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Old 11-15-2006, 10:57 AM   #41
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Mac: Shyness, kindness, not exactly the person up the highest on the social ladder at the places he goes to; I also tend to look after my friends occasionally to the point where it's like I'm babysitting them, as Mac is with Bloo

Goo: Tendency to ramble on long, non-sequitar speeches as well as a bizarre and overactive imagination

Herriman: Due to the fact that I adhere to the rules, I also demand others adhere to the rules and am a stickler in seeing that others do adhere to the rules

Eduardo: When I was a kid, I was just about as paranoid as Eduardo. I still am to a much lesser degree, but I was primarily so as a kid.

Strong Bad: I'm like Strong Bad in that..........oh wait, Strong Bad isn't Foster's. My bad.
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Old 11-17-2006, 11:39 AM   #42
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Bloo: Really bossy.
Mac: Shy and sweet.
Wilt: I have converses just like his!
Coco: I run around crazy.
Frankie: Sarcastic, annoyed easily and nice.
Cheese: Both strange, and we like .*insert flavour* milk!
Goo: Talks too much.
Cheese: [with aluminum foil in his teeth] I have braces.
Mac: You found that on the ground, didn't you?
Cheese: Garbage can.
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Old 11-17-2006, 01:17 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Craig-OK, so he's not a character, but he counts, right? I used to talk to myself a lot as a kid, too!

Huh. I talk to myself too! *To self* I'm glad I'm not the only one!
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Old 11-19-2006, 12:20 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jabberwocky View Post
I dress like Goo! Yay rainbows! I think I have her exact outfit actually, yellow boots and all.
Swwwweet! This, I must see - Goo rules!
"On a personal level, Freaking Out is a process whereby an individual casts off outmoded and restricting standars of thinking, dress, and social etiquette in order to express CREATIVELY his relationship to his immediate environment and the social structure as a whole."

Frank Zappa, on 'freaking out'

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Old 11-19-2006, 12:24 PM   #45
Who speaks like Goo and sings like Eurotrish
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I speak just as fast as Goo, must be some of the massive Italian influence I've been through for 8 years...
Oh, and I sing like Eurotrish, and I love it!
(the 2 above can be guessed from my title)
Let's see:
Wilt - I'm quite helpful, and kind with my friends.
Bloo - I have a huge ego, as some say... but I'd never be as cruel to Mac as him in "I Only Have Surprise for you", or such.
Frankie - don't get on my nerves...
Cheese - I LIKE CHOCOLATE MIIILK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll think of else later...

"Up in the sky, there's a star for everyone"
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Old 11-25-2006, 05:42 PM   #46
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Bloo: idk, we disobey
wilt: we both actually try to be nice to people
coco: idk. i like coco. it taste good
Ed: we scare easily
Frankie: i got nothing
madam foster: idk, but ill probably still be acting crazy when im old
Mr h: nothing. because im the opposite of him
Terrence: were both underrated
mac: were both guys. thats all i got

other characters

goo: the overactive imagination
Cheese: both annoy everyone within 2 miles without even trying
Bendy: idk, but hes cool
Berry: both a little insane
Eurotrish: idk
Goofball John McGee:
Ivan: we both get lost easy
Peanut Butter: idk, but i like pb&j's. does that count?
Red: we both disobey our orders
I just became a member of a club known as the bumbling fools
Botching the game and the best things in life is the motto and the rule
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Old 11-30-2006, 05:58 PM   #47
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I'm like several characters put together, really. I'm alot like Frankie since I spend all my time at home doing the dirty work of keeping the laundry and dishes and the whole house in general clean. I'm also like Edwardo because I'm VERY shy and easily frightend.
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Old 11-30-2006, 06:28 PM   #48
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Heh, this is a funny thread.

Mac: I have other people telling me I'm lonely and it still doesn't bother me the least. Also, everyone thinks I'm mature and calm, but when I'm with my best friend you couldn't believe how goofy I can get.
Bloo: We both get awfully excited over things other people find childish, irrelevant or just plain stupid. I'm not as childish as him, but just as childlike, and I share his thoughtlessness at times - not because I would be mean mean, I just didn't think of something. Plus: Frankieee, there's a potato chip on the floooooooor!
Coco: One moment I'm the most reasonable person in the group and the next people can't believe how wacky I'm acting.
Mr. Herriman: People complain about how I use difficult words that they don't understand.
Cheese: I like commercials and make strange noises.
Ivan: My memory. It's a bucket with no bottom.
Shut up. At least the bunnies are on fire.

Last edited by Jii; 11-30-2006 at 06:30 PM.
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Old 03-13-2007, 04:43 AM   #49
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There's probably more, but right now I can only think of one trait I share with a Foster's character: both myself and Wilt have a habit of saying sorry. A lot.
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Old 03-13-2007, 08:47 AM   #50
Executive Weasel Ball
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Interesting thread. I'd like to contribute.

Wilt - Oh man, where do I start? I’ve mentioned this enough times in other threads, but one of the key reasons why Wilt means so much to me is because I can relate to him upon so many factors. I think it would be easier to say that the only major thing which I DON’T have in common with him is that I hate playing basketball, and most competitive sports, period. And plus, I’ve never lost any of my limbs or eyes, glad to say. But yeah, the endless apologising, the guilt, the anxiety, the bottling up of stress, the fear of speaking in public…it’s me all over. I’m always very keen to please people and do the right thing, and I usually end up feeling very hurt and upset whenever I feel I’ve let them down. Like Wilt, I’m smart enough to know when I’m being taken advantage of but alas, often not assertive enough to do much about it. Oh well, with a little more confidence training and citalopram I’ll get there in the end.

Coco - A lot of my acquaintances think I’m pretty weird, but really I know what I’m doing. Additionally, I can be pretty passive-aggressive whenever someone’s really offended me.

Bloo - I can be a little loudmouthed at times. Or so I’m told.

Mac - I don’t bow down to peer pressure. I’ll stay true to the things which are important to me, and which I feel strongly about, no matter what other people say. And that includes always staying in touch with the true joys of imagination and childhood.

Eduardo - I have a weakness for plush animals. After all, plush rules!

Mr Herriman - We’re both terrified of dogs (well, I’m not quite as terrified as Mr. H, but nonetheless I’ve had a lot bad experiences with canines in the past, so being around them usually makes me feel very nervous. The only dog in the world who was ever especially nice to me was a golden retriever named Dixon, bless him).

Frankie - I know how it is to work hard at something and get little gratification for it. Plus, I’ll always stand up for just causes.

Madame Foster - Pretty similar to my common feat with Mac. I’ll refuse to give up the best things about childhood no matter how old I get.

Duchess - I hate having my work or sleep routines disturbed by noisy neighbours or family members.

Goo - I really let my imagination run away with me at times. Which is a good thing, since I want to be a writer. Added to which, I can be quite the talker once I really get going (only in social circles where I feel most comfortable, though - see Wilt).

Terrence - Hmm, not much that I can think of. I can get pretty angry and cynical at times, but I’ll rarely take it out on other people, and I’d certainly never resort to bullying. (Plus, I'm a vegetarian, so no eating of helpless, screaming slices of imaginary pizza for me ).

EDIT: The "Berry Scary" discussion thread has reminded me that, like Terrence, I've had my fair share of guilty pleasures that I'd prefer to keep hidden from my family. I'm pleased to acknowledge that there's a little bit of Terrence in me after all.

Cheese - I like cereal (not so much chocolate milk though).

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 06-27-2007 at 03:17 AM.
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