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Old 11-05-2006, 09:02 AM   #21
Who speaks like Goo and sings like Eurotrish
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Haven't seen Bloo's the boss yet, and here go my favourites (pilot excluded, for that's the ULTIMATE BEST).
Um, hard to choose...
1. Bus The Two of Us - rocks! The one I watch over and over, can't stop laughing... a fantastic one.
2. Duchess of Wails - has been Nr. 1 for ages... but was beaten. Love the Terrence bits.
3. The Big Picture - magnificently written, good story, too.
4. Camp Keep a Good Mac Down - funny, we see everyone's personalities, too.
5. Infernal Slumber - is there anything to say? The best part is Goo's sèance, I think.
6. World Wide Wabbit - ...said Funny Bunny to sweet little girl! Love it.
7. Crime after Crime - Bloo's crimes are just... everything! And we see Ed isn't stupid, or too childish. And the Mac part is great, too.
8. Partying is Such Sweet Soirèe - poor Mac... I adore the LotR reference: "It burns us! It burns us!"
9. Who Let the Dogs in? - aren't the puppies just asorable? And Bloo making fun of them... a great ep.
10. Foster's Goes to Europe - one reason: Eurotrish. Check out my avatar and title, and you'll see why.

It was hard! As soon as I post this, I know I'll remember I forgot something... oh well.

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Old 11-05-2006, 10:21 AM   #22
"C" the Dragon
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I narrowed down the top 10 favorite episodes of mine:

1. Bus The Two Of Us: It's good to see Wilt trying to keep a secret. It's very funny to see his expresions!
2. Where There's A Wilt, There's A Way: Well, it's so far the only episode about Wilt, until the GWH premire, and i love the priceless expresions on his face, especially when he tries to say "no" to Mr. Herriman!
3.Bloooooo: I like it to see Wilt get scared half to death, and this so far the only episode to see him faint.
4.Hiccy-Burp: The part when Wilt messed up the announcment. Nothing more.
5.Room With a Feud: Good to see Wilt be part of the compitition.
6. Ducess Of Wails: An allusion of "Lord Of The Rings 2" is good and so is Wilt slidding down on the roof throwing carrots, just like Legoas.
7.My So Called Wife: I guess I like it because of Coco.
8.House Of Bloo's: The pilot episode. What's not to like about it? Also Wilt's tour, that's classic, just saying the names of most of the rooms, even the hallways!
9.Squeeze The Day: "I am Pierre, za squan! Oh oh oh oh! I put the ducks in Crysta Bahn! I am Pierre's evil brozier! I *steal* the ducks from Crsta Bahn! I am Pierre's third cozin! I have ze ear on mah sade of mah face! Ha ha ha ha! I am Pierre's girlfriend! Mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa!" That's denfily why I like this episode!
10. Frankie My Dear: Orlando Bloo. Nothing more.

I know that most of the episodes something happens to Wilt, but I just love his expressions!
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Old 11-10-2006, 07:13 PM   #23
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1.the big cheese
2.mac daddy
3.bloo's the boss
4.infernal slumber
5.the big picture false movie
7.setting a president
8.cuckoo for coco cards
9.bloo's brothers:bloogrin
10.the trouble with scribbles
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Old 11-11-2006, 02:32 PM   #24
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I was just remembering my favourites:

1) Mac Daddy
2) The Trouble With Scribbles
3) Store Wars
4) The Duchess Of Wails
5) World Wide Wabbit
6) My So-Called Wife
7) Go Goo Go
8) Partying Is Such Sweet Soiree
9) When There's A Wilt Theres A Way
10) Bloo's Brothers

... I can't remember all the episodes I've watched. It's been 3 months since I saw a episode!
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Old 11-11-2006, 03:21 PM   #25
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Here's my top ten...for now:

10) Eddie Monster
9) Bloo's the Boss
8) Cuckoo for Coco Cards
7) Blooooo
6) Bloo's Brothers
5) Who Let the Dogs In
4) When There's a Wilt, There's a Way
3) Imposter's Home for, Um...Make 'Em Up Pals
2) The Big Cheese
1) Land of the Flea

I'll update my top ten again after "Good Wilt Hunting." :bloogrin
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Old 11-23-2006, 07:32 PM   #26
Invader Bloo
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Updated List:
10. Mac Daddy
9. Make Beleive It-Or Not
8. the Big Leblooski
7. The Big Cheese
6. One False Movie
5. Frankie My Dear
4.Bloo's the Boss
3. Squeeze the Day
2. Good Wilt Hunting ( )
1. Bus the Two of Us
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Old 11-24-2006, 05:42 PM   #27
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1. Good Wilt Hunting!
2. Make Believe it or Not
3. House of Bloos
4. Squeeze the Day
5. Bus the Two of Us
6. World Wide Wabbit
7. One False Movie
8. Go Goo Go
9. Infernal Slumber
10. Partying is Such a Sweet Soiree
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Last edited by InsaneFan; 11-24-2006 at 05:43 PM.
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Old 11-28-2006, 09:54 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by HappyFoppy View Post
I really can't help that.
Here's my top. From the episodes I've seen on tv, the fair way. (that's S1-3 minus STOS.)
I've seen the Sweet Stench of Success now!
  1. Who Let the Dogs In?
  2. Partying is Such Sweet Soirée
  3. Blooooo!
  4. The Sweet Stench of Success
  5. Go Goo Go
  6. Dinner is Swerved
  7. Everyone Knows it's Bendy
  8. Imposter's Home for Um..*gets bricked by Cassini*
  9. World Wide Wabbit
  10. The Big Lablooski
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Old 11-29-2006, 05:09 PM   #29
some guy you dont know
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ok, well this was the hardest thing ive had to do in months, narrowing myself down to only 10.

10: berry scary: never get tired of everyones favorite physco.

9: eddie monster: funny, espically with terrance and the big bag of taters.

8: world wide wabbit: so funny, and one of the more remembrable episodes

7: the trouble with scribbles: the scribbles. cant live with them, cant live without them. and they really were a great help around the house

6: seeing red: just because of terrance imaginating a slice of pizza and then eating it. the screams will forever haunt me...

5: bloos the boss: funny, i just loved chuck and sharkhead and purple.

4: frankie my dear: do i need to explain?

3: go goo go: the introduction to possibly one of my favorite characters, and one great episode to go with.

2: squeeze the day: one of the best things to happen in a long time, i cant stop watching it. and dont forget, "its hot in topeka"

1: *drumroll* good wilt hunting: my favorite episode ever. the best thing to ever happen to tv since HDTV
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Old 12-05-2006, 02:29 PM   #30
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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I can't reduce sooooooo many eps down to a top ten list. They're all good.
Editor of's FHFIF pages

Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.

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