adventures for us to enjoy. That said(and I realize this could make me sound hypocritical), I do believe that Frankie adds a special touch that elevates Foster's from being a typical children's cartoon. She is so sincere and likable as a character, that she adds a great deal of depth and warmth merely by being there. I've tried to watch "Infernal Slumber" a few times, which is an amusing episode, don't get me wrong -- but it just felt so shallow and childish without Frankie. The same goes for "Make-Believe It or Not", which is even worse because it behaved as if Frankie didn't exist at all("Slumber" at least had a good premise for her absence). And I WILL be deeply disappointed if she's also absent in the upcoming "Cheese A Go-Go".

To me, Frankie is the true heart of Foster's. She should NOT be denied the spotlight just because it's a children's show.
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Old 04-22-2007, 10:29 PM   #1454
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
CG's post was well-written and I respect her belief... I still found it upsetting, painful and downright heartbreaking to read.

You make Frankie seem as if she's a boring, ordinary adult character whose only purpose on the show is to clean, cook and be the 'secondary authority figure' next to Mr. Herriman. She is far more than just that; so much, much more. Frankie is completely unlike most other 'adult' characters on children's cartoons. To paraphrase and expand on what Ditchy McAbandonpants said on another thread: she can be a psycho cookie-eater, a love goddess, a rugged rebel, a stern authority figure, a put-upon object-of-sympathy, a devious schemer, a compassionate caregiver, a sarcastic wisecracker, a playful girl, etc--usually she'll be a combination of two or three of these things--and be 100% convincing at each and every single one of them. She's very dynamic and varied as a character, and I believe there's still lots of untapped potential for her.

I don't expect to see any episodes in which Frankie and her daily caregiving duties are the sole focus... just like I don't expect to see any episodes with nothing but Bloo pulling random pranks or Mac studying for school or Eduardo being scared of things or Coco laying eggs or Goo creating IFs or Mr. Herriman bossing everyone around or Madame Foster drinking tea(I'd add 'or Wilt doing good deeds for strangers' if it weren't for WTAWTAW). Foster's is very much an ensemble show, and it depends on all the characters to come together and mesh their idiosyncratic quirks to create the storylines and adventures for us to enjoy. That said(and I realize this could make me sound hypocritical), I do believe that Frankie adds a special touch that elevates Foster's from being a typical children's cartoon. She is so sincere and likable as a character, that she adds a great deal of depth and warmth merely by being there. I've tried to watch "Infernal Slumber" a few times, which is an amusing episode, don't get me wrong -- but it just felt so shallow and childish without Frankie. The same goes for "Make-Believe It or Not", which is even worse because it behaved as if Frankie didn't exist at all("Slumber" at least had a good premise for her absence). And I WILL be deeply disappointed if she's also absent in the upcoming "Cheese A Go-Go".

To me, Frankie is the true heart of Foster's. She should NOT be denied the spotlight just because it's a children's show.
CG wasn't saying that she felt that way about Frankie, though, nor was she saying that that's the way it should be. We all love Frankie, and we all know that she shouldn't be cast aside just because kids like the ~*~wacky~*~ young characters or IFs, but we're talking from a factual business-type standpoint here, and CN is ever eager to cash in on any immensely popular character and drain them of their funniness, for example.

I don't doubt that the crew knows how loved she is and would never dream of making her a one-dimensional background character, but an episode or movie entirely about her would probably bore the younguns. Again, I don't think this is how it should be or a good thing, but look what CN did with Cheese. Kids love him, so they keep using him in practically every episode like a thing that gets used a lot.

I would have to disagree with the thing about Infernal Slumber, though... while Frankie is always nice to have around, childishness (but not immaturity in the crude humor sense) is a crucial part of Foster's.

Also, I just thought MBION was terribly boring all around, and there was absolutely no explanation given for the mysterious absence of Frankie, Madame F., and Mr. Herriman. Even a simple throwaway line about where they were could have worked.
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Last edited by kageri; 04-22-2007 at 10:30 PM.
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Old 04-22-2007, 10:44 PM   #1455
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Wilt's character and personality seems like he would appeal more to adults and teenagers than children -- Craig himself said on the DVD that he mainly appeals to teenage girls -- and they did a wonderful job with his spotlight episode in "Good Wilt Hunting". They added lots of funny subplots and gags while giving Wilt a serious, emotionally touching storyline and character development.

I don't see why they couldn't do the same for Frankie. I refuse to believe it can't be done. I believe in Frankie too much to even remotely think it couldn't be done.

Last edited by Voxxyn; 04-22-2007 at 11:10 PM.
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Old 04-23-2007, 01:29 AM   #1456
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
CG's post was well-written and I respect her belief... I still found it upsetting, painful and downright heartbreaking to read.

You make Frankie seem as if she's a boring, ordinary adult character whose only purpose on the show is to clean, cook and be the 'secondary authority figure' next to Mr. Herriman. She is far more than just that; so much, much more. Frankie is completely unlike most other 'adult' characters on children's cartoons. To paraphrase and expand on what Ditchy McAbandonpants said on another thread: she can be a psycho cookie-eater, a love goddess, a rugged rebel, a stern authority figure, a put-upon object-of-sympathy, a devious schemer, a compassionate caregiver, a sarcastic wisecracker, a playful girl, etc--usually she'll be a combination of two or three of these things--and be 100% convincing at each and every single one of them. She's very dynamic and varied as a character, and I believe there's still lots of untapped potential for her.

I don't expect to see any episodes in which Frankie and her daily caregiving duties are the sole focus... just like I don't expect to see any episodes with nothing but Bloo pulling random pranks or Mac studying for school or Eduardo being scared of things or Coco laying eggs or Goo creating IFs or Mr. Herriman bossing everyone around or Madame Foster drinking tea(I'd add 'or Wilt doing good deeds for strangers' if it weren't for WTAWTAW). Foster's is very much an ensemble show, and it depends on all the characters to come together and mesh their idiosyncratic quirks to create the storylines and adventures for us to enjoy. That said(and I realize this could make me sound hypocritical), I do believe that Frankie adds a special touch that elevates Foster's from being a typical children's cartoon. She is so sincere and likable as a character, that she adds a great deal of depth and warmth merely by being there. I've tried to watch "Infernal Slumber" a few times, which is an amusing episode, don't get me wrong -- but it just felt so shallow and childish without Frankie. The same goes for "Make-Believe It or Not", which is even worse because it behaved as if Frankie didn't exist at all("Slumber" at least had a good premise for her absence). And I WILL be deeply disappointed if she's also absent in the upcoming "Cheese A Go-Go".

To me, Frankie is the true heart of Foster's. She should NOT be denied the spotlight just because it's a children's show.
if i have to be the one to tell you, i will.

the show is about an 8-year-old boy [mac] and his imaginary friend [bloo]. frankie is a ordinary character actally, it doesnt matter that she's an adalt, its the fact that the show isnt about "frankie" its about foster's, thats why frankie doesnt have, or ever will have, a show all about her.
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:48 AM   #1457
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Originally Posted by vinny View Post
if i have to be the one to tell you, i will.

the show is about an 8-year-old boy [mac] and his imaginary friend [bloo]. frankie is a ordinary character actally, it doesnt matter that she's an adalt, its the fact that the show isnt about "frankie" its about foster's, thats why frankie doesnt have, or ever will have, a show all about her.
Well, that was harsh. Voxxyn is right; they did a movie about Wilt, and did it well; they can certainly do the same for Frankie, of that I have no doubt whatsoever, and I believe that someday they will. How could they not? There are so many unanswered questions about her, a movie seems to me to be the ideal way to answer at least some of them. Yes, the show is mostly about Mac and Bloo, but does that make her unimportant or inconsequential? I think not. She enjoys a great deal of popularity among older viewers - this thread is a wonderful testament to that fact - and I'm sure CN is aware of that fact. The show is an ensemble; every character should have his or her turn in the spotlight now and then, Frankie included. She has a lot of versatility and they can do so much with her; I look forward to seeing what Craig and co. come up with for her, and for the rest of the cast, too.

By the way, her name is spelled with a capital F, not a lower-case f. Same deal with Mac and Bloo. Show some respect.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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Old 04-23-2007, 10:57 AM   #1458
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
Wilt's character and personality seems like he would appeal more to adults and teenagers than children -- Craig himself said on the DVD that he mainly appeals to teenage girls -- and they did a wonderful job with his spotlight episode in "Good Wilt Hunting". They added lots of funny subplots and gags while giving Wilt a serious, emotionally touching storyline and character development.
That's EXACTLY what I just said.
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Old 04-23-2007, 11:48 AM   #1459
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Originally Posted by vinny View Post
if i have to be the one to tell you, i will.

the show is about an 8-year-old boy [mac] and his imaginary friend [bloo]. frankie is a ordinary character actally, it doesnt matter that she's an adalt, its the fact that the show isnt about "frankie" its about foster's, thats why frankie doesnt have, or ever will have, a show all about her.
OWWIE! That response while true, was like sliding on a razor blade in a pool of alcohol! You are talking to Frankie fans here.
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Old 04-23-2007, 12:37 PM   #1460
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Originally Posted by vinny View Post
if i have to be the one to tell you, i will.

the show is about an 8-year-old boy [mac] and his imaginary friend [bloo]. frankie is a ordinary character actally, it doesnt matter that she's an adalt, its the fact that the show isnt about "frankie" its about foster's, thats why frankie doesnt have, or ever will have, a show all about her.
"Adult" more commonly spelled A-D-U-L-T.

We don't need a Frankie show, we humbly request a few episodes centered around our beloved. izat too much to ask? They responded to the Wilt fans, and i assume they'll respond to us.

Ease up on the caffine Tonto.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?

Last edited by Partymember; 04-23-2007 at 12:37 PM.
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