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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 01-09-2007, 02:43 PM   #711
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They nagged him like that because they didn't want him to screw up again. But apparently, no matter how much he tried, practiced, even in front of Bloo, he screwed up again.

Stage fright is what you people probably mean.
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Old 01-09-2007, 03:08 PM   #712
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Originally Posted by Vampyre View Post
That's a really good point ya know. I personally beleive taht is indeed a fear of letting someone down. And while I was reading your post I came to see that perhaps Mr herriman, Eduardo and Coco nagging him about it and reminding him how bad it was didn't really help. At times it's best to forget about the past, because form what we've heard what happened the previous year at teh pageant was pretty terrible, and must have been absolutely humiliating for Wilt.

I remember last year I had to get up in front of my whole school and sing while another girl I know played the keyboard. it was my job to not only sing but to turn the pages, and i forgot to turn the page, so I got a little ahead of the song, then I had to go back turn page and repeat the last few words. This through me completely off, so i lost where I was on the page and forgot the words. So now, I cringe everytime I see the recording my parents made, but they tell me to watch it anyway. So now, I always worry about singing in front of crowds.

With Wilt, I'm sure that reminding him of what happened last year made him panic more, because as he would walk on stage he would start getting these nagging voices in his head going "Do NOT screw up!" or something, then that leads to the year before's happenings. Even though Wilt is probably the most optimistic character I have ever heard of, he can still be rather pessimistic about him self, leading him to slip, then panic about slipping and then getting everything wrong.

So I beleive it wasn't just Wilt's need to please, but the fact that although they were only doing it for the best, his friends kept on nagging him.
I'm tending to think that way too, that it was more a fear of messing up and disappointing the others, and perhaps reflecting badly on Foster's, than it was an actual case of stage fright. Wilt is such an outgoing individual that it's difficult to believe he'd simply be afraid of talking or performing in front of a crowd. With him, it was more like he was thinking, "I can't mess up, 'cause I will be letting everyone at Foster's down if I do, and they'll hate me just like my boy does". The more he worried about messing up, the worse he DID mess up, though apparently, the others thought it was because he'd failed to study and memorize his lines.

I can only imagine the anguish he must have felt, added to what he was already harboring in secret, about his "performances" on stage both years as MC of the pageant, feeling that he'd once again let someone down who was depending on him.

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Old 01-09-2007, 04:22 PM   #713
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Man, I wish I could be more like Wilt. What a wonderful guy. I think most shy and nervous guys aspire to be more like Wilt, not the character himself, but what he stands for.
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Old 01-13-2007, 05:18 AM   #714
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Wilt sounds like a Good hand.
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Old 01-13-2007, 06:41 AM   #715
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Originally Posted by LaBloo View Post
Wilt sounds like a Good hand.
A what?
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Old 01-19-2007, 06:13 AM   #716
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I think this thread just died...RIP?

What do you think he usually dreams in his sleep? The good ones? What about nightmares? (Of course one of the dreams would be shooting hoops. XD)
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Old 01-19-2007, 10:03 AM   #717
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
I think this thread just died...RIP?

What do you think he usually dreams in his sleep? The good ones? What about nightmares? (Of course one of the dreams would be shooting hoops. XD)
I'm sure that Wilt DOES dream, since even animals like rats and lizards exhibit REM(Rapid Eye Movement)sleep patterns, which are normally associate with dreaming. The nature of his dreams is anyone's guess. People tend to have dreams that are based on past experiences, or upcoming important events, although their dreams can be so abstract as to be nearly impossible to pin down their origin/cause. Wilt has been harboring a lot of really negative emotions stemming from his own guilt and physical pain he's been though, pent up inside, so it would not surprise me if he'd been tormented by some really horrendous nightmares. It's kinda surprising that he is able to easily fall asleep at all, for that matter, given what must have been on his mind when he went to bed. You can hide unpleasant thoughts and put them aside during the day by staying active, mentally and physically, but at night they are more difficult to deal with. Like most people, he probably does not recall most of his dreams, though, and has those "out there" dreams that he can't explain, just like we sometimes do.

One of the things I noticed about one of the screen caps you posted, the one showing Wilt asleep, is that he had his arm hanging off the bed, and slept right at the very edge of the bed. I've read that people who often sleep like this are subconciously trying to escape from something, and extending that arm or a leg out over the edge of the bed indicates that they are trying to pull themselves away from something unpleasant, or that they're reaching out for help beyond their everyday existance in dealing with a problem. That would make sense, given Wilt's past, wouldn't it? I hope that he can finally discard some of that burden of guilt and self-loathing he's secretly harbored, now that the secret isnt' secret anymore, and he knows his creator forgives him and cares for him still, though it's got to be hard to break habits that have been 30 years in developing.

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Old 01-19-2007, 01:17 PM   #718
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
he knows his creator forgives him and cares for him still, though it's got to be hard to break habits that have been 30 years in developing.

Yeah. Old habits are just too hard to break, especially when you say "sorry" a million times for 30 whole years.
"I made it myself!" -GIR
"Chwithmith?! I mean, Christmas?! But that was months ago!" -Wilt
"Wilt, your my best friend. You got to stop saying your sorry. It's not okay. Okay?" -Jordan Micheals

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Old 01-19-2007, 03:00 PM   #719
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
I'm sure that Wilt DOES dream, since even animals like rats and lizards exhibit REM(Rapid Eye Movement)sleep patterns, which are normally associate with dreaming. The nature of his dreams is anyone's guess. People tend to have dreams that are based on past experiences, or upcoming important events, although their dreams can be so abstract as to be nearly impossible to pin down their origin/cause. Wilt has been harboring a lot of really negative emotions stemming from his own guilt and physical pain he's been though, pent up inside, so it would not surprise me if he'd been tormented by some really horrendous nightmares. It's kinda surprising that he is able to easily fall asleep at all, for that matter, given what must have been on his mind when he went to bed. You can hide unpleasant thoughts and put them aside during the day by staying active, mentally and physically, but at night they are more difficult to deal with. Like most people, he probably does not recall most of his dreams, though, and has those "out there" dreams that he can't explain, just like we sometimes do.

One of the things I noticed about one of the screen caps you posted, the one showing Wilt asleep, is that he had his arm hanging off the bed, and slept right at the very edge of the bed. I've read that people who often sleep like this are subconciously trying to escape from something, and extending that arm or a leg out over the edge of the bed indicates that they are trying to pull themselves away from something unpleasant, or that they're reaching out for help beyond their everyday existance in dealing with a problem. That would make sense, given Wilt's past, wouldn't it? I hope that he can finally discard some of that burden of guilt and self-loathing he's secretly harbored, now that the secret isnt' secret anymore, and he knows his creator forgives him and cares for him still, though it's got to be hard to break habits that have been 30 years in developing.

My nightmares usually associate with video games of some kind, even though I love them to death. I mean by, game consoles/disks that explode when the console is on but you're not using it for like, 5 minutes. Or even ones that if you get a game over, it's meant to freak you out. Makes no sense at all. O_o

Dreams CAN make no sense. Same can go with a character's dream. It could be what you were thinking about/eating right before bed.

I too sometimes end up in a position like that, but I have no clue why. I'm not trying to escape from anything; I just end up waking in that position.
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Old 01-20-2007, 06:55 PM   #720
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Wilt's dreams must be about him screwing up because all he says in his sleep is "Sorry,sorry,sorry".
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