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Old 11-17-2006, 04:06 PM   #21
Mac's World in Bloo
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Seriously, "Lord Snotzak" was the most over-the-top villain alter-ego since Buddy Pine/Syndrome! And y'all can barely imagine how much I loooooove hearing Wilt speak in that deep commanding voice of his! It's just way too bad that Frankie wasn't in this one, since I can envision the look on Wilt's face if SHE had walked in with a load of laundry or something else for his "To Do List", and caught him with that collander on his head and an empty wrapping paper tube stuck on his stump of an arm! American Express could not have come up with anything more priceless! It is great to see someone like him, though, who can be all serious and responsible and adult when he needs to be, and yet still has enough "inner child" that he is able to put aside his adulthood and just be silly for the sake of having fun. I know it sounds stupid, but I can't help but think of what a great father he would actually be.

I don't know what was up with Bloo, though. It's odd for him to be afraid of anything, honestly; ESPECIALLY when it comes to defending Mac. I mean, in the pilot episode, he ATTACKED Eduardo like Pit Bull catching a wild hog when he mistakenly thought that Ed was going to hurt Mac! I guess Bloo's need to outshine everyone else, even his own creator, is really coming to the forefront of his personality. He's reminding me more and more of Mike Wazowski, and that's not a good thing. Still, you can't help but laugh at his "Bloominator" routine, though!

Well agreed, PBL. And it's not stupid at all to think of Wilt as a father. I think he'd be an AWESOME father, and to top it off, he's just great with kids and puts up with all their shinnanigans. (Even Bloo, who is the toughest to put up with, as we all know well.) Perhaps he even played a father figure to his creator, but I'm sure that's been suggested by others already.

Yes see that's what I mean about Bloo acting OOC here.....when it came to defending Mac, he was indeed trying to protect him from Ed in the pilot. But in this ep, he would have simply left Mac to his "fate", even if the situation was not REALLY dangerous. It's just the concept of it. THEY thought it was serious, knowing how kids can really get into their pretending, and they believed it as real, so again, Mac acted really shocked and I was just as shocked myself.
Bloo sometimes disappoints me but then again, he did help out in the end so he redeemed himself, thank God. I think he has to learn a LOT and it will take quite some time to understand the value of his friendship with Mac. But then again, Bloo's six...still quite immature and way too conceited. It's just going to take a LOT of time...LOL

Really loved this episode, hope to see more like it!

And might I add, I too, PBL, get shivers down my spine (in a good way!) when hearing Wilt. His voice is sooooo pleasant to listen to.
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Last edited by Cassini90125; 10-22-2008 at 07:42 PM.
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Old 11-17-2006, 04:19 PM   #22
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I had to miss the episode, so I'll have to catch the rerun. But let me say that it sounds GREAT. I'm glad to hear Goo is back to being likeable and cool.
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Old 11-17-2006, 04:21 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by LaBlooGirl View Post
Can anyone explain to me their theories on this? Why does Bloo seem to have issues with Mac, especially on an authority level, where he thinks Mac is always trying to be "higher" than him (which he's not!!). I don't get it, because everyone knows Mac cares about Bloo ( or why would he be seeing him every day?) and yet Bloo feels he has to constantly prove himself around Mac all the time.
And yet, confusingly enough, when it comes down to it, he'll sometimes finally cooperate and everything ends well.

My personal feeling is that, on top of the brother/brother and best friend relationship the two have, there's also a father (Mac)/son (Bloo) relationship here which, despite his young age, you could say Bloo is, in a way, going through his "rebellious teenage years". The way I see it, since Mac acts like a father figure, Bloo will treat Mac, at times, like a father figure, which tends to be the same way he treats any authority figure: not necessarily disrespectful, but genuinely uncaring and unconcerned. However, like any son wants to prove himself to his father, so does Bloo want to prove himself to Mac, which includes going to desperate extremes occasionally.

Like you said, though, he'll eventually cooperate instead of trying to prove himself, and to a degree I think he's occasionally hurt by it, as it makes it seem like he can't be responsible enough for Mac. See, I still think that Bloo is a bit hurt after having been given up, and that maybe somewhere in the back of his li'l Bloo mind, he's afraid Mac will just eventually up and leave him. His intention, then, would be to try and keep Mac with him as long as possible, the best way to do this being to prove that he's worth coming to see.

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Old 11-17-2006, 04:54 PM   #24
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I saw it abput 2 hours ago, and I loved it.

First, I loved that Goo was not overused and had depth in this episode. And I also enjoyed how Wilt got quite into character when playing the villan. Lastly I like the Play-on-words names. (Rex Carsalot):bloogrin

All in all, I gave it an "A"
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Old 11-17-2006, 05:53 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by lucyrocks73 View Post

The blatant Speed Racer and Dave the Barbarian parodying got me laughing- particuarly the Speed Racer because my brother is such a fan.
Those were very funny parts, though Bloonan the Blobarian is more of a parody of Conan the Barbarian than Dave, I'd say. Dave the Barbarian is pretty much a tounge-in-cheek shot at Conan as well.

Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in the 1982 Conan the Barbarian movie, so Bloo's Arnold-speak toward the end is probably a send up of that.

Overall, I enjoyed the episode, though the bizarre plot didn't have me engrossed like I thought it could have.
Mac and Goo trying to top each other's pretend weaponry was pretty darn funny; I did the same thing with friends when I was a kid.
I agree with those who say that Goo was well used. It was a plot that suited her well. However, it also reminds me why I don't really want to see her in every episode. I was a bit tired of seeing her by the end.

All in all, another solid effort by the Foster's crew.
I gave the episode a B. I figure that's fair for a good-not-great episode.
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Old 11-17-2006, 06:08 PM   #26
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.....Did Bloo say "owned"? Did he? I think he did.
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Old 11-17-2006, 06:21 PM   #27
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Bloo says many wise things in this episode. Among them, yes, is the fabled "owned". Ponder upon it to discern its full meaning.
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Old 11-17-2006, 06:25 PM   #28
Mac's World in Bloo
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Originally Posted by kageri View Post
.....Did Bloo say "owned"? Did he? I think he did.
Bloo's great when he's just playing along with Mac and saying really funny or clever lines. Hence why I can't stand when people call him stupid...

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That's MY Bloo, MINE!!

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Old 11-17-2006, 06:29 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by kageri View Post
.....Did Bloo say "owned"? Did he? I think he did.
He did.

And Goo in PJs, whee.
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Old 11-17-2006, 06:33 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by LaBlooGirl View Post
Bloo's great when he's just playing along with Mac and saying really funny or clever lines. Hence why I can't stand when people call him stupid...
He ditched Mac, though. I am mildly disturbed by that.

All in all..... well, it was an episode. The thing that bugged me about it was that the humor, and the episode in general, seemed to be more about the situation at hand than the characters, which is what they usually focus on.
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