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Old 11-11-2006, 09:06 PM   #51
One Radical Dude
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Maybe, some don't have many words to say about the episode. It's definitely more of a mixed-bag than Bloo's the Boss, as far as reviews go.

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Old 11-11-2006, 09:59 PM   #52
Mr. Marshmallow
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A good bit of advice that I think EVERYONE should be aware of:

Everything is better the second time around. Movies, TV shows, episodes, you usually miss certain aspects of a show when you see it for the first time.

The second time hammers it all in and shakes away any possibly negative images you may have had when you first saw it. Trust me, it's always better in round 2.
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Old 11-11-2006, 10:03 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
A good bit of advice that I think EVERYONE should be aware of:

Everything is better the second time around. Movies, TV shows, episodes, you usually miss certain aspects of a show when you see it for the first time.

The second time hammers it all in and shakes away any possibly negative images you may have had when you first saw it. Trust me, it's always better in round 2.
I trust you'll understand if there's one episode that I won't test with that theory.

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Old 11-11-2006, 10:08 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
A good bit of advice that I think EVERYONE should be aware of:

Everything is better the second time around. Movies, TV shows, episodes, you usually miss certain aspects of a show when you see it for the first time.

The second time hammers it all in and shakes away any possibly negative images you may have had when you first saw it. Trust me, it's always better in round 2.
I think that's true the majority of the time, but I think there are exceptions. This wasn't one of them, but they do exist.

I've yet to see it a second time, but the more I think of it, the more I like it. I'll admit that I wasn't totally there when I watched it (as I was laid up in bed sick), but I was there enough of the time to get everything important, the only thing my scrambled little brain being unable to keep up with being the musical number.

Something else I've been thinking about, however, was that the episode continued to show the apparent like of care the world gives towards Imaginary Friends. The only people we've really seen fully care about the welfare of Imaginary Friends has been Mac, Frankie, and Madam Foster; to the rest of the world, there merely objects and not other living beings, which is the mentality Li'l Lincoln takes advantage of. In a lot of ways, I really think that's what was making Madam Foster question whether or not what she was doing was worthwhile: though she had recognition for it, it seemed almost worthless due to the fact that she seemed to practically be the sole pillar of support abandoned friends could come to.
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Old 11-11-2006, 10:37 PM   #55
One Radical Dude
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
A good bit of advice that I think EVERYONE should be aware of:

Everything is better the second time around. Movies, TV shows, episodes, you usually miss certain aspects of a show when you see it for the first time.

The second time hammers it all in and shakes away any possibly negative images you may have had when you first saw it. Trust me, it's always better in round 2.
True. I can't disagree with you there. Though for this one, it still wasn't a favorite, even after the second airing.

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Old 11-11-2006, 10:49 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn
I realize I'm kinda biased as I had especially been looking forward to this episode for weeks... but I'm starting to become disheartened by some of the reactions. I think it deserves more than just some dismissive "eeeeeh" post that doesn't give any real reasons as to why you feel that way.
I shouldn't have to support what I said about the episode. It wasn't great. It wasn't bad. It was 'eh' to me and that's that. It wasn't great. But it wasn't bad either. So I didn't write an essay like some; that's just how I feel. To the point. It did nothing for me.

Last edited by CG; 11-11-2006 at 10:55 PM.
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Old 11-11-2006, 10:51 PM   #57
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My overall reaction...good, not great. I really liked the Little Lincoln character. I think part of that may have been that Lincoln is held up as such an iconic figure in the U.S. that any tweaking of him is enjoyable. Obviously, Little Lincoln and Actual Lincoln are two different things, but still...but even though I liked him, I was glad when Little Lincoln's uppance finally came.
I also have to say that the musical number wasn't all it could have been. I'm glad they did it, and I hope they do more, but for me, on a musical level, something just wasn't there. The tempo seemed a bit off, for one thing. Also, the lyrics just didn't really do much for me. Can't really explain why, but there it is. Still, pretty darn entertaining, all in all.
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Old 11-12-2006, 07:57 AM   #58
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It seems the theme for this weeks episode was: HOMAGES!

We had a homage to classic WB cartoons with Bloo playing "Daffy Duck/Bugs Bunny" to Mac's Teacher's "Elmer Fudd."

We had a homage to the "Music Man" with I'll Lincoln playing "Harold Hill" to Foster's "River City". (Even going as far as using a musical number to illustrate his point.)

We had a homage to "The Great Escape", with Mac freeing prisoners via an under ground tunnel.

We had homage to "Invader Zim" with Bloo playing the role of "Iggans" desperately looking for batteries for his handheld game system. (Good thing he didn't have Gaz on his tail, otherwise the situation would be very messy indeed.... Then again Bloo was also playing the role of Gaz during the scenes when he was totally into the game and nothing or no one else matted.)

And, We had a homage to R.Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet" video with Frankie, Mac and Mr. Herriman...."trapped in a closet".....Okay the last one is stretching things a wee bit I'll admit.

Anyways I think this was a pretty good episode, nicely plotted and had it's share of "Did they just do that?!" moments.

(BTW was I the only who thought that Moose looked like the lovechild of "The Incredible Hulk and MacGyver. )
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Old 11-12-2006, 08:09 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
We had homage to "Invader Zim" with Bloo playing the role of "Iggans" desperately looking for batteries for his handheld game system. (Good thing he didn't have Gaz on his tail, otherwise the situation would be very messy indeed.... Then again Bloo was also playing the role of Gaz during the scenes when he was totally into the game and nothing or no one else matted.
No offense, but I think that's a bit of a stretch. I doubt it was a homage and more of just a "Bloo thing" with him trying to get batteries. It would be nice if that was a homage, as Gamslave 2 is one of my favorite IZ episodes, but I doubt it.
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Old 11-12-2006, 08:13 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Nathander View Post
No offense, but I think that's a bit of a stretch. I doubt it was a homage and more of just a "Bloo thing" with him trying to get batteries. It would be nice if that was a homage, as Gamslave 2 is one of my favorite IZ episodes, but I doubt it.

None taken, but that was the impression I got...other people's mileage may vary.
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