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Old 01-27-2007, 09:47 AM   #31
Agent: Deep Bloo

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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
If they ever make Monster's Inc 2, I won't be surprised if they have Randall turn good to please his many fans and sympathizers. It wouldn't be the first time a Disney baddie turned good.
Um, it's been a while since I saw Monster's INC but didn't Randell get clubbed to death by some guy in the Bayou towards the end of the film, it wasn't shown on screen but it was certainly implied. And we know for a fact that Pixar is not afraid to kill off characters in their films... (See Buddy Pine in The Incredibles or Hopper The Grasshopper in A Bug's Life.)

Correct me if I am wrong here.
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Old 01-27-2007, 09:53 AM   #32
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When else? ???
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Old 01-27-2007, 11:57 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Invader Bloo View Post
When else? ???
Oh if that was directed towards me, I wasn't implying that death happened in ALL of their films just some of their films.

Oh and BTW you can add Finding Nemo to that list, (Marlin's Wife and most of his unborn kids, at the beginning of the film.)
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Old 01-27-2007, 12:12 PM   #34
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I always thought Randall somehow escaped and went off on his own. He's pretty sneaky and clever, you know.
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Old 01-27-2007, 02:22 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
If they ever make Monster's Inc 2, I won't be surprised if they have Randall turn good to please his many fans and sympathizers. It wouldn't be the first time a Disney baddie turned good.
I'd love to see that, too, but not in a "sappy" way. Randall needs to still keep that "edge", since even his most die-hard fans(and I'm one of 'em)won't buy into him suddenly turning into....well, Wilt, for instance, lol! While it was IMPLIED that he was beaten to death by that little redneck woman in the trailer home in Louisiana, we didn't actually see it, and if he DID die, that would actually make Sulley and Mike guilty of premeditated murder, since they were directly responsible for him being killed, and put him in that situation with the knowledge that he would most likely be killed. To a court of law, it matters nothing that someone had tried to harm you previously if you kill them out of revenge, especially if you have to plan their demise first. I somehow don't think that Pixar(or Disney)want one of their "heroic" characters to be seen as murderers, and it IS true that of all the characters in that movie, Randall certainly has the most fans, and the most devoted fans. He is, after all, the only character who has an actual forum dedicated to him! I'm far more interested in a sequel that shows HIS story as much as it concentrates on Mike and Sulley, since we already know how things turned out for them-unless of course, their dirty little secret gets out.

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Old 01-27-2007, 02:52 PM   #36
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Monsters Inc was on Christmas Day here. I didn't see all of it but is true Randall is so popular? I'll say this for him he was beautifully animated and moved very nicely. That was true of most of the monsters but those pixar movies really fall down with the human characters. They look stiff and dead to me, especially the Princess in Shrek when she's not an ogre.

Anyway to keep with the actual thread I'll say Monsters Inc as it was funny and well made. Randall would have to be in it, probably plotting revenge, as it seemed to me that unless the BBC cut a bit he wasn't killed. He was just getting a good sorting out.

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Old 01-27-2007, 06:49 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by koosie View Post
Monsters Inc was on Christmas Day here. I didn't see all of it but is true Randall is so popular? I'll say this for him he was beautifully animated and moved very nicely. That was true of most of the monsters but those pixar movies really fall down with the human characters. They look stiff and dead to me, especially the Princess in Shrek when she's not an ogre.

Anyway to keep with the actual thread I'll say Monsters Inc as it was funny and well made. Randall would have to be in it, probably plotting revenge, as it seemed to me that unless the BBC cut a bit he wasn't killed. He was just getting a good sorting out.
Just check out the Monsters, Inc. fanfic section on and you'll see what I mean about Randall's popularity! Or, IF you can get the sometimes-on, sometimes-off search feature on to work, do a search for "Randall Boggs" or "Monsters, Inc." and see how much Randall fanart you'll come up with. Like I said, he's the only character who has a forum devoted to him. I guess a lot of people can, like me, see beyond the surface with the guy and realize that there's a lot more to him than an attitude.

I'm hoping that you're right, in that he was just getting a "good sorting out", as you put it, or as we'd say here in the US, an "attitude adjustment"-getting some sense knocked into that hard head, a proverbial Blinding Light on the Road to Damascus, in Biblical terms. With some people, that's what it takes to set them straight. The reason, though, that I think Pixar wanted viewers to believe he got killed is because that scene took place in southern Louisiana, the people in the trailer thought he was a "gator", and alligator meat is dietary staple in Louisiana, so we're supposed to believe that he was killed and EATEN by those people.

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Old 01-27-2007, 07:46 PM   #38
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hoo boy is gator good. I love that stuff!

Monster's Inc. deserves a good sequel, not one of the pathetic ones like Disney has taken a fancy to of late.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 01-27-2007, 08:10 PM   #39
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Would you count Sid (that bully) blowing up one of the toys as "death" in Toy Story? I would, since toys came to life on the TS films.

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Old 01-27-2007, 09:07 PM   #40
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I'm not going to go too deep into this whole Randall situation since I got skid marks from the last time I delved too deep into this. But I never and I do mean NEVER found him to be the type to be good or change his ways and all that kind of stuff.

Randall was a villain and at times, I found him to be a more villainous villain then even the head bad guy, Waternoose. I don't think he's a nice guy and I don't think he would change his ways, I also REALLY doubt that he survived his little bayou encounter.

The odds of those people throwing a man sized monster after slamming it's head in a few times back into the closet from where it came from is unlikely. Realistically, if I were them I'd kill it if something like that came out of my closet. No offense to Randall's army of fans but like I said, being realistic.

Taranchula is right on the fact that despite Disney's kid nature, they are not afraid to have people die. Syndrome and Hopper both died in their films, and that's not even counting the large amounts of VIOLENT deaths in the original animated Disney films. Some of their classics have serious gory demises.

The Little Mermaid
The Lion King
The Great Mouse Detective
Sleeping Beauty
The Rescuers Downunder
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Lady and the Tramp

All of these films showed death, violence, and some had extremely dark and mature material to work with. Disney is not afraid to kill it's villains or some of it's characters. Of course, you'll notice Disney's favorite method of "villain removal" is dropping them off a cliff or very high ledge or something.

Dying from heights is a common Disney villain death because it's an easy way to kill someone without showing you the nasty after affect. Even though, like I said, Disney has showed some pretty dark stuff at times.
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