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Old 04-03-2007, 01:15 PM   #21
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I'm glad to see this thread. I love the turtles and I love the first two movies to bits! I grew up on the 80's toon and I still love the games, especially Turtle in Time on the SNES.
I didan't care for the Next Mutation show but I did like Venus, or rather, the idea of Venus. I say they should really utalize her in a fresh, realistic way. Maybe have her made for the same reasons that Tokka and Rahzar were. Only Shredder has her pretending to foil his plans to gain the turtles trust so she can find their home and lead the foot to them. Ofcoarse she would have to break away and become a goodguy in the end... or would she?.
For those who want to see where the turtle began, you can read the original comic on the Mirage website.
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Old 04-03-2007, 02:31 PM   #22
Mr. Marshmallow
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Originally Posted by Medikor View Post
I say they should really utalize her in a fresh, realistic way. Maybe have her made for the same reasons that Tokka and Rahzar were.
Actually, it's funny you should mention the "same reasons" Tokka and Rahzar were made. Tokka and Rahzar were actually not supposed to be in the 2nd turtles movie at all. These guys are original creations and were made as a back up, the REAL first choices were in fact Bebop and Rocksteady.

I read around and the web and found out that the actual creator of Bebop and Rocksteady was furious of how his characters were turned into dumb asses in the 80's cartoon series. He felt it was an insult to his characters and said that Rocksteady and Bebop are not actually that stupid.

When the movie was being made the artist said he refused to let them be in the movie if they were still going to be made into morons. So the producers did the next best thing: they still made moronic mutants but changed who it was. And thus, Tokka and Rahzar were born.

I am glad they chose Tokka and Rahzar though. Sure, I'd have loved to see Rocksteady and Bebop on the big screen but I enjoyed the new guys so much, they just had a great design and I thought they were amusing characters to work alongside someone as series as Shredder.
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:07 PM   #23
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I loved Tokka and Rahzar too! In fact, I think they had much better designs then Bebop and Rocksteady. And I'm sure big mutant Boars and Rhinos would be harder to make costumes of. And thanks for the info. I had no idea that Tokka and Rahzar were afterthoughts.
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:13 PM   #24
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Yeah, they were only brought in because Bebop and Rocksteady's creator felt insulted enough knowing his creations were turned into comic relief based morons on the Tv show. Last thing he wants is for millions of people to see them look dumb on the big screen across America.

Essentially though, the characters are kind of reversals for each other. Brain power definitely is a bit higher in Bebop and Rocksteady's area then Tokka and Rahzar, though that's not saying much . However, Tokka and Rahzar are twice the size of Bebop/Rocksteady AND all 4 of the ninja turtles.

Plus, there a thousand times stronger then all the turles put together. Another funny fact I found out, Tokka/Rahzar's costumes were the most expensive parts of the entire movie. Also, every video game made AFTER Turtles 2 had Shredder turn into Super Shredder at the end.
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:18 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Brain power definitely is a bit higher in Bebop and Rocksteady's area then Tokka and Rahzar, though that's not saying much .
But they were just infants, right? They may have had the potential to mature mentally as they got older. If they were given time, they could have become as intellagent as the turtles.
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Old 04-03-2007, 03:24 PM   #26
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I didn't like having Venus in the Next Mutation series. I honestly don't remember too much about that series, except it had her on it. Also, I didn't like the final seasons of the old TMNT cartoon. It had a much darker feeling than the earlier seasons (though Season 1 was dark, too, though not as much), and I hated the visual changes, too.

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Old 04-03-2007, 03:30 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Medikor View Post
But they were just infants, right? They may have had the potential to mature mentally as they got older. If they were given time, they could have become as intellagent as the turtles.
Well yes and no. If you watch the movie, you'll see that Dr. Perry (David Warner) reveals that he actually tampered with the ooze he fed to Tokka and Rahzar. While they were babies this is true, the ooze he gave them was designed to purposelly nullify their mental growth.

He knew that if they became smart like the turtles they would be extremely dangerous so he tampered with the ooze so they would remain infant intelligence based. This also explains how Perry reversed the mutation with those cubes they fed Tokka and Rahzar and the use of the fire extinguisher.

Through his tinkering, he changed the ooze's properties to make it easier to reverse their mutation. So if Shredder had done the same "de-mutation" trick on the turtles, it wouldn't work because their ooze wasn't tampered with. Screwing with the ooze was the only way Perry could stall Shredder.

This is also why Perry agreed to perform the mutation, it was the only way he could score a "victory" over complying with Shredder's wishes.
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Old 04-04-2007, 07:54 AM   #28
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I completly forgot that he messed with the ooz. Thanks for the reminder, Mr.M! Anyone remember that episode of the Next Mutation (I rarely ever watched it) where the Turtles kicked the Power Rengers buts?
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Old 04-04-2007, 10:54 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Medikor View Post
I completly forgot that he messed with the ooz. Thanks for the reminder, Mr.M! Anyone remember that episode of the Next Mutation (I rarely ever watched it) where the Turtles kicked the Power Rengers buts?
I have that on tape actually. It was a 2 part episode arc that was in a sense, serving as the "series finale" for the Turtles Next Mutation show. It took place during the Power Rangers in Space show and it had the turtles being brainwashed by the current villain of the show, Astronema.

They they then tricked the rangers into being let on board the spaceship and the turtles took control of the ship until they managed to escape. Funny thing was, in the show, both the Rangers and the Turtles didn't believe either one existed.

They thought they were each made up, like comic books and TV shows. It was a funny little joke if you ask me. The Next Mutation show actually did have some interesting plans for a second season. They were going to bring in April and Casey Jones as well as bring back the Shredder.
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Old 04-11-2007, 06:41 PM   #30
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Chris Evans played Casey Jones *oh snap*

I dont want to see TMNT
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