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Old 11-05-2006, 10:13 PM   #1
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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Default Episode discussion: "Emaciation Complication" 11/10/06

Well, "Emaciation Complication" airs Friday (11/10) at 7 PM ET/PT. Shall we talk about it?
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Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.

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Old 11-05-2006, 10:40 PM   #2
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A liiiitle bit early, aren't we?
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Old 11-05-2006, 10:58 PM   #3
One Radical Dude
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Okay, if you're going to start this threads, you need to add something significant to the topic. Because this episode hasn't even aired in the US, I will be locking it for now. In the future, any of these topics that get started with no significance will be BALEETED...err, I mean, deleted! You need to add something to the discussion. Remember that.

Good day!

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Old 11-10-2006, 03:11 PM   #4
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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Default "Emaciation Complication" Take Two 11/10

Abraham Lincoln as a pen? Hoo boy!
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Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.

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Old 11-10-2006, 03:23 PM   #5
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i gess i was the first to watch the whole thing. i really didnt care for it at all, the whole spin on the show kinda made me mad.
V come play DDR with me V
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:33 PM   #6
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HAHAHAHAHA! Bloo saved the day?? XDDD

I knew at some point Wilt would become the flagpole. XDDD

The song was cute, and it was nice to hear Wilt singing again. =3

Last edited by antgirl1; 11-10-2006 at 03:33 PM.
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:35 PM   #7
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I thought it was great,

I liked the begining when Mac took Bloo to school.
Bloo acted just like Daffy Duck when he popped out of the Backpack.

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Old 11-10-2006, 03:35 PM   #8
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Since I'm probably gonna be the first to put in a long review, let me start off by saying while this wasn't the Frankie/Mac spotlight episode that people have expected it to be, I gotta say I was really impressed at the cleverness of this episode.

Little Lincoln and Moose have been the first villains we've had in a long while. He had a great gimmick, a great plan, and a great cover giving the IFs homes but also taking advantage of them. This also gave Madame Foster a chance to show a bit more into her personality.

The idea that she wondered if what she was doing was worth wild was a very DEEP DEEP character plot device that I was surprised to see (as I was with the risque but clever use of the naked lady on the pen gag with Lincoln in the hot cup of tea ).

Having Bloo be insanely addicted to the video game, while at the same time almost inadvertantly saving the day was classic Bloo. I was also glad to see Mac being nice and trying to help out imaginary friends, as well as how Frankie sweetly tried to console him after he realized he'd done wrong.

I guess in honest I have to say I liked the whole idea behind this more so then the comedy of it. There was some really good writing here, and I felt it came out well despite the fact Eduardo and the others seemed to take a back seat to Little Lincoln's debut.

Two things I especially loved: Madame Foster stuffing the 2 in the closet in the beginning, and how Little Lincoln was defeated that pen chewing bit was sure brilliance. All in all, I was happy with this episode and I found it to be one of the smartest episodes they've had in a while.
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:48 PM   #9
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For the most part, I agree with Mr. Marshmallow: while it didn't end up being the Frankie and Mac centric episode I was hoping it would be, I still found it to be a genuinely brilliant episode, if just for the fact that the showed how Madam Foster herself even occasionally doubted if what she was doing was worthwhile. On top of that, it was kind of harsh seeing how easily Li'l Lincoln was able to objectify the IFs as tools and workers instead of their intended purpose, that being friends and companions. I personally found it to be a smarting blow to the way people who are in power/a higher position will tend to objectify those below them and profit from them, as (unfortunately) commonly happens in capitalism.

I thought that Li'l Lincoln and Moose were, like Marshmallow said, a great pair of villains. While it's a cliche setup (the brainy ringleader with the dumb, huge muscle to enforce what he wants), I thought it was a genuinely entertaining use of it, especially Moose's repeated response of "Yes, Mr. President!" to Lincoln. What really surprised me, though, was that there was one moment where Moose even actually seemed clever, having somehow picked up on the whole battery ordeal with Bloo. I guess I just didn't expect someone like him to really pull something off like that (though he basically made the whole scheme pointless when he gave Lincoln back to Madam Foster when she asked for a pen).

In the episode, there was only one thing I DIDN'T agree with: the use of Herriman. I would have liked some explanation as to how Lincoln was able to get him to comply with being his maid. While I guess Li'l Lincoln could have threatened to get rid of him as well somehow, you'd have thought that Herriman would've told Madam Foster what was going on immediately, unless Foster was the one to allow them to treat Herriman like that (which I doubt). Still, I think Herriman had one of my favorite lines in this episode: (paraphrased to the best of my memory) "He even addressed me as his 'First Lady'".
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:48 PM   #10
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It was a funny episode; I especially liked Bloo's antics in the classroom and his fixation on the video game. It was good to see more of Madam Foster than usual as well. But overall it was a letdown; I had been expecting and hoping for a much larger role for Frankie, one where she might get a chance to be the hero and save the day. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

Also, and this is unrelated to the episode itself, but those huge splash ads at the bottom of the screen make every episode much less enjoyable and CN needs to stop this revolting practice immediately.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 11-10-2006 at 03:49 PM.
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