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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 02-18-2007, 02:58 AM   #831
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'Adapt or Die'... I think my Geography teacher used that term once in a lesson, something to do with Lemmings in the artic...

I've seen two picture's of Wilt re-learning how to tie his shoe laces. One was by PBL her self and the other was by another artist known as Princefala I beleive. Those two are two of my favourite pieces, they're awesome! I could just look at 'em both all day.

I remember once, I had a go at putting my shoes on with just one hand, my other arm tucked behind my back. Well I couldn't get my shoe on at all (Converse: They're cool and they're really comfortable, but just so AWKWARD to get on)... After a few minutes I gave up, regained my other arm, tugged the shoe lace out of my shoe and had a go at tying it around my wrist with one hand... It took me ages, but when I finally DID get it tyed, I wore round my wrist for the rest of the day (because I'm cool like that) XD
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Old 02-18-2007, 10:31 PM   #832
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He could always use his teeth!
I use my mouth a lot for tasks when I have one or no arms available. Meh...its a thought.
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Old 02-18-2007, 10:37 PM   #833
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I do that, too; it's very convenient at times. I would assume Wilt does it as well.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 02-18-2007, 11:16 PM   #834
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I don't think anyone else has ever brought up this comparison before but when you mentioned using the teeth to hold things...well it's just that sometimes I compare Wilt with Creb, the deformed, one-armed one-eyed holy man from Clan of the Cave Bear (he developed severe dental problems late in life because he held things in his teeth so often). Of course, Creb was born deformed (though he lost his arm and eye in a cave bear attack) so he always had to deal with that part. In fact he would have been Clan leader if he hadn't been born deformed, so instead his younger brother Brun took over. But *becuase* of his deformity and later his loss of limb and eye, Creb concentrated on his spiritual studies and later became the greatest Mog-ur (holy man) ever known to *any* Clan. His initial deformity was caused by the fact that his head was unnaturally large and it was that superior brain that made it possible for him to the greatest Mog-ur...but he wouldn't have studied so hard if he wasn't crippled.

What I'm saying of course is that Wilt was imagined to be a great basketball player, he was created that way. But his injuries probably spurred him on to be an even *better* basketball player...and person. He probably never would have been as good as he is now if he hadn't been in the accident. I'm just saying that all that reminds me of Creb. Sorry if I'm way out there.
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Old 02-19-2007, 03:52 AM   #835
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
I don't think anyone else has ever brought up this comparison before but when you mentioned using the teeth to hold things...well it's just that sometimes I compare Wilt with Creb, the deformed, one-armed one-eyed holy man from Clan of the Cave Bear (he developed severe dental problems late in life because he held things in his teeth so often). Of course, Creb was born deformed (though he lost his arm and eye in a cave bear attack) so he always had to deal with that part. In fact he would have been Clan leader if he hadn't been born deformed, so instead his younger brother Brun took over. But *becuase* of his deformity and later his loss of limb and eye, Creb concentrated on his spiritual studies and later became the greatest Mog-ur (holy man) ever known to *any* Clan. His initial deformity was caused by the fact that his head was unnaturally large and it was that superior brain that made it possible for him to the greatest Mog-ur...but he wouldn't have studied so hard if he wasn't crippled.

What I'm saying of course is that Wilt was imagined to be a great basketball player, he was created that way. But his injuries probably spurred him on to be an even *better* basketball player...and person. He probably never would have been as good as he is now if he hadn't been in the accident. I'm just saying that all that reminds me of Creb. Sorry if I'm way out there.
No, it's not "way out there"; I'd completely forgotten that movie and book, since I have not seen the movie, or read the book it was based on, since college, and THAT was a looooooong time ago! Now that you mention it, of course, the comparison makes total sense. Wilt's skills as a basketball player, to the point that he can easily defeat even his now-famous pro basketball-playing creator, have not so much to do with his height, or the fact that he was created to play basketball, as the obstacles he's had to overcome. I know everyone has heard the old saying that "that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger", and there are many references in literature, including most religious books, about steel being weak and useless until it has been forged in fire, an analogy to a person not really gaining strength until they've faced and overcome severe adversity. Wilt certainly comes to mind when I see or read any of those passages. He's not only developed physical skills, but mental ones as well. Wilt has far more in the way of old-fashioned common sense than just about any person you'll meet in real life. He's just kept most of his intellect under wraps, probably so as not to annoy others, or instigate a conflict, but his speech patterns in Good Wilt Hunting indicate that there's a pretty sharp mind in that rather oddly-shaped head of his, even though he is lacking in any formal sort of education.

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Old 02-20-2007, 10:33 AM   #836
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I've always considered Wilt to be terribly intelligent, even before Good Wilt Hunting, not because of the way he strings his words or anything, but because even thoguh it took me a while to take in the he was over the age of ten (yay slowness), he's always seemed to have A LOT of experience with just... stuff. He always seemed to know JUST what to say, and he has a limitless understanding of what's right and wrong, like in 'Adoptcalypse Now' when he finds Bloo in their room watching from the window after shoving all the friends back in the house, not onyl did Wilt tell the friend's to all go back outside, but he also showed a great understanding as to why Mac and Bloo were keeping the friend's inside. "Look, I KNOW you don't wanna lose your buddy's but, you're being really selfish OK?" To me that shows a pretty wise person (friend)
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Old 02-20-2007, 10:48 AM   #837
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Originally Posted by Vampyre View Post
I've always considered Wilt to be terribly intelligent, even before Good Wilt Hunting, not because of the way he strings his words or anything, but because even thoguh it took me a while to take in the he was over the age of ten (yay slowness), he's always seemed to have A LOT of experience with just... stuff. He always seemed to know JUST what to say, and he has a limitless understanding of what's right and wrong, like in 'Adoptcalypse Now' when he finds Bloo in their room watching from the window after shoving all the friends back in the house, not onyl did Wilt tell the friend's to all go back outside, but he also showed a great understanding as to why Mac and Bloo were keeping the friend's inside. "Look, I KNOW you don't wanna lose your buddy's but, you're being really selfish OK?" To me that shows a pretty wise person (friend)
That's what I mean by having common sense. Wilt also possesses something infinately more valuable than mere knowledge, and that's wisdom, and no, they are NOT the same thing! Wisdom can only come from experience, and by learning from the experiences of others, not from a book or college course. For someone who's not even as old as I am, I have to say that Wilt's wisdom amazes me. That's one of the reasons I always assumed he was much older, since it usually takes a person many decades to acquire what he knows.

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Old 02-21-2007, 10:03 AM   #838
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Although Wilt has never been properlay eduacted seeing as he's an imaginary friend, I'm also curious as to how intelligent he is academically (sp?). The only thing I know about his English skills is that he has VERY neat handwriting, and then only thing I know about his French skills is that he can tell when Bloo has absolutely no idea how to teach it XD.
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Old 02-21-2007, 10:30 AM   #839
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Originally Posted by Vampyre View Post
Although Wilt has never been properlay eduacted seeing as he's an imaginary friend, I'm also curious as to how intelligent he is academically (sp?). The only thing I know about his English skills is that he has VERY neat handwriting, and then only thing I know about his French skills is that he can tell when Bloo has absolutely no idea how to teach it XD.
LOL, Wilt was very much aware that whatever that was that Bloo was speaking in "Foster's Goes to Europe", it sure wasn't French; he was just too polite to come straight out and tell him that, knowing that Bloo would only argue with him, anyway. Wilt knows that arguing with Bloo is about as useful as trying to teach a hog to sing opera!

I do have to wonder, though, that if Wilt ever DID have an opportunity to get a college education, just how bright he'd prove to be. I have no doubt that he could ace the GED that people take here in the US, when they have not completed high school, and could almost certainly do quite well on the college entry exams, too. On the other hand, Wilt already knows more about "real life" than any college can ever teach you.

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Old 02-21-2007, 11:27 AM   #840
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I agree. If anything, it's kind of as though Wilt has already gone to college (though I highly doubt it) seeing as he knows a lot about mechanics and plumbing (Oh my GOSH! He saved paco from the evil drain pipe of DOOM).

If he DID get through college and all, and decided for some sudden reason he wanted to get a job to help manage the house (bless his not so little cotton socks), I wonder what kind of job he would go for. Although I don't beleive it has anything to do with college, I can suddenly see him in a Fire Fighter Uniform XD
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