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Old 01-05-2007, 07:23 PM   #81
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I thought of another one, because of an email I just got - and I hope this doesn't offend anyone because a lot of people do this but...I hate it when you're either chatting with someone online, or they write you an email, or like, a review on or whatever, and they stage this little bantering thing between themselves and some fictional character. Just out of nowhere, there's this little skit going on. I don't think I worded that well but you surely know what I'm talking about.

I can't quite decide if that's as bad as or worse than when you're talking to someone on the phone and they suddenly decide it would be cute to give the phone to a toddler. You were trying to talk to the person, now you're trying to convince some kid to give the phone back. *That* ticks me off.
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Old 01-05-2007, 11:54 PM   #82
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I hate it when you're either chatting with someone online, or they write you an email, or like, a review on or whatever, and they stage this little bantering thing between themselves and some fictional character.
I know what you're referring to, and yeah, it IS very annoying. I'm not a fic writer by any means, but it gets irritating when I have to scroll down about a page and a half of self-bickering to get to the author's note in fanfics. Usually by the time I get to the bottom I'm too ticked off to leave a review. I say they should leave that for their LJ's.

Last edited by DoubleLatte; 01-05-2007 at 11:56 PM.
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Old 01-06-2007, 12:31 AM   #83
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Gawd those things are annoying thank God this place isn't plagued by them like some forum sites
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Old 01-06-2007, 07:30 AM   #84
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I get ticked off abot a LOT of stuff.To much crap to list.To much to even remeber it all.

-Meanie Beanie People
-Spoiled Brats
-PeOpLe ThAt TaLk LiKe DiS
-People that hate me and everything i do
-People with out a sense of humor
-People that bring stuff up like a million times.
and the rest that I cant think of
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Old 01-06-2007, 05:38 PM   #85
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1. People who point out that something very obvious is about to happen; and then when it does act as if they have Magic Powers because they knew.

2. People who can't keep their trap shut in the movie theatre.

3. People who do number 2 and number 3 at the same ***** time.

I would have enjoyed Night At the Museum a lot more this afternoon if it weren't for **** Captain Obvious next to me. (No I don't mean my brother. ) Oh you bet the monkey took his keys, do you? WELL SO DO THE REST OF US. Sthu. -_-

Last edited by Sparky; 01-06-2007 at 05:53 PM.
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Old 01-06-2007, 05:45 PM   #86
some guy you dont know
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now for the things that annoy me, MUSIC EDITION!

*rap. it really, just drives me nuts.

*anything thats "easy listening" or that jungle stuff. easy listening is as annoying to me as very loud heavy metal is to those guys at the fancy smanchy balls. rock is what i consider easy listening. and that noise out in the jungle makes me want to endanger a few species.

*country. i dont really like accoustic guitars, or fake, maybe real, southren accents. espically in the same 4 minuites.

*any band thats overrated. like KISS. they were ok, but not gods. seriously.

*pop. not all of it, mostly the kind youll hear from Britney spears or those other bimbos. its stupid and annoying.
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Old 01-06-2007, 07:19 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
I thought of another one, because of an email I just got - and I hope this doesn't offend anyone because a lot of people do this but...I hate it when you're either chatting with someone online, or they write you an email, or like, a review on or whatever, and they stage this little bantering thing between themselves and some fictional character. Just out of nowhere, there's this little skit going on. I don't think I worded that well but you surely know what I'm talking about.
OH GOD YES. It's even worse when it's between a fangirl and some fictional "bishie" who they claim to own.
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Old 01-06-2007, 09:43 PM   #88
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When people say, "you can't spell crap without rap!" Not that I like rap, but for the love of billy shears, that is just NOT CLEVER.
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Old 01-06-2007, 11:35 PM   #89
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Anyone who says or DOES the following:

"Back in the day"

Makes quote marks with their fingers in the air

says they "pwned" someone instead of "owned"

"RIGHT ON girlfriend!"

"I heard that"

Says they have anything on "the down lo"

And finally...

Anyone who automatically assumes people in their 20's or teens who watch cartoons are and/or perverts, losers, devoid of life, and constantly think of cartoons in the "wrong way" just because they talk about them in depth in conversation.
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Old 01-06-2007, 11:47 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Anyone who automatically assumes people in their 20's or teens who watch cartoons are and/or perverts, losers, devoid of life, and constantly think of cartoons in the "wrong way" just because they talk about them in depth in conversation.
I'm with you 110%. I hate these kind of people.
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