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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 12-17-2006, 07:46 AM   #601
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Originally Posted by x_dummkoff_x View Post
he'd look hotter with some tattoos.
>> he'd be SO metal!
If he were like that, he wouldn't be who he is. He'd be so heartless, that all his fangirls will be astonished by this new behavior that they'll just go away. That's not most women want now-a-days. XD

"DETHKLOKITIZE"? Oh GOD no. Please no. If that would happen, I'd be AFRAID of him. Seriously. If it were to happen, my drawing of Wilt art would end abruptly. Heck, if he was like that, he wouldn't be my favorite character anymore - I wouldn't HAVE one anymore. Hey, it could always be Coco, though - she's my 2nd favorite.

Besides, he doesn't need one - he's already got that "1" on his chest since he was born/created/thought up!

For me, stitches and that "1" are ENOUGH for me.

Wilt + tattoos = Fangirl-REPELLENT

He's not on fire, silly.

Don't call me a meanie - then that would mean I'm not aloud to voice my opinions, ne?
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Old 12-17-2006, 07:52 AM   #602
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Charleston, SC(or "The Holy City", as we call it)does have not only a large African-American population, but it's a very old city, one of the oldest in the US, and it does have areas with that same architechtural style seen in the movie. It also has the distinction of being named "Most Polite City in America" more often than any other city in the US, which might help account for Wilt's and Jordan's politeness.

You know, I wondered how Wilt got so polite! I guess that answers *my* question!
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Old 12-17-2006, 08:35 AM   #603
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
If he were like that, he wouldn't be who he is. He'd be so heartless, that all his fangirls will be astonished by this new behavior that they'll just go away. That's not most women want now-a-days. XD

"DETHKLOKITIZE"? Oh GOD no. Please no. If that would happen, I'd be AFRAID of him. Seriously. If it were to happen, my drawing of Wilt art would end abruptly. Heck, if he was like that, he wouldn't be my favorite character anymore - I wouldn't HAVE one anymore. Hey, it could always be Coco, though - she's my 2nd favorite.

Besides, he doesn't need one - he's already got that "1" on his chest since he was born/created/thought up!

For me, stitches and that "1" are ENOUGH for me.

Wilt + tattoos = Fangirl-REPELLENT

He's not on fire, silly.

Don't call me a meanie - then that would mean I'm not aloud to voice my opinions, ne?
Call me ignorant, but What The HECK does "DETHKLOKITIZE" mean? Is this a character from Anime'(which I don't watch)or some video game(which I don't play)or what?

Personally, I think Wilt would be even sexier(if THAT is possible, that is)with a few unigue tattoos. I have tattoos myself(lots of women do)and while not all of them are appealing, the right tattoo on the right guy is a real attention-getter. I'm not talking some cliche' like a skull with a phony-looking cobra slithering out of it, but maybe something like a tribal armband to sorta balance out the suture scars on his left stump of an arm. He doesn't need to be covered in ink, since as you said, he does have that big number "1" and those scars, but one or two tats would not look bad on him at all. Goodness knows with Wilt's high threshhold of pain, he's not gonna be worried about a tattoo needle hurting!

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Old 12-17-2006, 09:20 AM   #604
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Call me ignorant, but What The HECK does "DETHKLOKITIZE" mean? Is this a character from Anime'(which I don't watch)or some video game(which I don't play)or what?
I think she meant something about him being "Death-metal" or something like that, hence the "DETH" in it. If THAT were to happen to him, then GUH. Seriously, the thought of that happening almost GAVE ME NIGHTMARES. *shivers at the thought* He'll HAUNT ME!! Just like the Cannibal Ghost.

But I still say the "1" is enough, since he had that since he was created.

I like Wilt just the way he is. Tattoos, to me, doesn't know what I mean.
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Old 12-17-2006, 11:16 AM   #605
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
If he were like that, he wouldn't be who he is. He'd be so heartless, that all his fangirls will be astonished by this new behavior that they'll just go away. That's not most women want now-a-days. XD

"DETHKLOKITIZE"? Oh GOD no. Please no. If that would happen, I'd be AFRAID of him. Seriously. If it were to happen, my drawing of Wilt art would end abruptly. Heck, if he was like that, he wouldn't be my favorite character anymore - I wouldn't HAVE one anymore. Hey, it could always be Coco, though - she's my 2nd favorite.

Besides, he doesn't need one - he's already got that "1" on his chest since he was born/created/thought up!

For me, stitches and that "1" are ENOUGH for me.

Wilt + tattoos = Fangirl-REPELLENT

He's not on fire, silly.

Don't call me a meanie - then that would mean I'm not aloud to voice my opinions, ne?
Dethklok is the heavy-metal-ish band from the Adult Swim show "Metalocalypse".

And actually, I'd have to disagree that fangirls wouldn't like him anymore. A lot of fangirls seem to have a fascination with making Wilt a cutting, tattooed, angsty, wearing-spiky-things "hardk0re" type... thing...

Also, "some cliche' like a skull with a phony-looking cobra slithering out of it" amused me for some reason. That's not as cliche as the tattoo-that-says-"MOM", though.
"(NOTE: these companies are from the country that makes the best video games: JAPAN!)"

Last edited by kageri; 12-17-2006 at 11:18 AM.
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Old 12-17-2006, 03:03 PM   #606
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Yah. Dumkoff already suggested that to me in a PM. xD And like I told her, the mental picture of Wilt with tattoos and peircings makes me laugh. I wouldn't like him to really go like that, though. That'd be weird.

You people are crazy. x3
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Old 12-17-2006, 04:27 PM   #607
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I perfer Wilt plain, thank you very much.
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Old 12-17-2006, 04:44 PM   #608
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Originally Posted by InsaneFan View Post
Yah. Dumkoff already suggested that to me in a PM. xD And like I told her, the mental picture of Wilt with tattoos and peircings makes me laugh. I wouldn't like him to really go like that, though. That'd be weird.

You people are crazy. x3
Now the piercings and the spiked collars and the whole "Goth/BDSM" thing, NO. Ditto for the extreme "Emo" with the self-mutilations. Tattoos, on the other hand, are very mainstream nowadays, not even considered to be taboo or rebelious anymore. Even the people at my church don't bat an eye at mine...OR the preacher's earring. A LOT of athletes have tattoos, and since Wilt IS an athlete(one of the very best), it wouldn't be going against his character at all to have at least one, though I can't picture him going overboard with it and being covered in ink.

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Old 12-17-2006, 04:57 PM   #609
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I had some silly fun and drew Wilt goth like here. Not to be taken seriously. Heee. Lobe piercings! *jingles them*
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Old 12-17-2006, 04:59 PM   #610
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id have to say pbl was right about the armband thing. that would look so cool on wilt. but besides that, anything else, well, would be flat out weird. and "DETHKLOKTIZE"? im scared at the thought
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