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Old 05-03-2009, 04:08 PM   #21
One Radical Dude
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Another very funny episode, very close to Bad Dare Day-funny, in my opinion.

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It's clear Fluffer loves Khones, no ifs, ands, or buts about it! One of my favorite things about this episode was seeing Bloppypants here in this one. How can you not love him in this one? He went through a lot here. It was really interesting to see all these Imaginary Friends live their short-lived adopted lives. Love the "Tom and Jerry" reference with Khones, that female cat, and the woman. Did I also see a McDonald's reference in this one w/ Sam Burger (I think that was his name)?

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Old 05-03-2009, 04:14 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by One Radical Dude View Post
Another very funny episode, very close to Bad Dare Day-funny, in my opinion.

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Did I also see a McDonald's reference in this one w/ Sam Burger (I think that was his name)?

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Even the clown's name was Ronald, I think.
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Old 05-03-2009, 04:37 PM   #23
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To be honest, I was a little disappointed with this one. When I first read the description I thought the writers might use the episode to tell us what eventually became of some of the IF's last seen in older episodes, Red being the best example. Obviously that didn't happen; I think they missed a golden opportunity here. Not a bad episode, but still a bit of a letdown.

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Old 05-03-2009, 08:28 PM   #24
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Default Third time's the charm.

Out of the three of the final five I've seen, this one is the weakest of the trio but only by the slimmest or margins and there was still lots to laugh about in this one.

While I did like the concept of seeing various IF's trying to deal with new situations outside of the home and comfort zone, but the story did seem kind of rushed and the ending was very Dues Ex, but I'll give this episode one piece of credit as they put in an obscure reference that was almost as geeky as the one in Bloo Superdude...

I mean come on, an out of nowhere spot on parody of 80's pop singer Morrissey that's just genius. Writers I salute you.

Still despite all that it's still a good little episode in it's own right and a nice way to usher in the final two...(Which I'll get around to talking about after I see them.)
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Last edited by taranchula; 05-03-2009 at 08:46 PM.
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Old 05-03-2009, 10:55 PM   #25
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Hmm, the whole Eduardo getting mistaken for Sasquatch thing got me thinking. I wonder if all mythical beasts are actually imaginary friends. We've already seen a friend that could pass for the Loch Ness Monsters.
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Old 05-04-2009, 03:40 AM   #26
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A very entertaining episode, though I do agree that the ending fell kind of flat. Again, it was nice to see much of the regular cast take a backseat and give some of the more minor friends another turn in the spotlight. The lots-of-miniature-storylines approach was refreshing, and the stories themselves were all interesting, even if they did come out rather short in the end due to the somewhat unconvincing attempt to mesh them altogether into a common resolution. I guess the downside to trying to juggle so many little vignettes about for the twenty-one minute running time was that virtually none of them really had the time or space to build themselves toward a proper conclusion of their own (still, I liked that sweet little touchy-feely moment between Bloo and Ed, and the return of the - ahem, rather ineptly named - Tabby was a great touch). Highlights of this episode for me included Bloppy Pants' nightmarish voyage from profession to profession, along with further acknowledgement Jackie Khone's ongoing vendetta with Wilt. That always cracks me up for some reason.

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Old 05-04-2009, 07:21 AM   #27
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Oh another thing I did like about this episode was Bloo harping on and on about the gang dynamic being thrown off balance (And Wilt asking out loud "We're a gang?"), which is a nice little subtle nod to the fan base who always refer to the main characters as "The Foster Gang."

Oh and of course the whole auditions for a new Eduardo gag, was a nice little nod to sometimes when a cast member left a TV show instead of getting rid or replacing that character they'll just get a new actor to fill in the role. (See Bewitched or Roseanne for example.)
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Old 05-11-2009, 07:32 PM   #28
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Wow, Ed got adopted?? never saw that coming! And Bloppy got adopted too! Although poor kitty, his luck isn't very strong, is it? And Jackie's adopted by a cat, lol!!

I love Ed's trap door on his jammies. It suits him well. No pun intended. And is the coat Cye is wearing the flea infested one? What happened to the fleas?

Poor Bloppy. You can come live with me Bloppy! I'll give you lots of love and attention, and won't take advantage of you, I promise! I always liked Bloppy, but I think I like him even more after this episode.

I feel like I'm watching Tom and Jerry with the Jackie/Tabby scene. I haven't read the above posts yet but I'm sure I'm not the first to mention that, am I?

When Sam and Ronnie were on the deserted island, instead of Ronnie starting to see Sam as food, I thought of another Coco being created.

Goodness, Ed's being mistaken for a Sasquatch? Oh my... And Bloppy's a hero!! Yay!! kwereallyneedaBloppyPantssmilienow:

I really liked this one too, although there's some loose ends. Like how exactly did Bloppy do that? Being capable of doing "miracles" doesn't quite cut it for me.
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Old 12-30-2009, 03:35 AM   #29
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Rob Renzetti is one of my favorite Fosters writers (his episodes are usually fresh, detailed, and rarely feel like any minutes go to waste), and he has delivered again with this episode. The ending wasn't perfect (I was happy for Ed in his new home), but perhaps it is more about the journey than the destination.

There was plenty going on in this episode, from Bloo holding auditions for a new Ed, the Tom and Jerry-style battle with , and the adventures of Bloppy Pants! He was with an Italian family, collage students, the stock market, a bullring, working in a diner (so many orders!) and with a trucker (his face was priceless!)

The biggest surprise for me was the Morressy reference- I know this show has had many pop-culture joke that children would ever get- but Morressy? He is one of the UK's most popular and influential musicians alive (famous for his songs with very dark subject matter), but I thought he was unknown in the States- I wonder what kid imagined him?

I saw a thread for this episode on Toonzone, and one poster suggests the Cat's blue and green eyes, and pink bow, are meant to represent the PPGs- do you agree?
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Old 01-02-2010, 11:56 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Another Castle View Post
The biggest surprise for me was the Morressy reference- I know this show has had many pop-culture joke that children would ever get- but Morressy? He is one of the UK's most popular and influential musicians alive (famous for his songs with very dark subject matter), but I thought he was unknown in the States- I wonder what kid imagined him?
Oh no, he's certainly not unheard of. He's likely not as popular over here as he is in Europe, but I think most people have at least heard the name. And it doesn't surprise me that folks working on cartoons and into artsy stuff would be into his music too. Simply because he's different.

Originally Posted by Another Castle View Post
I saw a thread for this episode on Toonzone, and one poster suggests the Cat's blue and green eyes, and pink bow, are meant to represent the PPGs- do you agree?
Huh, I never noticed that. But yes, that's probably the case. Craig has a way of sneaking references to his one show in the other. He sneaks Foster's stuff into PPG now and then, too. It's always fun to catch.
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