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Old 12-05-2006, 05:58 AM   #1
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I just finished 1st level. My score was 2230. it was a little easier than cracking up but harder than other games.
Also too many errors in the game this update. I had to log on three times to put the photos I got into the albums. It just told me that the shockwave couldn't continue and went to the clock. I hope they fix all this problems.
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Old 12-05-2006, 09:53 PM   #2
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This game reminds me of BurgerTime.

overall not a bad game, but it does take a while to get interesting, and it is almost imposible to get power-ups because you move so slow.

I played twice and lost at 1400 so I have a bit more to play before I get all the goodies.

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Old 12-06-2006, 06:48 AM   #3
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grrrr this game is making me angry!!!
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Old 12-06-2006, 09:10 AM   #4
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Well I do not have any great tips on this game yet, except that it takes a long time to get a high enough score to get the collectables.

each time you walk on a blanket it falls one platform,
you need to drop the blanket on the sleeping friend.

scoreing you get 5 pts for each time you get the blanket to fall on a friend
you get 5? pts for each bad friend that the blanket hits while falling.

I never had time to get a lava lamp, but I think they are 50 pts.

I am not sure but I think you get a multiplyer for trapping multiple bad guys under a single blanket.

To catch the bad friends under the blanket there are a few methods.

the first way is if you walk over the highest blanket in the stack it will cause the other blankets to fall one platform like chandaleres.(spelling is bad). and hope you get a bad guy in th eprocess. like the pillow but one at time in the same row only. while the pillow does every blamket symutaniously.

a second way to get the bad guys is to get them on blankets with the ladder going through the center of the blanket. this if fairly easy since they are going up a ladder and under the blanket just walk over any blaket above them.

Another way is to get a few of them chasing you start going over a blanket then freeze them with your light right after they get on the blanket. if they are frozen before you release the last step of the blanket then the blanket will take them down with it.

Hitting the bad guys with a blanket does not give you extra points if it is the last blanket going to the last friend on the board. (this is most likely a bug)

I hope someone else could figure a better way to get points quicker in this game, I think 1700 was a bit high because it seemed to take a long time and a lot of levels to get there.

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Old 12-06-2006, 09:23 AM   #5
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A lava lamp gives you only 20 pts I got 1700 pts and I'm never going to play that game again. Ok, only when I'll open level 2 and 3...
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Old 12-06-2006, 09:49 AM   #6
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ok I just got my first over 1700 score,

thanks for the correction of the lava lamp only 20,

I was able to verify, if you drop a blanket with a frozen nightmare on it, the nightmare will not die, and thus not give score,

However if you cover multiple nightmares with blankets you will get the multiplier, thus for 2 nightmares 5+2x5=15 and for 3 5+2x5+3x5=30

If you are low on time, do not risk loosing a life, if you know you cannot finish the level in time, just stay out of the nightmare's path until you timeout and restart the level. this will prevent accidently loosing several men just to restart the level anyway.

Now I remember why I never liked BurgerTime.

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Old 12-06-2006, 04:05 PM   #7
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I think that this game is really dumb and not very interesting.It only gives out like 15 points per round.I got bored with it so i just died on purpose
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Old 12-07-2006, 02:01 PM   #8
Ricky Fieldmouse
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This game blows. 5 points for each blanket is redonkulus. The old games were better, much easier.
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Old 12-07-2006, 02:29 PM   #9
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The point system is not really that poor.

I just replayed it a few times to get the collectables today

the point system does have multipliers if you kill nightmares. and there are more blankets on the screen as the levels get higher.

It typically should take under 30 levels to get all the collectables so I cannot say the game is that bad. Shuttlebg took many levels to get all the collectables as well as jet car jump.

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Old 12-08-2006, 07:36 AM   #10
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Sometimes I wonder if the people who playtest those games realize this is a game for kids. It's very hard to get every blanket down in the time given to you even without being chased by nightmares.
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