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Old 01-13-2007, 02:13 PM   #51
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I doubt my list has changed much since but after talking so much about the bad episodes in the "Least" section, I figured I could use a reposting of my favorite ones:

1. Frankie my dear
2. Squeeze the day
3. Emancipation Complication
4. Infernal Slumber
5. Bloooo
6. Bus the two of us
7. Store Wars
8. The Big Cheese
9. Bloo's the boss
10. Setting a president
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Old 02-05-2007, 10:09 PM   #52
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10. World Wide Wabbit -- I like this one solely for Gangsta-Herriman.

9. Squeeze the Day -- A fun one. It was awesome to hear my town's name (Spokane) on a tv show without having the words "meth" or "sex offenders" in the same sentence.

8. Challenge of the Super Friends -- Besides the Powerpuff Girls reference, I'm honestly not sure why I like this one so much. ^^

7. Room With A Feud -- Ah, over-the-top competitions. How I love thee. *laughs*

6. Partying is Such Sweet Soiree -- This one was plain fun to watch. Funny character actions and dialogues made this one a winner for me.

5. Make-Believe It or Not -- Candy for the inner-child, and Goo's character development was great to watch. Plus it was plain fun watching Wilt in Evil Villain Mode. XD

4. Eddie Monster -- LOVED the character development and interactions in this. I have other reasons for liking this episode as much as I do, but I can't say I want to state the reasons why...

3. Neighbor Pains -- ANY episode that has Wilt and Bloo working together earns a plus in my book. Old Man Rivers watching Madam Foster yelling at him cracked me up, as did Eduardo's "small talk."

2. Good Wilt Hunting -- If not for some moments that could have been elaborated more and others skipped altogether (hi bear friend with the irritating baby talk), this would be number one. Not only do we finally get some answers of a certain red friend's past (and a few more questions raised to keep things interesting), but we see each of the main friends with their creators or the people they were raised with. These moments were beautifully written, and to that I give a big kudos to the writers. GWH also made me notice Kevin Michael Richardson.

1. Bus the Two of Us -- Psycho Wilt, Japanese Bloo, Goo's interpretation of Mr. Herriman and all the scenes on the bus made this my favorite episode of the series so far.
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Last edited by CCMars; 02-05-2007 at 10:11 PM.
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Old 02-13-2007, 05:12 PM   #53
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Top ten favorite episodes? Man, this is kind of hard to pick...I love most of the episodes of this cartoon! XD Well, if I HAD to pick episodes then this is probably what I'd go with:

10. Store Wars (I liked how chaotic this one was. I felt a little sorry for Frankie since she had trouble keeping up with everyone, but it was still a very enjoyable episode for me. Bloo kicking people in the shins not only was funny, but the whole "blada blada blada" thing he did was quite amusing as well (even if a bit annoying sometimes)).

9. Partying is Such Sweet Soiree (this one was just a very fun episode and Mac's sugar attack was quite amusing!)

8. Cuckoo for Coco Cards (I wasn't really sure what to put for these first three, but this episode was stuck into my head because not only was it a great Coco episode, but it also showed us that Bloo is not a complete jerk all the time and he seems to have begun to understand the concept of friendship a little better due to his experience in this episode. I loved it, simple as that. The only thing I didn't like about this episode too much was when Bloo was screaming forever and ever in order to get more trading cards, but it didn't take away too much when it came to the enjoyment of this episode.)

7. Frankie my Dear (the introduction of Orlando Bloo is but one reason alone to love this episode! XD But I also liked the idea of looking deeper into Frankie's love life as well)

6. House of Bloos (The pilot episode was just fantastic and was the perfect way to introduce the series. It's also interesting to watch it just to see how much the characters have changed since then. It was also more story-driven than some of the other episodes, which puts it among the best of the best, in my opinion).

5. A Lost Claus (This Christmas episode sort of had a Charlie Brown feel to it, which makes it all the more better. It was cute, funny and had a good message behind it, so that's why it's in my list)

4. Squeeze the Day (It's amazing how they could take something so simple as Bloo's boredom and make it so interesting! XD)

3. Bus the Two of Us (this one had a lot of humor in it as well. Bloo and Mac cruising on the bus was great and Wilt's role of playing secret-keeper was fantastic as well. Also, Goo's minor role of creating a "new" Herriman was cute and funny and there were also a lot of memorable quotes in this episode, so how could I not put it in my list? )

2. Camp Keep a Good Mac Down (this one was hilarious, simple as that. I mean, all of the Foster's characters going on a camping trip? That's bound to cause chaos! XD)

1. Good Wilt Hunting (the TV movies still count, right? Anyway, I would be crazy not to pick this one as my number one favorite because it was just so well done by the Foster's crew. Not only did it have good humor, but it had heart as well. Plus, it's longer than most of the episodes! The more the better! XP I must really congratulate the Foster's crew with the development of this TV movie-they did a wonderful job with this one and it will more than likely always remain my favorite of them all!)

I wanted to list more, really. It's hard not including Bloooo, World Wide Wabbit, Adoptcalype Now, Sweet Stench of Success, Eddie Monster and One False Movie since they are so close to being in my list, but I guess I had to go with SOMETHING.

Last edited by Chaos Wielder; 02-13-2007 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 03-12-2007, 05:45 AM   #54
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Okay, after much thought and frustration I?ve finally been able to compile a list of my own. From the top:

1. Good Wilt Hunting - I?m foaming at the mouth about Wilt, nuff said. My personal biases aside, I feel that this is a fantastic episode, as funny, delightful, deep and touching as Foster?s ever gets. Plus, a homage to the Straight Story doesn?t hurt none.

2. Room with a Feud - My favourite of the ?regular? episodes, and a textbook example of how the Foster?s crew can work such a funny and engaging storyline from so simple a scenario. Plus, there?s some lovely character development abound, the standouts being Wilt?s moment of unabashed assertiveness (I tell you, Bloo had that a long time coming), and Coco?s (supposedly) murderous mutterings.

3. Bus the Two of Us - Too funny. Plus, Wilt finally gets to unleash some of his repressed fury, which is a treat.

4. The Big Leblooski - I?m a big fan of the Coen Brothers, so I really appreciate the various references, including a cameo appearance from Donny, Walter and the Dude (even if I view the Big Lebowski itself as one of their more over-exposed films - I?m more of a Hudsucker Proxy person myself). This episode had me laughing from beginning to end, and plus I do owe it a debt of gratitude, given that it was reading about the aforementioned references that first drew my attention to the show. Ouch, poor Mac though?as one who was knocked for her lesser bowling skills as a kid, I can really feel his pain (that?s why I always bowl with bumpers ).

5. Cookie Dough - Another hilarious episode. Heck, it earns its place in my list for the early exchange between Mr. Herriman and Madame Foster alone. Gold-painted safe? Lol.

6. Partying is such a sweet soiree - Ha, who doesn?t marvel at dancing Wilt and lamp-loving Coco? Given what Mac?s sugar rush is such a blatant nod to, I?m impressed that they were even able to get away with this one.

7. The Big Picture - An episode consisting of several miniature storylines merging together as opposed to one especially substantial one, but it works very well, and the end-result is extremely enjoyable. Wilt?s ongoing quest to get his face into the picture and Coco?s concerns about her appearance are great assets but I have to admit that Duchess?s suitably in-character efforts to help Eduardo is what really elevates this episode to special.

8. Frankie my Dear - Unusual episode in that only three of the regular cast members actually appear, but none the worse for it. Frankie gets some nice character development, the characters are able to stick up for each other when the chips are down, and Chris and Prince Charming made cool supporting figures. Oh yeah, and Orlando Bloo.

9. Cuckoo for Coco Cards - A better Coco-heavy episode than My So-Called Wife. True, Bloo is at his most spiteful and irksome throughout, but he does learn his lesson in the end and cut Coco some appropriate slack, so I?d say it?s nicely balanced. Also, I can completely relate to Coco in this episode. I once had a friend wrong me and it took him far longer than Bloo to even realise what he did and apologise.

10. Neighbour Pains - Some people feel that Goo?s bossiness came on a bit strong in this one, but it does nothing to sour the episode for me. I loved seeing Wilt and Bloo team up to take on Old Man Rivers, and the return of Orlando Bloo was the icing on the cake. Coco?s screen time is noticeably meagre in this one, but pretty much everyone else gets their moment to shine.

Unfortunately, I wasn?t quite able to fit in the Sweet Stench of Success (sorry Kippy, baby), so I?ll give that episode an honourable mention instead.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.
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Old 03-20-2007, 07:15 PM   #55
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Default my top 10

My top 10 Fosters episodes and why I like them….

1. Frankie my dear-It was the first Fosters I saw and I fell in love with the show because it was so witty for a kids cartoon. Orlando Bloo was too funny.

2.Store wars- I just love this episode. You find out what type of personality each character has. I don’t know what else to say I just love this episode.

3. Partying is such sweet soiree- I just love the part when Bloo tries to get Mac to come to the car and gives him gum and turns out to be sugar free. I remember having a friend growing up who could never have sugar and when ever they did have sugar they went nuts. Coco liking the lamp, in a weird way it made sense. Wilt breaking dance was cute. OMG then the refrigerator running joke, that was funny.

4. Imposters home for uh, make em up pals- okee before all the Frankie fans come and kill me for putting this in my top 10 let me remind you Frankie fans what my top 2 were. I just want to remind people of how ingenious this episode is. Fosters is a free place to live as long as you are an imaginary friend. Who wouldn’t want to try and move out of your parent’s house and have a sweet place to hang out and live rent free as long was people think you are an imaginary friend. So Frankie is right in thinking Goofball is not an imaginary friend. If anything I think it shows how smart Frankie is. Plus when Frankie dresses up and pretends to be an imaginary friend was hilarious and then Mac is the only one who knows it’s her.

5. The big picture- I love that the prank guy’s name parodied Waldo. How funny is that? Then Bloo trying to do bunny ears behind people was too funny, Frankie putting up the cardboard cut of herself to make Madame Foster think she was standing out there with her. The episode keeps you guessing about why the one picture doesn’t have imaginary friends in it.

6. Bus the tow of us- Growing up I always wanted to go joy riding. Seeing Bloo go for a joy ride was hilarious. Mac was funny too when he tried to drive the bus and had no clue how to drive the bus. Wilt in this episode was so cute. He’s trying to help Mac and Bloo out but he’s pushing Harriman down the stairs, getting Coco involved and being mean to Frankie. I am not a fan of Goo but I thought it was funny when she made a Harry Man instead of Harriman. So freakin funny.

7. Phone home- Okee the best part of this episode is when Bloo dials the phone to call Frankie and the phone makes the busy signal noise that was so freakin funny.

8.Who let the dogs in-I just thought it was cute that the puppies ended up having super powers.

9. Where there’s a wilt there’s a way- I just like Wilt. I like how all the things he is trying to do to help people just leads him into more trouble.
Bloos brothers- I liked when the Bloos sang that song. So cute. Oh and Ed trying to be a Bloo.

What is great about Fosters is the plot lines. You look at the story lines and you aren’t reminded of another cartoon. You don’t think “oh this reminds me of an episode from another cartoon.” The writers with Fosters are smart cool people because they are doing fresh stuff that I really haven’t seen a cartoon do in many years. The plot lines are new and refreshing and there not dull or violent like a lot of other cartoons. I like all the references to the Power Puff Girls and other pop culture things. Plus the jokes are for all ages like how Sponge bob use to be. These are my top 10 but each episode has a special place in my heart.

Last edited by lilcuppycake; 03-20-2007 at 07:18 PM. Reason: i wanted too okee
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Old 03-20-2007, 08:23 PM   #56
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I'm not as amazed by the inclusion of "Imposter's" as I am with the exclusion of "Good Wilt Hunting" from somebody who loves Wilt...
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Old 03-21-2007, 09:54 AM   #57
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Me too.
< Look Wilt's shocked too!
JOIN THE CAUSE! Become a Spam Role-Player!

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Old 03-21-2007, 07:43 PM   #58
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welll i never really saw it in full so im not sure if i really like good wilt hunting. Plus i consider it a movie and not really an i cannot really count it in my 10 favorite episodes.
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Old 03-23-2007, 08:57 AM   #59
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personally I enjoyed most of season 4 better than Good Wilt Hunting. so its exclution did not surprise me.

I think it was missing something?

maybe would have helped.
I think it needed more of an antaginist (Villian development) throughout the plot,
instead of focusing on the Wilt journey and Gang trying to catch up.
maybe it would have been better with conflics
I dont know, maybe it was just me.
(maybe I should have posted this somewhere else, but it seemed ok as a discussion with the past few posts)

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Old 06-23-2007, 12:01 AM   #60
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So, when I first saw this topic I left it alone cause I just COULDN'T DECIDE which were my top 10 Fosters episodes. And for some reason I decided to choose half-way through season 5. So these are subject to change. But some of these are so good it's practically impossible to remove from their formiddible slots. Now, everyone marvel at

Ub3rD4n's top 10!

10: I Only Have A Surprise For You

The part that really makes it for me with this episode is Bloo, and how he just managed to outsmart Mac so well. Not only does it prove that Bloo's no idiot, but it also shows how well he knows Mac. It would be far too much Mac "torture" for my tastes if Mac hadn't gone totally rambo on everyone. That way it wasn't totally one-sided, and let's face it, Mac must've been busting to do that to everyone else for AGES.

9: One False Movie:

Another (apparently) controversial choice, One False Movie had me cracking up nonstop the entire second half. Just putting the Foster's crew into grandiose and random situations, while parodying hack blockbuster films at the same time was just brilliant. Lauren's Explorin' was another awesome in-joke. On the whole, the only reason this one isn't higher up the list is that it relies heavily on shock gags, and repeated viewing is significantly less enjoyable.

8: Eddie Monster

The part I loved about this was the whole Extremasaur-fighting-circuit idea, I found that a cool addition to the Fosters universe (although focusing more than one episode on it would kinda defeat the point of Fosters, the Fostersverse is much richer for having it there). I also liked the central theme: that Eduardo was doing things that were very hard for him in more than one way, to earn some respect from his friends. Then there was the fact that Terrence had a big role, and I do think he's cool.

7: Challenge Of The Super Friends

Like Eddie Monster, the super-hero-imaginary-friend concept added to the Fostersverse, even though focusing more than one episode on it would have defeated the point. Imaginary Man and Nemisister were super-powered, but they were still (in their mindsets, super-powers and weaknesses) very much imaginary friends. Which is why this episode worked. Plus there were many multilayered parodies, especially Dark Uniscorn, who I ADORED. And Ed. Ed just watched.

6: Frankie My Dear

I'm not just adding this one cause I like Frankie! The whole plot was something that, if you described it, would sound hackneyed. But it wasn't. At all. The Prince and Chris were both awesome, the scenes about loving Frankie (love scenes are normally a cue for me to go get a snack) were very funny, and ORLANDO BLOO! I don't think anything else needs to be said.

5: Camp Keep A Good Mac Down

The episode that hooked me on Fosters. What can I say? Everyone gets a very hilarious spotlight (well, except Mac), Bloo was on the ball jerkwise, which as I have previously mentioned in other posts, suits me just fine. It was just full on awesome from start to finish. No one part stands out because it's consistently good.

4: Bus The Two Of Us

The very concept is amusing. Bloo STEALS a freakin' bus! Yeah. I like it when Bloo is a jerk. It hooked me when Bloo muttered the line: "Oh, why do you tempt me?" Also is, Wilt actin craaaazy, Alt-Mac and another Bloo clone, etc, etc, read, like, ALL the above posts.

3: Cuckoo For Coco Cards

Lots of shows have morals. But this episode instilled it so freakin' well it deserves some sort of reward. It all makes sense in retrospect. Coco didn't make Bloo cards to show that she was angry at him. She made his description so insulting so he would get the point. She made Bloo cards so ridiculously common so that there would be NO WAY HE COULD MISS THE POINT. Yet he did. And hilarity ensued. Eduardo made to prove himself again this episode, and what can I say, I'm a sucker for a good Eduardo plot. It's just another episode that worked indescribably well.

2: Room With A Feud

Again, this episode everyone got to do something awesome in order to get that room! Wilt especially, he was the star there. I just cracked up (a rare occurence for me in any show) when he said: " I thought about that and.....I really don't care.". It was madcap, fast-paced, and shared the spotlight with everyone so that someone was doing something awesome every second of it. I like to think that they got to keep that room (despite later evidence to the contrary) and that Wilt could once again sleep in a bed.

1: Infernal Slumber

Considering most of my previous picks, you must have seen this one coming. What can I say? Madcap pacing, awesome premise, funny, everyone got their screentime, and an appearance from Cheese that not only didn't annoy me to peices the first time I watched it, but I found hilarious (oh, so that's what it's like to be a Cheese fan, I thought). It's like the majority of my top 10 only moreso, hopped up on awesome-juice. Words cannot describe.

Ookay, so that's the top 10. Sure, it's not as insightful as Ditchy's, but when it comes to brainpower, I'm working on a budget.

Hey....maybe that should be my new tag.......
Unconscious like a fox!
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