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Old 08-27-2006, 11:35 AM   #61
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For the screencaps I'll try my best to not steal from Sparky's website, since I already have the majority of the episodes on my computer already. If we do, then we should credit her website.. duh.. yeah.

The photobucket is a good idea, why didn't anyone think of it before? I'm on it.

Edit: Done.

PM me for the password if you think you have something good to add, right now it's empty.

Last edited by rukift; 08-27-2006 at 11:44 AM.
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Old 08-27-2006, 11:49 AM   #62
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Thank you!!!

I have nothing to go on there yet, but I'll PM you for it when I do.

And with this Wiki-wide PhotoBucket account, there are some rules:

1. No deleting images unless you are positive that it is no where on the Wiki.
2. Don't share the password with anyone else (except ruki, who is keeper of the password and will give it to you if you need it). This one's a given; we don't need any image spammers.
3. Only images for the Wiki go up here- put your own stuff on your own account (another given).

Anything you would like to add, ruki?

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Old 08-27-2006, 11:59 AM   #63
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I think you pretty much covered everything.

I also think that people should be the judge of whether or not a picture is useful or not. Before you upload, think, can this picture really be used in the Wiki? Is it important enough to be used in the Wiki? Pictures that might have a character making a weird face or whatever, yeah those are cool to look at... but we need things that'll be useful.

Also if you plan on uploading things to the screencap section, please put what episode it is in the file name, followed by the number it is. For example, it'd be better to put up something like "berry_scary07.jpg" instead of "berry.jpg" Unless it's the most amazing and rare picture in the world, it will be deleated. K?

And oh the character section of the photobucket thing, that's for things like clip-art like Sparky's site hosts, cast images, and that sort of thing.
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Old 08-27-2006, 12:18 PM   #64
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Exactly. That was PERFECT, ruki.

And for those who are wondering, a picture appropriate for the Wiki is one that shows the character at its most (for a character page), shows the setting, or an important part of the episode (on the episode pages).

As for the pictures on the pages for the small group of behind the scenes people... Use your best judgement, okay? Nothing that says "I AM THE MAIN FOCUS OF THIS SITE!!!". Just a short bio, maybe a picture or two with your fave character or ONE avatar, but that's it. And a few links.

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Old 08-27-2006, 12:28 PM   #65
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Yeah, thanks for expanding on the rules there. I think we've made it clear on the do's and don'ts now.

By the way, who's going to be organizing the whole thing? We know I'll be taking care of the actual look of the site, but who's going to be the person who sets up where all the links go and where this table goes and the content on the front page...
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Old 08-27-2006, 02:05 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by lucyrocks73 View Post
I would also like to have a page for every episode (that's going to take FOREVER, but I think I can work on it) complete with airdate, trivia, summary, title card, and screencaps (Sparky, if you're reading this, I will not hotlink... that's what the PhotoBucket account will be for).
I can work with that. How many screencaps per episode page? One or two of the major scenes?

I have a question: will we have a separate page for reaccuring minor characters, like have a special page for Jackie Khones, and then put some of the one-shot characters like Berry and Bendy all on one page? Or will we just have one page for ALL of those characters with separate sections for reaccuring and one-shots?

I think I can work with the links and stuff, Ruki, dear.
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Old 08-27-2006, 02:16 PM   #67
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1. I know, sorry, I'm just wondering who's gonna be doing the overall organizing. But we'll be good!

2. For the episode screencaps, let's try to keep it around the 1-4 limit? Whatever you feel is appropriate, really. It's up to you.

3. Here's what I think: I think minor characters who had entire episodes written around them, such as Bendy, should get their own page. Until someone writes up their page, however, they should be given a paragraph or so each under a general minor character page. Tiny characters like Handy and the big baby who are seen throughout but never really got a huge role should all be mushed into one page and really shouldn't be given anything more than that, unless an excentric fan of theirs is willing to donate more.
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Old 08-27-2006, 02:28 PM   #68
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You guys can use my screencaps and stuff, that's not "stealing", especially since its for something that will actually be useful. Like I said, I *make* the caps so people can *use* them. Unless you think my caps are too small or whatever. That's the biggest I can make them.
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Old 08-27-2006, 02:32 PM   #69
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We'd of course credit Sparky on every page.

I'd do that anyway, because she's allowing us to discuss this on *her* forum.
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Old 08-27-2006, 02:40 PM   #70
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Lol. Don't credit me on *every* page. And I'll probably link to this thing once there's enough of it up. I'm actually doing something...*kinda* similar myself for my own site, of course its not a user-editable type thing, and I'm doing something a little more specific than what it sounds like you're doing. So perhaps between your guide and mine we'll have the End All of Foster's info on the internet.
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