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Old 01-10-2007, 12:10 PM   #151
Zombie Fighters!  
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Brains or Bloo

Bloo Buys a Fake brain because Mac called him A dumb head when Bloo Goes to school. Bloo comes back to school and becomes smart till he went to college.
frankie, Madame Foster, Goo , Coco and the rest have to take away the brain before it's too late.
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Old 01-10-2007, 03:42 PM   #152
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The Good, The Bad & The Bloo

Title Card Sound: Western musics

In the spoof of "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly", Bloo is Sherrif Kazoo, protecting the town from the likes of Terrence The Dumb.

Brotherly Love

Title Card Sound: Mac & Terrence getting along

With Bloo, his friends and everyone at Foster's out on a field trip and nothing to do around the house, Mac & Terrence decided to do the impossible-hang out with each other. But the two love it so much, they decided to keep it that way. But Bloo, feeling left out and ignored, goes to lengths to remind the brothers why they don't love one another to begin with.
See ya!
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Old 01-11-2007, 12:21 PM   #153
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the Night of the living Goo
Title card sound: Zombies

Yes, bloo Mac try to fight A Imaginary Goo that Goo Made up to do her daily duties without her having to it. It Becomes Evil and They have to fight!
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Old 01-11-2007, 08:09 PM   #154
Invader Bloo
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
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I really can't see Frankie stealing anything.
Mac did & he's just a good person as Frankie is.
JOIN THE CAUSE! Become a Spam Role-Player!

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Old 01-12-2007, 10:37 AM   #155
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Pranks Or Not

Title Card Sound: Pies being thrown

Bloo and Bendy started a prank war, which soon escalates from Foster's to the entire town. Now Mac and his pals must try to stop the two before it gets worse

Goth, It's Nice To Meet You

Title Card Sound: Goth musics

Mac befriends a Goth name Beatrice, who doesn't seem to like his company, so he, as well as Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco and Goo, decided to lighten her up-each meeting with an unusual result.
See ya!
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Old 01-12-2007, 12:11 PM   #156
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Bloo, Bloo, bloo, Shloo?

Title Card Sound: Ukelele

Bloo Meets his imaginary-hawaiian rival since he went to Bloo school and they try to compete for the best bloo in the whole entire world!
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Old 01-12-2007, 01:08 PM   #157
At Home
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Title card sound: Bloo is shocked to find some information on the Internet
Another web-related episode. Bloo goes to Foster's website which tells him that Madame Foster and Frankie are actually imaginary friends. Bloo is shocked and Mac tries to tell him that it was just added by someone as a joke but Bloo wants to know the answer and tries to prove this to other imaginary friends. When Bloo is on the computer next time, he finds out new information: Mac is a dangerous criminal and wanted for 500 dollars. Bloo tries to take him to the police station. At the same time, Mac has to prove everyone that everything on the website was false information. In the end, Bendy is revealed to be guilty for this.
Credits: Bendy is punished for editing the Foster's website by having to clean the entire house. Frankie is glad that the chaos caused by the website is over. However, then we see Bloo editing the website to be more entertaining to read.

Starring Jackie Khones (a short)
Title card sound: Jackie singing the Foster's theme.
Foster's is being filmed for a reality show about imaginary friends. Mr. Herriman forgets when the show was supposed to start so he just watches TV and lets everyone else sleep. Jackie Khones is the only one realizing that the show is supposed to air in ten minutes. At first, he thinks about telling everyone about the show but then he gets an idea; he will appear on the show alone. He is happy to be the star but suddenly all the imaginary friends wake up. Jackie tries to keep them all away from the cameras and succeeds. He decides to watch his performance on tape, but he notices that another episode is shown instead. The actual Foster's episode was filmed a week ago and Jackie didn't notice.
Credits: All the imaginary friends sleeping.
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Old 01-12-2007, 06:05 PM   #158
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Everyone Loves Bloo

Title Card Sound: Audience laughing

The local TV network decided to do a reality tv show about Bloo. At first, it doesn't seem to be a problem, but it soon becomes an irritation when Bloo is videotape in his most personal moment. Now he wants off the air, and is willing to go through lengths to do so.

It's A Small World

Title Card Sound: Random gibberish talks

When Bloo finds a device that suppose to shrink anything, he, as well as Mac and the gang, are accidently hit by the ray, shrunk down to the size of ants. Now the gang have to overcome huge obstacles to get back to their proper size before the device itself is shutdown permenantly.
See ya!
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Old 01-12-2007, 06:25 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by YuckieDuck View Post
Title card sound: Bloo is shocked to find some information on the Internet
Another web-related episode. Bloo goes to Foster's website which tells him that Madame Foster and Frankie are actually imaginary friends. Bloo is shocked and Mac tries to tell him that it was just added by someone as a joke but Bloo wants to know the answer and tries to prove this to other imaginary friends. When Bloo is on the computer next time, he finds out new information: Mac is a dangerous criminal and wanted for 500 dollars. Bloo tries to take him to the police station. At the same time, Mac has to prove everyone that everything on the website was false information. In the end, Bendy is revealed to be guilty for this.
Credits: Bendy is punished for editing the Foster's website by having to clean the entire house. Frankie is glad that the chaos caused by the website is over. However, then we see Bloo editing the website to be more entertaining to read.
I read this and couldn't help thinking about Wikipedia.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 01-13-2007, 05:14 AM   #160
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The Dirty Bubble

Title Card Sound: swords

Madame Foster accidently steals all of the imginary friends prized stuff to an antique show, but the stuff is stolen when Bloo Finds out that all his 100,000 "Broken" Paddleballs are gone. all of the imaginary friends are try to find out that no good stealer.
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