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Old 11-10-2006, 03:52 PM   #11
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I thought this was a pretty good episode. Lil' Lincoln made a great villain. Frankie confronting Lincoln upon learning his true motives was great, as well as seeing Mr. Herriman in a prominent role once again. The continuity between who got locked in the closet by the end of the first two acts was a great touch. Bloo's addiction to the game was pretty hilarious. This was a solid episode overall, regardless of the fact that I am severely and utterly disappointed that we didn't get the Mac/Frankie team-up that promised.

I'm not going to blame any of the crew for that. They clearly worked hard on this episode, and the results were once again good stuff. I'll have to see it again to get a more definitive overall impression, both because of how heavily plotted it was, and because I'll be able to look at it without the expectations that cluttered my mind upon first viewing.

But for lying outrightly, I have just lost EVEN MORE RESPECT for Cartoon Network. And I don't think I'm going to forgive them any time soon.
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:52 PM   #12
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While the splash ads bugged me, they don't irritate me as badly as the fact that they cut out the majority of the scene during the end credits to merely show something completely pointless for the fact of announcing that there were going to be new episodes during November, something we had known already.
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:54 PM   #13
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I'm still trying to make up my mind on this one, really. I can't decide whether or not I liked the musical number, but then it WAS a satire, so in that respect, it worked. The whole notion of "Little Lincoln" being an animated ball-point PEN was interesting, to say the least, along with the concept of the teacher confiscating kids' Imaginary Friends along with electronic games, toys, bubble gum and other classroom contraband(which at my schools would have included .45's, switchblades, nickle bags, and an assortment of gang stuff). I guess I will just have to take this entire episode as a satire on those many old stop-motion animated specials, in which there's always some villain out to take advantage of an innocent, sweet old lady to swindle her out of everything she has.

On the positive, we have yet MORE "Hitchhiker's Guide" references(the character that Bloo was trying to save the universe from in the game was a Beeblebrox-I KNEW those two would not get along), we have Wilt singing again, albeit briefly, and a sorta cameo by Lightning McQueen. It's difficult for me to dislike and episode that pays homage to both Douglas Adams AND Pixar. We also get to see just how sharp and clever Madame Foster really is, and how difficult it would be for someone to actually take advantage of her. While it seemed odd that she would beat the schnot out of two Imaginary Friends, mistaking them for "intruders", I guess she KNEW, even then, that those two were up to no good, but decided to play along with Mac and give them the benefit of a doubt. Oh, and Wilt DID look mighty handsome and patriotic standing there on the school grounds holding up our flag, though his poor arm had to have gotten tired awfully fast!

On the downside, it was a disappointment to see Frankie and Mr. Herriman so helpless and at the mercy of Moose and Little Lincoln, though I guess with Moose's bully muscle(and all the big, strong IF's who could have actually stood up to him, like the New Guy, out of the way)there really wasn't much they could do, but it just seemed out-of-character for either of those two to give in without much of a fight. There really weren't any big laughs for me at all, just more of a "oh, look-it's so-and-so!" moment here and there, especially with the racecar IF. Bloo's obsessing with the game was probably the funniest part, along with his desparation when the batteries finally died, and I didn't miss the old Warner Bros. Loony Tunes tribute with Bloo's Daffy Duck rampage around the classroom, either.

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Old 11-10-2006, 03:57 PM   #14
Mr. Marshmallow
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I wouldn't take the Frankie not being the star thing to heart Cassini, and this goes to everyone else as well. You never know what your going to get in a hox of cracker jacks, and you never know what's going to happen in a TV episode until you see it.

People use to find out everything weeks in advance, but a little description on a webpage doesn't necessarily spell out the same way when you actually see the episode. I didn't build this episode up as a Frankie/Mac starring episode. I just waited and watched and commented as it followed.

Like I said before, the villains in here were very well designed. True the smart guy, dumb goon bit has been done to death but what more can you expect in a kids show? I also agree with Nathander saying Moose showed some pretty darm big brain cells bribing Bloo with batteries (try saying that 3 times fast ).

What I liked most about this aspect is when Frankie tried to stop Moose and he stopped her, and then put her and eventually Mac in the closet (Herriman willingly agreeing to go along with the closet was hilarious). The reason I liked that part is because this really showed how SERIOUS this problem was.

Previous villains like Bloo's agent, Dylan, Duchess, Berry, and Terrance were minor cliche bullies or pains in the asses. Little Lincoln proved to be A REAL THREAT! I mean he actually took control of the house, kicked everyone out, used them for profits, and almost had Madame Foster wrapped around his finger.

That's a pretty ballsy move for a small pen, and something a great villain could only pull off. As for Herriman agreeing with the plan, my best guess is that this is a similar situation like in Simpsons when Marge tried to bulldoze the burlesk house (dunno if that's spelled right) and a song stopped her.

Maybe the tune was so good it changed everyone's minds, like in Simpsons:

"But what about the beer, the drinking, the prostitution?"

"Well Marge it was a very convincing song"
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:06 PM   #15
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Thanks, Mr. M.,but I'm still feeling a little let down, and I never read the page; all I ever read was the brief synopsis on the CN website.

There were two other aspects of the episode with some possibly interesting sociological implications, namely the overcrowding at Foster's and the selling of IF's, but I'll leave that to those who've already put some thought into similar matters (that's your que, PBL ).

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Old 11-10-2006, 04:08 PM   #16
Mr. Marshmallow
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Glad my words are being noticed , and I'm not trying to sway anyone's minds into liking an episode they hate. I simply ask that while I understand your upset over the lack of Frankie/Mac spotlight action, don't let that taint the episode.

Enjoy it for what it is with a free and open mind. I do the same thing whenever I go see a new movie or a new cartoon series, I don't come in with a negative attitude unless the show or movie itself gives me reason to be negative.

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 11-10-2006 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:13 PM   #17
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Mr. M,

The thing is, it wasn't place edited by the fans, and thus can sometimes be inaccurate) that proposed the whole Mac/Frankie thing. It was, which is supposed to be the OFFICIAL SOURCE. It said OUTRIGHTLY that "it's up to Mac and Frankie to thwart his evil plans and take back the house", as if they would be the clear focus.

THEY LIED. And that, quite frankly, upsets me. Not only because I was personally hoping that Mac and Frankie would get a chance to truly shine for once; but also because it doesn't say much good when a major legitimate corporation like Cartoon Network can do that and get away with it completely.

I enjoyed the episode very much, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't change the fact that I'm feeling a little betrayed by what was supposed to be an OFFICIAL SOURCE.
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:16 PM   #18
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Well in that regards, I for one didn't look at the Cartoon Network official page. I don't really like to plan out what's to be expected and usually like to be surprised. While it would have been nice to see those 2 shine, again, I'm not one to look ahead and sneak a peek.

If CN lied then shame on them, but for the most part I'm not really mad at them simply due to the fact I didn't rely on that to give me a basis. i hope that makes sense. But I can understand your anger, just saying that me being the way that i am, I never really had this kind of a problem.

That's why I'm trying to keep honest reactions towards the episodes seperate from people's obvious negative reactions to feeling "gipped" out of the official description so to speak. That's all.
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Glad my words are being noticed , and I'm not trying to sway anyone's minds into liking an episode they hate. I simply ask that while I understand your upset over the lack of Frankie/Mac spotlight action, don't let that taint the episode.
I understand that, and I don't hate the episode. The only ep that I hate - never mind, we all know where I'm going with that.

Did anyone else see any similarities between Bloo's classroom antics and those of a certain couple of Warner Brother's icons? I couldn't help but think about Bugs and Daffy while Bloo was bouncing around.

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Old 11-10-2006, 04:22 PM   #20
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Bloo did seem alot like Daffy duck, a few people have noticed that as well and I actually thought he was great pissing off the teacher and just bouncing around like a crazy idiot. Wilt being so careless about being a flag was also funny.

Leave it to Wilt be to okay with being used heh. And being the natural perv that i am I couldn't help but notice Frankie in a night gown when Mac brought Moose and Little Lincoln back.

Not surprisingly.....she's still hot!
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