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Old 11-17-2006, 09:28 PM   #41
One Radical Dude
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I think he's actually shown more of his soft side this season than the last. I may be the only one to see that, but to me, he was 'worse' in Seasons Two and Three (definitely three). As I've said before, one episode isn't going to determine what Bloo will be like. He's not going to stop being a jerk, but we will see more of the affectionate side of him in the future, methinks. Maybe, I'm biased over the issue, but that's the way I see it.

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Old 11-17-2006, 09:31 PM   #42
Mr. Marshmallow
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I don't doubt he has a soft side, though I honestly have to say that this season has been the most confusing revelations of Bloo then any other. "Boss" shows a really good side of Bloo, "Emanicpation" showed more of typical Bloo, the Bloo we'd expect to see.

This one was just plain wrong to me and it's a taste that I find difficult to stand, let alone watch again. Was the episode unbearable to watch? No, was that scene with Bloo and the door? I sure as hell think so. Also "I only have surprise for you" was another current season episoded that showed Bloo being worse then usual.
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:36 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by One Radical Dude View Post
I think he's actually shown more of his soft side this season than the last. I may be the only one to see that, but to me, he was 'worse' in Seasons Two and Three (definitely three). As I've said before, one episode isn't going to determine what Bloo will be like. He's not going to stop being a jerk, but we will see more of the affectionate side of him in the future, methinks. Maybe, I'm biased over the issue, but that's the way I see it.
I sure hope so, because I've said that Mac and Bloo complete each other, like two halves of a whole -- but now, it's like they're so opposite that they have nothing in common, and they're drifting apart. Fighting can be funny, and something that all relationships have, but I'm ready for some easing up on the oil-and-water Mac and Bloo and some more yin-and-yang, peas-in-a-pod, peanut-butter-and-jelly Mac and Bloo. I'm wishing intently for something akin to the end-ish of Hiccy Burp.
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:57 PM   #44
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I think part of the reason for Bloo's actions was his state of panic at the time. This does not excuse them by any means, but Bloo basically did what any living creature would do by nature when in a life-threatening situation with little time (such as being chased by someone who wants to kill you). Let's face it: when Panic Mode sets in you don't think of others and their safety. The most you think about is not losing the 'survival of the fittest' game.

Wilt's situation was very different, but what goes on in his mind is next to impossible to understand anyway. Or he could have just gotten too into the part. Actors do tend to do that sometimes.

That said, I really liked this episode, maybe even loved it. Wilt as a bad guy was a treat to watch and so was his duel with Bloo. Goo was plain adorable; as someone said, this was a very good character study for her. Goo admitted to being lonely in "Go Goo Go" and MBION backs up this claim quite a bit, at least in my opinion. On a side note, I can't believe no one has mentioned the Speed Racer and mecha (giant robots) references.
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:58 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by kageri View Post
I found the fact that Bloo wouldn't do for his best friend what most decent people would try to do for someone they didn't even know to be honestly disturbing. And it's not like keeping the door open for another split second would have made much of a difference.
Friendship is a strange thing. I knew people who would give their lives for others and the minute something bad happens. It becomes a Fend For Yourself attitude that creeps in.

It's happened to me sometimes.
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Old 11-17-2006, 10:45 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by CCMars View Post
Let's face it: when Panic Mode sets in you don't think of others and their safety. The most you think about is not losing the 'survival of the fittest' game.
Maybe it's because I hate the "devil may care" attitude that seems to have defined modern culture, but I don't get that at all. If I were in a situation that threatens both me and the people I love most, I would do LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to make sure that they're safe and well. I'm far from being a real-life incarnation of Wilt, but at the same time, I like to think I'm better than neglecting the welfare of others just to 'win' one of life's many stupid and cruel social mindgames.

I still haven't seen the episode, so I probably shouldn't be talking about it for now. But I'm already convinced that Bloo leaving his best friend in the entire world behind is an all-time low for him.
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Old 11-17-2006, 10:59 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
Maybe it's because I hate the "devil may care" attitude that seems to have defined modern culture, but I don't get that at all. If I were in a situation that threatens both me and the people I love most, I would do LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to make sure that they're safe and well. I'm far from being a real-life incarnation of Wilt, but at the same time, I like to think I'm better than neglecting the welfare of others just to 'win' one of life's many stupid and cruel social mindgames.

I still haven't seen the episode, so I probably shouldn't be talking about it for now. But I'm already convinced that Bloo leaving his best friend in the entire world behind is an all-time low for him.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
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Old 11-17-2006, 11:02 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
Maybe it's because I hate the "devil may care" attitude that seems to have defined modern culture, but I don't get that at all. If I were in a situation that threatens both me and the people I love most, I would do LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to make sure that they're safe and well. I'm far from being a real-life incarnation of Wilt, but at the same time, I like to think I'm better than neglecting the welfare of others just to 'win' one of life's many stupid and cruel social mindgames.
I almost read that as 'devil may cry.' XD Anyway, it's true some people are that way, but I think you're getting a little too worked up over the idea.

I'd like to think that way too, but it also depends on how well you react to a situation and the time you have. Like when a forest fire got started near my home while my family was away this past summer. I couldn't think of anything but getting my animals to safety and the growing fear of my house being burned down. Luckily for me the fire was too far away to even evacuate, but at least I still had time to breathe and think about what I was going to do. Had the situation happened all of a sudden and I had to do things at the top of my head...the very thought frightens me. We never know what we would do in an emergency situation until it actually happens to us.
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Last edited by CCMars; 11-17-2006 at 11:09 PM.
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Old 11-17-2006, 11:11 PM   #49
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The point is that people react differently because of who they are. Look at 9/11, people turned around and did their best to help out others in need. Some people are that way, and that is exactly where the problem is, being THAT way.

What Bloo did was completely careless and ignorant to Mac. They ran like their lives depended on it and even though we all know their lives didn't, Bloo still shut the door on him. You honestly think Mac would have done the same thing if sides were switched?

The panic thing can be taken into account, however it is REALLY hard to even take it into consideration when you consider the person's track record. Nearly every single thing Bloo has done has shown that this was more of him acting like HIM then a panic attack.

Just like he forgot about his friends for a video game in "Emancipation", just like he psychologically tortured Mac in "I Only have surprise" and put him on the spot in "Infernal Slumber" and yet again in "Bus the two of us". They all match up to the selfish attitude Bloo has about himself.

Now does this mean I hate Bloo? No. Does this mean he's the spawn of satan and has no good in him whatsoever? No. But, does a panic attack really make sense when his actions connect so easily to every other prank, insensitive, and selfish thing he's done in the past? I don't buy that.

What Bloo did here is not so amazingly different to what he has done in the past, which is exactly why I don't buy this panic attack theory. Sorry, but this is too familar and too similar to Bloo's past antics to seem panicky to me.

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 11-17-2006 at 11:11 PM.
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Old 11-17-2006, 11:38 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
The point is that people react differently because of who they are. Look at 9/11, people turned around and did their best to help out others in need. Some people are that way, and that is exactly where the problem is, being THAT way.

What Bloo did was completely careless and ignorant to Mac. They ran like their lives depended on it and even though we all know their lives didn't, Bloo still shut the door on him. You honestly think Mac would have done the same thing if sides were switched?

The panic thing can be taken into account, however it is REALLY hard to even take it into consideration when you consider the person's track record. Nearly every single thing Bloo has done has shown that this was more of him acting like HIM then a panic attack.

Just like he forgot about his friends for a video game in "Emancipation", just like he psychologically tortured Mac in "I Only have surprise" and put him on the spot in "Infernal Slumber" and yet again in "Bus the two of us". They all match up to the selfish attitude Bloo has about himself.

Now does this mean I hate Bloo? No. Does this mean he's the spawn of satan and has no good in him whatsoever? No. But, does a panic attack really make sense when his actions connect so easily to every other prank, insensitive, and selfish thing he's done in the past? I don't buy that.

What Bloo did here is not so amazingly different to what he has done in the past, which is exactly why I don't buy this panic attack theory. Sorry, but this is too familar and too similar to Bloo's past antics to seem panicky to me.
Read my post again. People helped AFTER the attacks happened, but I am talking about AT THE MOMENT. I wasn't excusing Bloo for his actions, but I do think he reacted the same way most of us would if our very lives were suddenly hanging in the balance, no matter the personality. I mean for god's sake, he was suddenly attacked for no apparent reason!

What happened in the rest of the episodes you mentioned, yes there was no excuse for those. That much I will give you.

And where did I say that you thought he was the spawn of satan or whatever? Where did anybody say that? You came up with that, not me or any of us.
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