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Old 01-10-2007, 04:51 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by megatron01 View Post
I'm getting tired of the network executives and the FCC pushing the cartoon creators around! Cartoon censorship should be ELIMINATED ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!

This is how the characters of FOSTER's feel on cartoon censorship:

The GOVERNMENT and the NETWORK EXECUTIVES should learn that we love cartoons, and we love to see them UNCUT and UNEDITED, PERIOD.
Only up to a point.

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Last edited by Cassini90125; 01-10-2007 at 04:52 PM.
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Old 01-10-2007, 05:39 PM   #42
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Japanese animators, I believe, choose to spend much of the money and resources they have to work on a series on making the art very complex -- for example, a lot of times a character running will really just be jerking back and forth yet in another scene they will have meticulously animated the same character's hair blowing dramatically in the wind.


Anime sacrifices fluidity, and, sometimes, actual motion in its animation for complexity (except when it has an overload of super-deformed scenes.... then it sacrifices both). Dramatic panning, yay!

.....also, I know we've been over the "toilet humor" thing but I just went into the kitchen and B&M was on TV and the first thing I heard was "I dare you to sniff your own butt."

"(NOTE: these companies are from the country that makes the best video games: JAPAN!)"

Last edited by kageri; 01-10-2007 at 05:40 PM.
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Old 01-10-2007, 06:52 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by megatron01 View Post
I'm getting tired of the network executives and the FCC pushing the cartoon creators around! Cartoon censorship should be ELIMINATED ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!

This is how the characters of FOSTER's feel on cartoon censorship:

The GOVERNMENT and the NETWORK EXECUTIVES should learn that we love cartoons, and we love to see them UNCUT and UNEDITED, PERIOD.
ok.. well we can all see your annoyed by censorship.. but seriously, wether or not you seem to know it, its there for a reason. it does get annoying, but there are people under the age of 6 in america who might fumble upon it...
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Old 01-10-2007, 07:16 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I don't find that a fair attack. Anime is cheap because they ARE cheap, as in literally, Japan animators do not have the money to animate their characters as fluently and fluidly as we do in America, that's why they look this way. That's why anime characters stand still like statues when they talk.
Seems like a fair criticism to me, if that is what someone particularly dislikes about a cartoon.
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Old 01-10-2007, 09:27 PM   #45
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Well I just meant I don't like the idea of blaming someone or something for something that wasn't really in their control. Now a days though anime is a different story because like with most shows (or it will soon be), animation gets taken over by computers.

Some of the older animes all have unique styles that are distinguishable by the author or writer, now though most animes are drawn through computers and alot of the animation styling looks the same. Same with our cartoons, alot of shows sport similar designs that really cut down on the toons individual properties.
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Old 01-11-2007, 01:54 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I don't find that a fair attack. Anime is cheap because they ARE cheap, as in literally, Japan animators do not have the money to animate their characters as fluently and fluidly as we do in America, that's why they look this way. That's why anime characters stand still like statues when they talk.

It's not a choice it's something they have to deal with. You gotta understand, it's a whole different system in Japan then it is here, values, morals, beliefs, views. Big difference, big culture. Also, just like in America, certain Animes are drawn with different styles.

Take the movie "Spirited Away" that is a specific and unique design of the animator's styling, totally different from others. Same with Dragon Ball, Trigun, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and so on and so forth. Every animator brings their own unique touch to anime.
Sorry, did you read my full post? I said there are anime which aren't drawn that way, I even made examples! I didn't say I hated anime because of that, I said there are some in which it's really evident.

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Old 01-11-2007, 06:26 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Some of the older animes all have unique styles that are distinguishable by the author or writer, now though most animes are drawn through computers and alot of the animation styling looks the same. Same with our cartoons, alot of shows sport similar designs that really cut down on the toons individual properties.

Very good point, Mr.Marshmallow. That's something I've been aware of for a while. while that procedure does make the shows look sharper and "better" it sacrifices the individual charm the show had.
I also noticed that when shows are done like that the character designes become more refined and set in stone if you know what I mean. Simpsons are a good example. They just stoped looking like the Simpsons I remember once they became computer drawn and not hand drawn. I really miss Lissa's old designe, she was so much cuter.
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Old 01-11-2007, 09:36 AM   #48
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i love the certain cartoons that i do because they make me laugh, give me good one liners, make me feel youthful without being weird, and some of them are just really adult oriented and that is great...

i can't think of anything really bad, although there are some that i think are pointless. but there is one for everyone. even my hubby, who rarely watches anything but espn will sit down and watch foster's with me and really enjoy it and is sweet.
life's too short to argue, so i'm always right.

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Old 01-11-2007, 02:42 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Fomalhaut View Post
Sorry, did you read my full post? I said there are anime which aren't drawn that way, I even made examples! I didn't say I hated anime because of that, I said there are some in which it's really evident.
No, I didn't say you hated anime and didn't mean any negativity or harsh intentions to come out of what I said.
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Old 01-13-2007, 07:49 AM   #50
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The thing I've always hated the most about traditional cartoons, and I guess, some Anime(don't watch it, so I might be wrong here)is that so many have a plot that revolve around a "Good Guy", who's always flawless and does only "good" things", and a "Bad Guy", or villain, who's out to "get" the Good Guy, no matter what, and who is thoroughly rotten to the core. Quite often there was no reason given for why the Bad Guy had it in for the Good Guy, although sometimes this was simply a matter of who was highest on the food chain(ex. Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner). Most episodes featured the Bad Guy going to some great length to kill/hurt/catch/stop the Good Guy, and the Good eventually prevailing, making the Bad Guy look like a fool. It was pretty much clear-cut that people are either totally Good or totally Bad, no in between; Good people never do bad things, and Bad people are certainly incapable of doing anything good.

I guess that's one of the reasons why Foster's appeals to me-the characters more closely mirror real life. It's difficult to determine, sometimes, whether to call Bloo a "Good Guy" or a "Bad Guy", as he's certainly done things that would qualify him for both catagories. Even Wilt has done some things that were clearly bad, like pushing Mr. Herriman down the stairs in "Bus the Two of Us", while Duchess did a favor for Eduardo. True, she SAID that it was to keep him from making HER look bad in the photo, but it was still a favor, so it goes to show that no one is totally good or bad on the show. Given time, we usually find out the reasons and past experiences that make the characters "tick" and give insight as to why they do the things they do, and we're led to wonder about the ones we have not learned about yet, rather than be asked to simply accept that "So-and-So is evil" or "What-His-Face is pure Goodness".

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