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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 01-08-2007, 01:24 PM   #701
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Originally Posted by "C" the Dragon View Post
You talking about *my* idea, or someone else thinking of making an anime of Foster's?-_-;
I was referring to the idea of replacing the voice actors with rap stars and turning the show into another gangsta opera.

Originally Posted by kageri View Post
He wasn't even talking about anime.... or quoting you, for that matter.
Thank you.

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Old 01-08-2007, 02:47 PM   #702
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
I was referring to the idea of replacing the voice actors with rap stars and turning the show into another gangsta opera.
Whoops. My bad. Thanks for warning me.
"I made it myself!" -GIR
"Chwithmith?! I mean, Christmas?! But that was months ago!" -Wilt
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Old 01-08-2007, 07:16 PM   #703
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Originally Posted by InsaneFan View Post
...This thread fell off the Wilt Road and started walking down the Another Topic Boulevard. Shall we bring it back?
Very well, since I'm sensing a crash.


My mind is blank.
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Old 01-08-2007, 07:21 PM   #704
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Um how about....oh I don't know.... What do you think is Wilt's favorite sports drink?

If I had to venture a guess, he just seems like a Gatorade guy to me.
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Last edited by taranchula; 01-08-2007 at 07:21 PM.
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Old 01-08-2007, 08:40 PM   #705
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NEVER. He must like Powerade much more.
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Old 01-09-2007, 02:42 AM   #706
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Originally Posted by BlooCheese View Post
NEVER. He must like Powerade much more.

Wilt is pretty "Old Skool", so I would go with the Gatorade, since it was the first sports drink to be on the market. It would be in keeping with his shoes and socks style, that's for sure. I don't drink either(unless I'm really sick and my blood sugar is crashing and I can't keep anything else down), so I am not endorsing anything because *I* happen to like it.

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Old 01-09-2007, 05:34 AM   #707
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This is too easy...

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Old 01-09-2007, 10:44 AM   #708
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Yes, I agree with Gatorade, now what flavor would he like...? I really like fruit punch myself and thats red... So maybe he likes that too? But theres also the strawberry ice flavor, and thats clear but it has red on the label and Strawberry's are also red... Hmmm, what do you guys think?
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Old 01-09-2007, 10:54 AM   #709
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Thought of this: We all know how Wilt's brief stint as "MC" for the Annual Tri-County Imaginary Friend Pageant and Talent Contest went in "Hiccy Burp", and apparently THAT was a big improvement over the previous year's debacle. Most of us-myself included-have just concluded that Wilt probably suffers from the most common phobia, that of speaking or performing in public. However, most people who suffer from that have difficulty doing ANYTHING in public, and that would include playing any sort of sports, where you also have an audience. Obviously, Wilt had no trouble with that at all, as seen in Good Wilt Hunting. I have to wonder, then, if his behavior in "Hiccy Burp" was more the result of his fear of screwing up and disappointing the others, a fear that resulted, of course, from his 30-year burden of guilt over what had happened with Jordan and the game against Foul Larry and his creator. We now know that a lot of what we've come to think of as Wilt's "default" behavior, most notably his frequent apologies, his asking "is that OK?" and his unwillingness to stand up to anyone, stems from that incident. Wilt has been so overtaken with guilt, that he's more or less vowed never to hurt anyone or disappoint anyone or let anyone else down ever again, which of course, is an impossible undertaking. Most of us also know that the more you worry about screwing up, the more likely you are to do just that! Do y'all suppose that Wilt's on-stage antics in "Hiccy Burp" were the result of a real fear of public appearances/speaking/performing, or due more to his hang-ups about letting the others down, and if the latter, do you think he'd do much better the next time around(if given a chance, of course), now that he hopefully will have resolved some of the guilt issues that he's harbored for the past 30 years?

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Old 01-09-2007, 12:47 PM   #710
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That's a really good point ya know. I personally beleive taht is indeed a fear of letting someone down. And while I was reading your post I came to see that perhaps Mr herriman, Eduardo and Coco nagging him about it and reminding him how bad it was didn't really help. At times it's best to forget about the past, because form what we've heard what happened the previous year at teh pageant was pretty terrible, and must have been absolutely humiliating for Wilt.

I remember last year I had to get up in front of my whole school and sing while another girl I know played the keyboard. it was my job to not only sing but to turn the pages, and i forgot to turn the page, so I got a little ahead of the song, then I had to go back turn page and repeat the last few words. This through me completely off, so i lost where I was on the page and forgot the words. So now, I cringe everytime I see the recording my parents made, but they tell me to watch it anyway. So now, I always worry about singing in front of crowds.

With Wilt, I'm sure that reminding him of what happened last year made him panic more, because as he would walk on stage he would start getting these nagging voices in his head going "Do NOT screw up!" or something, then that leads to the year before's happenings. Even though Wilt is probably the most optimistic character I have ever heard of, he can still be rather pessimistic about him self, leading him to slip, then panic about slipping and then getting everything wrong.

So I beleive it wasn't just Wilt's need to please, but the fact that although they were only doing it for the best, his friends kept on nagging him.
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