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View Poll Results: Rate Make Believe It Or Not
A 32 50.79%
B 23 36.51%
C 6 9.52%
D 1 1.59%
F 1 1.59%
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Old 11-17-2006, 06:54 PM   #31
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....I just wanna let you know...

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Old 11-17-2006, 07:14 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by kageri View Post
All in all..... well, it was an episode.
That is great.

I enjoyed the episode, but it would have been better if it had a better ending. Though Ed at the end was funny.
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Last edited by GrimTheLost; 11-17-2006 at 07:22 PM.
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Old 11-17-2006, 07:32 PM   #33
One Radical Dude
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Wow, I must say that this one blew me away. This is my favorite season finale so far (slightly edging Season Two's finale, which was my previous favorite season finale). This was definitely a step up from last week's "good, but not great" episode. I must say that Wilt definitely was da man in this episode. Yes, the younger audiences will really enjoy this one, but I believe even adults would, too. Ed was used well in this one, also. I loved the Bloo and Mac interaction in this one, almost as much as I did in Squeeze the Day. This episode felt like it had a bit more action than comedy, but that doesn't make it a bad episode at all. This one was definitely unique. I gave this one a well-deserving A.

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Old 11-17-2006, 08:49 PM   #34
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Yeah.......I just got done watching it after I recorded since I was out during the premiere, and since I am too tired, hungry and lazy to go through everyone's posts on this thread, I'm gonna post my comments honestly and as thoroughly as I can.

.....This episode really....I don't know how to explain it. It wasn't that great honestly, it's just too weird for words and not the funny good weird way more like the....I can't explain what the hell I just saw weird way. There was some interesting things here but I think they were executed poorly.

The things I liked: Reference to older episodes about Goo's ability to not control her IFs, always nice to see. She was much better here and I LOVED how she actually got "owned" (hearing Bloo say that was priceless) and couldn't take defeat.

Goo was the only incredibly good part about this episode. The fact she has admitted to her mistakes, repeatively apologized to Mac for what happened, and that she couldn't control her IFs were all very new and unique things for Goo to work off of.

The Space boogies (or whatever there called) were unique looking and pretty cool. I loved the sprouting tentacles thing and Wilt doing the Darth Vader saber fight with Bloo was great, as was Wilt actually being good at acting evil.

Now the bad: Bloo shutting Mac outside of the door.....I'm sorry but that's just NOT cool. It upset me...seriously. Even if these aliens were not evil as far as torture goes, the fact Bloo shut him out in a time when they seemed to fear for their lives....that's just not cool.

Wilt being able to get so into his character and automatically dump his friends for the aliens wasn't "Wilt"ish. His behavior in "Where there's a wilt" was more plausible then this. I also didn't get this whole imaginary attack thing until later and even now, it still seems weird.

But my biggest beef is the fact that while ALL of this was going on....Madame Foster, Mr. Herriman, and Frankie are NO WHERE to be found. "Infernal slumber" made sense because they were at Mac's house, they had a plausible reason for not showing them.

But for evil IF aliens to break into the house, chase Mac and Bloo who scream the whole episode practically, and kick Goo out all through the house and not have ANY of those 3 chars who basically NEVER leave the house around, hard to swallow.

I understand Frankie, Madame Foster and Herriman wouldn;'t have worked in the episode but seriously, you can't expect people not to wonder where they are when all of this crazy crap is going on. None of them would leave the house completely unsupervised.

The only time they did that was with Bloo in "Squeeze the day" and that was because they figured with him alone nothing would happen...and they were right more or less. So all in all, last week's episode was much more entertaining then this.

Like before, this was clever writing but I found "Emancipation" more enjoyable to watch and watch AGAIN then this one. Outside of Goo's amazing character development, this episode didn't really make me laugh that much. It just weirded me out and made Wilt and Bloo do things that just irked me.

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 11-17-2006 at 08:51 PM.
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Old 11-17-2006, 08:57 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Now the bad: Bloo shutting Mac outside of the door.....I'm sorry but that's just NOT cool. It upset me...seriously. Even if these aliens were not evil as far as torture goes, the fact Bloo shut him out in a time when they seemed to fear for their lives....that's just not cool.
I found the fact that Bloo wouldn't do for his best friend what most decent people would try to do for someone they didn't even know to be honestly disturbing. And it's not like keeping the door open for another split second would have made much of a difference.
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Old 11-17-2006, 08:58 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Now the bad: Bloo shutting Mac outside of the door.....I'm sorry but that's just NOT cool. It upset me...seriously. Even if these aliens were not evil as far as torture goes, the fact Bloo shut him out in a time when they seemed to fear for their lives....that's just not cool.
Yeah, I don't get that, really I don't. (Craig, Lauren, are you trying to say that Bloo really doesn't care about Mac getting hurt or not? Like the time he had Mac go up in the tree and practically break his neck trying to get something for him? Uhm....hmm..wish I could do an interview here to find out your reasoning behind things like this. There's so much conflict sometimes ((even in one episode)) with Mac/Bloo being friends and Mac/Bloo being something that's not quite friends that it sometimes disturbs me. Then again, I AM a major over-analyzer. lol)

That's one thing about the show that always irks me. I understand some of this is intended to be humorous but thing is, we KNOW Craig is a thinker like us, and that he likes to put some real heart into his show along with the humor and craziness that goes on with the characters. So I don't understand this message at all, even IF Bloo is totally chaotic, his world is SUPPOSED to be CENTERING around Mac, not trying to INSULT HIM, SHUT HIM OUT, or ACT LIKE HE DOESN'T CARE.
To me, that totally defies the wonderful original purpose of this show....

to stress friendship and the values of helping others.

But well, besides that one thing (which is starting to bug me more the longer I think about it, for some reason), this episode WAS good. I gave it a B, by the way.
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:05 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by kageri View Post
And it's not like keeping the door open for another split second would have made much of a difference.
Not the point. The point was the gesture of the action, this can sound like over analyzing if you want but it's actually quite simple: shutting a door on someone's face only has ONE answer. Bloo shut the door on Mac and let him get chased around.

Even if there was no chance of actually helping Mac, the fact of the matter is the gesture wasn't given back and above all else, to his best friend. If you ever saw the "Mummy" movie with Brendan Fraiser, very similar thing happened towards the end of the movie.

This guy Benny was a back stabbing, theiving, wormy little snitch who was once Fraiser's best friend in the movie but back stabbed him like 50 times. In the end, the pyramid is closing and Benny is trying to escape as the walls start to close down.

Despite all the back stabbing, despite the fact he was BETRAYED, shot at, insulted, ditched, and left for dead at every waking turn by this guy Benny, Fraiser still extends his hand out to help the guy out of the tomb. It closes, and he fails.

But....the gesture was still made, the attempt was still given. Bloo didn't and that's what bothers me. That, and the fact that like I said before about "Emancipation", this was an interesting idea....I just didn't think it was a very funny idea.

The imagination thing in the beginning with the word fighting was good, but after a while, it dragged on really long and they kept talking so fast it was hard just to keep up and get the whole idea of the "joke".

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 11-17-2006 at 09:06 PM.
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:08 PM   #38
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I don't think it's out of the ordinary for Bloo to close to door on Mac early on. This is Bloo we're talking about, and more often than not, he thinks about himself -- a lot. Does that make it right? No, I'm not saying that, nor am I defending what happened here. At the same time, though, you do have the option of asking whether Bloo cares or not if Mac gets hurt.

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Old 11-17-2006, 09:12 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Not the point. The point was the gesture of the action, this can sound like over analyzing if you want but it's actually quite simple: shutting a door on someone's face only has ONE answer. Bloo shut the door on Mac and let him get chased around.

Even if there was no chance of actually helping Mac, the fact of the matter is the gesture wasn't given back and above all else, to his best friend. If you ever saw the "Mummy" movie with Brendan Fraiser, very similar thing happened towards the end of the movie.
What I meant by that was, it's hard to even see what he was trying to accomplish by being all "SAVE YOURSELF!" because they would both have escaped if he had kept the door open.
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Old 11-17-2006, 09:13 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by One Radical Dude View Post
This is Bloo we're talking about, and more often than not, he thinks about himself -- a lot. Does that make it right? No, I'm not saying that, nor am I defending what happened here. At the same time, though, you do have the option of asking whether Bloo cares or not if Mac gets hurt.
If this is the Bloo we are going to see more of as the series progresses......then I am seriously gonna dislike him soon. Selfish and thinking bout only you is one thing, I always felt Bloo was just an ass but still had a heart deep inside of him.

"House of Bloo's" showed us that, this didn't. I really hope Bloo becomes more like "Boss" Bloo then "Make Believe it or not", because it's not an image I can stand if this keeps up.
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