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Old 01-20-2007, 03:58 PM   #71
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I'm with you there. Though not so overlooked anymore now that it's spawned a sequel and a spin-off series. Disney doesn't know how to deal with a good thing anymore. Well, at least it didn't under Eisner. Hopefully under Iger we get some of the old goodness back.
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Old 01-20-2007, 04:49 PM   #72
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I wish they'd stop making low-budget spin-offs and sequels. Just let the successes be remembered for how great they were and leave 'em alone. The Bambi and Fox and the Hound sequels? HIGHLY UNNECESSARY. :[

Anyways, I also dislike bad voice acting (which has been mentioned, but still) in cartoons, which anime dubs seem to be overly plagued with. Is it because no voice actors that people have actually heard of don't want to work on anime? Why?!
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Old 01-20-2007, 05:51 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Medikor View Post
I couldant agree with Voxxyn any more if I wanted to. Another problom with Simpsons, Family Guy and even American Dad is that they are WAY too left wing for their own good. They come off as patronizing and anti Republican and that really turns me off sometimes since I consider myself a Consevative.
I really have to stand up for american dad on that one. :\ Many people have the exact same complaint about it that you do, that it's constantly taking jabs at the Republican party. In my opinion, since one of the main characters is nothing more than a dragged out stereotype of a Liberal, Democrats also get poked at too. Besides the two "conservative and liberal" characters (and those minor characters outside the family associated with them) everyone else seems to be pretty neutral towards politics. Even with politically neutral characters, you can still get a politically-driven cartoon... and even that's not [recently] been the case, since the show is getting more and more like a traditional sitcom. Owells.

I'll agree with you on everything else... family guy doesn't even *try* to make it even, and Simpsons is kind of meh when it comes to putting political messages in their episodes. They used to be more subtle, but now it's like "TODAY WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT DRUGS."

Then again I am incredibly neutral towards politics, but I can see how someone would get weird if they constantly riped on your beliefs. :]
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Old 01-20-2007, 06:25 PM   #74
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UGh, Chicken Little was a waste of my time. Boring movie.
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Old 01-20-2007, 06:58 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Medikor View Post
I couldant agree with Voxxyn any more if I wanted to. Another problom with Simpsons, Family Guy and even American Dad is that they are WAY too left wing for their own good. They come off as patronizing and anti Republican and that really turns me off sometimes since I consider myself a Consevative.
I can't believe I missed this response the first time.

I haven't watched the Simpsons in a while, so I can't say anything there. I've never really seen much of Family Guy to know if there's a Liberal bias, or American Dad. As a Conservative myself (or at least more to the Right-of-Center, even though I don't belong to any political party), I know how you feel about stuff on television expressing bias, and to me, it's unfair. I'd be happier, if such shows had as many jabs on the other side than to solely focus on one side.

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Old 01-20-2007, 06:59 PM   #76
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Let's move off of politics people, shall we? 'Tis a potentially explosive topic at best.

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Old 01-20-2007, 07:08 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
Let's move off of politics people, shall we? 'Tis a potentially explosive topic at best.
Exactly, not to mention BORING
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Old 01-20-2007, 07:12 PM   #78
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Will do.

What else do I dislike? One already mentioned it, but terrible voice-acting. If the acting of an animated series is horrible, it really does make it a lot less enjoyable to view. I'm still very critical of Disney for cutting out 2D, even though it's apparently going to bring it back (mainly thanks to Pixar, I think). I'm not anti-3D in any way, however, I strongly believe there's always a place for 2D.

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Old 01-20-2007, 07:39 PM   #79
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I prefer 2D to 3D, ORD, especially when I know it's hand-drawn. I was awful sad when I heard that Disney was dropping it and closing their most of their 2D studios.

They might be bringing it back? That's good, because lately I've come mighty close to being done with them. Between the loss of 2D, the brainwash-inducing music groups they come up with, the complete lack of good television cartoons in production, and High School Musical, I am on the edge.

Originally Posted by kageri View Post
Good point, I forgot about that one. How about "often-overlooked good 2D movie".
Emporer's New Groove is great example of an overlooked Disney film. Another recent example was Treasure Planet, which I thought was quite entertaining.

Never understood the hoopla over Lilo and Stitch, by the way. I may be the only one.

I'd argue that Disney's most often overlooked animated film is The Great Mouse Detective. When I've talked Disney films with folks, it is rarely brought up by anyone but me, but is a great one.
People overlook Saludos Amigos and the like as well, but that's more understandable since they package films (set of shorter cartoons) and are quite old.
People also overlook The Black Cauldron, but that's probably because Disney wants folks to forget they made it.

There are a few Disney films I can't stand... Frankly, I hate it when Disney overdoes a movie, when it seems like they are trying too hard. Most of their films since Beauty and the Beast have overdone aspects.

Last edited by billytheskink; 01-20-2007 at 07:50 PM.
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Old 01-20-2007, 08:23 PM   #80
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Really? I thought their very earlier ones were just ridiculous, like Snow White, especially the scene where the Queen transforms into a hag. Lightning! Thunder! Shrieking! Cackling! So dramatic. XD Then again, that's probably because of the time period. Snow White seems less irritatingly perfect when you stick her in the 1930s.

I loathe 3D animation, and all the stupid series and sequals that've come out recently. Especially the Emperor's New Groove one, because aside from all the retarded writing and subpar animation, David Spade isn't even voicing Kuzco. Ughh. How can these people live with themselves?

I could not sleep at night with the knowledge that I'm producing horrible offshoot cartoons in such massive amounts.

Last edited by Jabberwocky; 01-20-2007 at 08:25 PM.
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